
169 Decks, 175 Comments, 9 Reputation

The probe has been verry helpful in card draw and to know what i need to look out for so i love them in this build. as for teh stonehorn 2 does seem to much. i think hero of blade hold as the second one would be best and side the other. The video was very helpfull but i found that this deck is verry effective even without the pod.

What would you suggest for a good spell to replace the beast within. While it is a little on the expensive side for me it has proven to be rather effective is i have a major problem with some artifact or enchantment. Such as if the o-ring my pod i can respond with beast within it. while it will give them a 3/3 token i will take that if it gives me my pod back.

I have been toying with the same idea to add anouther titan in but i simply do not see the space. what would you suggest to take out?

Posted 07 August 2011 at 00:18 in reply to #188889 on G/W Birthing Pod


So im not 100% sure of this but if you reverberate the goblin grenade then you would have to sack an additional goblin to the copy of the spell. Might want to check on that cuz like i said not 100% sure.

Posted 31 July 2011 at 00:55 as a comment on Go long Ill throw a grenade.


Actualy with zombie infestation you simply discard 2 cards from your hand and you then get 2 2/2 zombie tokens. So that is your earlly gave protection.

Posted 29 July 2011 at 00:40 in reply to #186222 on B/U Zombies


You might want to think of culling dias so that when you take contol of your opp's creature you are not giving it back to them at the end or their turn. also you are running 26 lands way to much for a mono color deck. i would say max of 21 land. and even that is iffy. When i do mono color i run right at 20 and that is with fetch lands.

Posted 28 July 2011 at 02:39 as a comment on BETRAYED!



please comment need some opinions of new deck idea.

Posted 25 July 2011 at 06:08 as a comment on ADVERTISE!!!!


Posted 24 July 2011 at 02:45 as a comment on ADVERTISE!!!!


Oh yeah i completly missed that. I forgot you could do any color with food chain.

Posted 24 July 2011 at 01:05 in reply to #183709 on Food Chain Om Nom Nom


So i dont know if im missing something but am i right in seeing that your only black mana source is from your birds?

Other than that seems like an amazingly exicuted concept.

Posted 22 July 2011 at 02:26 as a comment on Food Chain Om Nom Nom


You really might want to think about draw power. I would highly suggest ponder and preordain, bc at your current build you are looking for all three peices in hand of to top deck them.

Posted 17 July 2011 at 00:46 as a comment on A Poor Man's Empire


Also i think you have too much kill and not enough counter. Might want to think about main boarding either doom blad or go for the throat not both at the same time. Also might want to think about some draw power, like gletaxian probe or maybe even spreading sees, and deff add preordain.

-1 doom blade and geths verdict
-3 go for the throat
-3 inquisition of kozilek

+3 duress
+ 1 mana leak
+ 4 Preordain

Posted 15 May 2011 at 03:17 in reply to #162543 on Blue/Black Control NPH


i would go with Wormcoil engine as opposed to Massacre Wurm. But other than that looks realy good.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 03:09 as a comment on Blue/Black Control NPH


THis is my Oblitorator deck. I like it bc there is a nice little combo with bloodghast into liliana's spector with birth pod and then pull out your oblitorator. Plus with bloodghast he never really dies and you get to keep the presure on them.

Please comment.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 00:29 as a comment on Mono B Obliteration


My favorit swamp card.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 00:22 as a comment on Best MTG Art?


i like your build but i would run ratched bomb over brittle effigy.

Posted 14 May 2011 at 22:58 as a comment on U/B Control- Standard


You can not shape anew into carn or any of your other plains walkers. The only thing you would shape anew into woudl be the spine.

Posted 13 May 2011 at 00:51 as a comment on Bant Vindicate


Actualy the high number of fetch lands is for the bloodghast since it is basicaly the main peice that will be sacked to birthing pod and then play a land or pop a fetch and bam you lost nothing but gained a creature for 1 mana and 2 life. which is Suicide black.

Posted 12 May 2011 at 02:07 in reply to #161480 on Suicide Balck Standard


All of your cards already have infect so tainted strik is kind of point less. I would add vampires bite in place of it.

Posted 12 May 2011 at 01:45 as a comment on Blighted Agent


Master of etherium

Posted 11 May 2011 at 23:47 as a comment on LORD CARDS [NOT A DECK]


I agree with Sure Death Baron has to be my favorit zombie lord. And he is most certianly best. Just check out this deck.

Posted 11 May 2011 at 23:45 in reply to #161551 on LORD CARDS [NOT A DECK]


Is Miserable a good thing? Bc i just like the card so many combos that i can think of. EX i sac bloodghast to it pull out a liliana's spector they discard, play a land and have bloodghast come back into play. Then you can sac the liliana's spector and pull out a Oblitorator, i think that is pretty sick.

Posted 11 May 2011 at 23:36 in reply to #161481 on Suicide Balck Standard


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