
24 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

I love this deck! Very imaginative, and it looks like you really know your stuff.

Two questions:
It seems to me that this deck HAS TO go off in the first 3 or 4 turns, because otherwise you might just get killed off by agro, discard, or counter spells. I found that there was a frustrating number of draws that didn't quite pull together the needed resources. Is there any faster way to get Undercity Informer into hand and into play? A good chunk of the deck is centered around getting those 3 black mana.
Could the downside of including a few land, be balanced by having a blink effect on the Informer to reuse his effect?

My second issue/question is the price of the deck. Let's face it, this is a deck that you can pull out once or twice for the "wow" factor, but if you use it on your friends too often, they won't be your friends for long. After all, winning isn't always the ultimate goal in playing mtg, having fun is, and that means games that last about 5-10 rounds.
Again if there was a way to do it with a few land, it would remove the need for the two most expensive cards.
(although I admit that those 2 are so useful that you could just rotate them into another deck when bored of this one.)

I wish I knew my cards as well as it seems that you do. Perhaps something along the above lines will jump into your head.

Posted 12 December 2013 at 06:36 as a comment on oops, all spells...T1win


Hey I'm new to the site. Getting back into mtg after a gap while doing drab irl stuff like raising a family.

Trying to get better at making decks for multiplayer.
Could you please tell me your favorite / most effective decks for multiplayer?

Impressive deck list!
Btw, I couldn't see a way to text directly, so I went with a comment.


Posted 13 November 2013 at 01:08 as a comment on Stacking Reflections
