
9 Decks, 85 Comments, 0 Reputation

Figure of Destiny should be main board. You need more than 20 lands! Godhead of Awe seems useless. You should probably run 4 finks main board, and same with plumeveil. I would probably drop unmake, you have plenty of removal. I would probably go down to 2 elspeth's as well.

Posted 20 May 2009 at 14:54 as a comment on Mono-white Control


P.S. you need a completely new sideboard.

Posted 20 May 2009 at 14:51 as a comment on BRG standard


This deck is trying to do too much at once. Thought-seize is good turn one but you can't play it turn 1. I would probably drop it to side board. Anathemancer will rape you... 4 broodmates is probably a bit much, especially because you have absolutely no ramp! Putrid leech isn't that good, but a lot of people seem to like it so w.e. Makeshift manequin is good, but its not that good here. Check out my bloodbraid aggro deck for ideas, seeing as its a very similar to this one.

Posted 20 May 2009 at 14:50 as a comment on BRG standard


I think this deck is done. More comments are welcome, but mostly i just want to see people rating the deck and seeing if they can beat it! Made some changes, I think they are good. If you want some justifications for any of the cards in here let me know.

Posted 20 May 2009 at 14:30 as a comment on Bloodbraid Aggro


-4 aquitects will
+3 lands
+4 broken ambitions or some other counter spell
-1 Sygg, River Guide
-1 path
-1 condemn

Posted 20 May 2009 at 14:26 as a comment on Fishy Aggro


okay, you need a better source of goblins. You also don't need that many dragons, I woud say pick a few. You probably only need 4-5 total. I woud add cheap goblins like raging goblin and mogg fanatic. Like I said before, I woud definitely add some goblin assaults to really try and get your goblin base going. I think earwig squad is good in a goblin deck, but when the purpose of your goblins is to be food for dragons, I wouldn't use such a strong goblin. seems like a waste. I would also drop rage reflection. Too expensive and you don't need it. I think adding 2 more voracious dragons, and maybe dropping the broodmates, knollspine and spellbound dragons. Siege-gang would be good here if you can get him. Drop the crucible of fires. They are too expensive, and not really worth it. Dragons are huge anyway. If you have dragons out, you should win, regardless of the crucibles. there are other cards you would rather have.

Posted 20 May 2009 at 09:30 as a comment on Dragons and Goblins (finished-ish)


The reason I liked trace is because it is multicolored, but I didn't think about the garruk thing. I have found my self siding out the siege-gangs quite a bit, and the colossus is in there because he is a big creature that I can poor mana into. Yea he is vulnerable to path and condemn, but I like that he is immune to terror/terminate. not sure what I would put in instead of colossus. I also liked that he could be cascaded with bituminous... any suggestions?

Posted 19 May 2009 at 00:03 as a comment on Bloodbraid Aggro


Check out my aggro deck for tips and ideas.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 15:17 as a comment on Persistent Bastard


For an aggro deck, why are you using vivids? More pain lands and filter lands and even more basics are better.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 15:16 as a comment on Persistent Bastard


Lol.... absolutely not. Not only does it give me mana ramp, but it is a 2 drop that powers up jund hackblade...I mean, if i drop a birds first turn, and have another land second turn, I can drop it on a land and drop the hack blade 2nd turn, and swing for 3. Then 3rd turn I have 5 mana (assuming I don't miss a land drop) and I can drop bloodbraid or seigegang, or pretty much what ever I have in my hand. Its actually pretty amazing.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 15:09 as a comment on Bloodbraid Aggro


you have no spot removal, and only a few counter spells. I doubt that it will be enough considering you have no draw power in this deck. I don't know how fast you could mill someone with this deck, but it seems like any aggro deck that can kill someone turn 4 or 5 would have no problem with you. Similarly a control deck might have problems, but with a few extra negates, and maybe even a swerve or two, I think they would be fine. Anyway, aggro will rape this deck unless you add spot removal and mass removal.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 11:50 as a comment on bruise milling


Tokens don't go to the graveyard, so bitterblossom doesn't interact with kresh at all! The only thing that will interact is bitterblossom and dragon broodmother. Scarland thrinax will allso interact well with all the tokens, but Kresh seems pretty useless in this deck. By the time you get him out most of your creatures will either be gone or tokens.

Posted 18 May 2009 at 11:43 as a comment on Kresh, Faerie Eater


I would suggest more land, mana ramp, and no vivid lands. Also, if you want to play white, add some white mana. Im sure you must have some of those alara tap lands or something. Anyway, You might also want to add glorious anthem or some other 3mana enchantment besides mighty emergence to beef your creatures. I would aso get rid of primitive etchings, there are better things you can play.

On the subject of my deck, apparently when you play a spell with cascade, the spell goes on the stack, then the cascade ability hits it after, regardless of whether the original spell gets countered. This means that the cascaded spell resolves first, and then the original spell (if it even resolves at all). There is a period when both spells are on the stack, which is why they made that double counter spell to counter both the original and cascaded spell. Anyway, Its pretty kool with bloodbraid elf to cascade volcanic fallout because it essentially clears the board before it comes into play...lol. Anyway, I am working on a new deck with cascade, check it out!

Posted 18 May 2009 at 09:46 as a comment on Humongous Amongus


p.s. please comment on my cascade control deck!

Posted 15 May 2009 at 02:11 as a comment on Pass the Phage prototype (Multiplayer fun)


I think this combo might be banned in multiplayer because I think it starts an infinite loop to win you the game. I mean, you literally lose the game as an instant! And I think when that happens their turn ends, and you get the card going to your graveyard again, triggering endless whispers. So yea I can't see this being legal, but if it is its quite retarded. Im not sure who would get to chose though after a player loses because they loose, and then it goes to your graveyard. I don't think that that player gets to choose in which case either you get to choose, or the combo ends. You might want to check with a real judge, but depending on how the triggers hit the stack, and what the exact rulings are with a player losing the game, and still getting to make certain decisions...I am not completely sure. If it works the way you think it does then...lol

Posted 15 May 2009 at 02:09 as a comment on Pass the Phage prototype (Multiplayer fun)



Posted 15 May 2009 at 01:55 as a comment on Faerie & Merfolk Mill


BTW, how does cascade work with evoke costs? Can I cascase an evoked cloudthresher or evoked mulldrifter with bituminous blast or bloodbraid elf?

Posted 15 May 2009 at 01:52 as a comment on Cascade Control


One thing Im starting to notice is that volcanic fallout often gets cascaded, and I end up not playing it. So I usually end up loosing a card that I would otherwise find helpful if I didn't have to play it then. I think wrath might be a better option since its cc4, but I think there are too many cards in that sot as it is. I must say though, I got maelstrom nexus out turn 5 once (cost me like 6 life to do considering I couldn't do anything to stop a pretty large attack) and managed to play cloudthresher killing like 5 tiny flyers, cascaded a bituminous blast, killed his last creature, cascading into an esper charm to empty his hand. It was the most rediculous turn I have ever seen with this deck. I did cascade cruel ultimatum once, but that just got me a remove soul...lol. Anyway, I might change the fallout thing because it doesn't work with bloodbraid elf very well. Any thoughts?

Posted 15 May 2009 at 01:50 as a comment on Cascade Control


It would be really hillarious though to see a deck loose 20 cards on turn 4. Especially because there is only 20 lands, you are likely to miss a land drop. LOL

Posted 15 May 2009 at 00:43 as a comment on Rat Race


Posted 15 May 2009 at 00:42 as a comment on Rat Race


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