
95 Decks, 309 Comments, 132 Reputation

Looks like a pretty good start, just one thing, if you are utilizing Dark Deal then Deleve spells become very strong. Tasigur is just one that would jump right in!
oh, Mutilate should be in every SB that plays Urborg main...

Posted 15 February 2015 at 16:56 in reply to #531448 on Mornsong Control


Yea, seems like a slight over reaction if Rhino, (Butcher?), is all that it is there for.

Posted 11 February 2015 at 00:36 in reply to #535028 on Sultai standard


That is awesome! Was wondering tho, why Disdainful over Negate in the main? Seems more important to protect the Super friends then any creature that might be scary...

Posted 11 February 2015 at 00:03 in reply to #535028 on Sultai standard


You need to look into Monastery Siege. I know it is another 3 drop but man o' man that card is just begging to be abused!

Posted 10 February 2015 at 01:23 as a comment on Modern Assault Gifts


Added Monastery Siege that does a lot of things for this deck but also lets me chuck Dark Deal, (or any "dead" card), if opponent is already in top deck mode. So far I'm loving it!

Posted 10 February 2015 at 01:03 in reply to #534019 on Waste Not the Dark Deal


Agree about Tas and the only decktype that I can think of that will not use him is UB or Sultai Super friends creature free control... (hint, hint)

Posted 09 February 2015 at 17:13 in reply to #534703 on Sultai standard


Tas is nuts and needs to be in the main.
Something I have not seen yet but has to be tried out is Monastery Siege in a delve happy deck!

Posted 09 February 2015 at 16:39 as a comment on Sultai standard


Agree on the land base, added 1 more Island to test out Ashiok main deck. There is just no way I'm letting my opponent draw cards for free so that idea is out. Like Aetherspout as a sideboard option though, thanks!

Posted 08 February 2015 at 17:14 in reply to #534019 on Waste Not the Dark Deal


That is kinda the power of Dark Deal, especially in Standard nowadays with all the midrange decks that spend their first few turns fixing mana and prepping to drop bombs on turn 4.
A turn 3 Dark Deal thrashes all that prep and planning and gives them a random hand with 1 less card in it, can be immensely destructive by itself and add Waste Not and a way to benefit from the ever growing graveyard to the mix and it can get out of hand surprisingly quick.

Early testing shows some inconsistency but further tweaking should likely help with that. The land base seems off and I keep wishing Duress was available for an additional 1 drop...
Post a link to your version and we can bounce ideas back and forth as we do more testing.

Posted 02 February 2015 at 23:23 in reply to #533367 on Waste Not the Dark Deal


Thanks, I think Dark Deal is what Waste Not has been missing all this time but only playtesting will tell...

Posted 02 February 2015 at 20:56 in reply to #533367 on Waste Not the Dark Deal


Hehe, did not mean it that way. Just saying it should rock in here.
I'm playing 3 in a UR Robots build and I love it every time I draw one, it gives me such an advantage against other decks that dont play it that it is not even funny.

Posted 01 February 2015 at 02:33 in reply to #531485 on Shu Yun, the silent Tem"PEST"!


That is shocking considering you have 15 instants and 19 creatures, dont anyone you play against use removal? ;)
That said, fetch lands work great with Cruise...

Posted 28 January 2015 at 07:07 in reply to #531485 on Shu Yun, the silent Tem"PEST"!


You will probably only need/want 2 Elementals so trim 1 Shaman and 1 Keranos, (playtest to make sure it works).
Cruise is a little more iffy. I'd definitely play 2 of 'em but 3 might be better to ensure 1 in hand when you can take the greatest advantage of it. Try dumping the 2 Slash for now and see how it runs, adding more later if you don't pull it often enough should be relatively easy when you have playtested and know what works great and what not so much...

Posted 25 January 2015 at 22:49 in reply to #531485 on Shu Yun, the silent Tem"PEST"!


True, but not the reason you would play the Elemental in here. It taps down every potential blocker for Seeker, Shu Yun and Swiftspear so they can deal lots of Prowess damage, it eats opposing Mantis Riders, blocks Siege Rhinos all day, it is a flier that sneaks under Elspeth's sweeper effect, it survives Stoke the Flames and is easily splashable. So you cant buy it back from exile, boo frikkin hoo...

BTW: Treasure Cruise is a must in here with all the Prowess guys you have.
Dream Example: Cast Cruise for cheap dumping your graveyard, draw more fuel before you swing with your prowess guys, cast another prowess trigger and activate the Shaman's ferocious trigger drawing even more cards, (not to mention all those +1 /+1 counters if a Torrent Elemental was part of the attack)...

Posted 25 January 2015 at 15:55 in reply to #531485 on Shu Yun, the silent Tem"PEST"!


Ideas for a combo control build based on your colors and cards already included in deck:

Ok, so Maralen prevents card draw but lets everybody tutor every turn. Any instant speed discard becomes extremely powerful in that scenario = Funeral Charm.
To get full advantage of the no draw clause you'll likely want them to dump their entire hand as soon as possible = Dark Deal witch leads to = Waste Not to gain even more advantage of that massive discard.

Working around the no draw for yourself can not include include Dredge, (no draw means no dredge), but as you already have thought of Life from the Loam, how about pairing that up with = Seismic Assault to deal some serious damage and at the same time get the benefit of making whatever critter they have in play puny with Everlasting Torment.

I get that you wanted to protect your own guys from Torment with Melira but how about adding some Persist critters like = Kitchen Finks and = Murderous Redcap and a sack outlet like = Viscera Seer to take full advantage of her.

Maralen version dream draw: T-1 Black land + Inquisition (picking off their next play), T-2 land + Waste Not, T-3 land + Dark Deal having Waste Not make Zombies, give you card draw and generate more mana to play those cards, (Read Maralen and discard spells).

Playing all these ideas in one deck is likely not going to work out to well but there should be enough avenues listed above to keep you busy playtesting for a while...

Posted 25 January 2015 at 15:17 in reply to #531448 on Mornsong Control


No Treasure Cruise? No Torrent Elemental? No Lightning Strike? No Shaman of the Great Hunt?
Ordeal is junk, Palm is VERY conditional and sits around in your hand a lot, Stoke is tough with the critter base you have and Wold Slash is just Shock with an irrelevant ability, (NOBODY plays Fog effects).

Posted 25 January 2015 at 00:37 as a comment on Shu Yun, the silent Tem"PEST"!


Could not agree more.
Because you are trying to hit pretty much every avenue available to your colors it is really hard to give you advice on what to do. Unfocused decks like this are like talking to someone with ADD that are on crack. It is next to impossible to interject anything constructive when the main subject changes every 5 seconds.

I'd be happy to help you out with this when it is a little more focused and you can explain in the comments what it is you are trying to achieve with the deck...

Posted 25 January 2015 at 00:10 in reply to #531448 on Mornsong Control


Can't see making this without Blue and Dig Through Time...?

Posted 24 January 2015 at 22:00 as a comment on Standard Discard


Mana Tithe does not really fit as this is as far from a control deck as you can get. If you worry about protecting your guys then run Brave the Elements as it can be used offensively as well.

Mirror Entity seems far too cute by far when you could use that slot for 1 more Elspeth or even better to load up on the powerhouse Knight of the Reliquary.

You are also going to need some maindeck graveyard hate in here to deal with Snaps and the like. I know they are not Knights but Dryad Millitant and/or Scavenging Ooze fits that bill and are damn good critters to boot.

Sejiri Steppe slows you down a bit and with an ability that is only sometimes useful and a complete dud if you are playing BtE. Maybe look into lands like Gavony Township, Ghost Quarter or other utility lands KotR can got get you.

Posted 20 January 2015 at 01:38 as a comment on modern something with knights


Dont forget that in Blue you also have the new monster Treasure Cruise available!

Posted 19 January 2015 at 11:52 in reply to #529545 on B/G INFECT [pauper]


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