
24 Decks, 37 Comments, 3 Reputation

Thanks for the comments, but I think Faithless Looting isn't actually very good in this build, because it actually ends with you having fewer cards in hand than before you played it. Also, my curve is so incredibly low that I can't support any evolving wilds, and ghost quarter might be iffy too. You absolutely must be able to play something on turn 1 in this build, whether it's delver, ponder, or a gut shot to their turn 1 delver. I think the changes I'll make are:

-1 island, -1 mountain, +2 ghost quarter. -2 geistflame, +2 gut shot.

P.S.: the Red Sun's Zeniths are good because they actually exile the creature that you kill with them. I can see the argument for devil's plays though, since 2x fireball to the face will win a lot of late game situations.

Posted 15 February 2012 at 11:22 in reply to #234746 on R/U Delver Pike


They're there to thin the deck so you get fewer land drops later on into the game. You might have a point though; they do keep you off of tempo. I'm going to leave them for now, but strongly consider getting rid of them soon.

Posted 04 February 2012 at 02:48 in reply to #232089 on mono black


Wolf Run with Primordial Hydras

UW Planeswalker control

Bant Humans & tokens

Posted 11 December 2011 at 09:03 as a comment on ADVERTISE 2!!!


Delvers are good, but they aren't as good here because you're only running 6 instants/sorceries. I'd swap them our for some (sword)equipment or mirran crusaders.

Posted 14 November 2011 at 11:15 as a comment on humans


The general idea is to block with a clone shell, but that works too. I'll make that change.

Posted 05 November 2011 at 22:53 in reply to #212332 on Cheating Praetors


-1 Noble, +1 Rage thrower. You want the Rage Thrower more because it does more direct damage.

Also, if you want this to be standard take out the Phyrexian Ragers and put in another creature of some kind. I'd recommend Stormkirk Nobles if you can find them since they work as an alternate win con, especially against Humans decks.

Posted 04 November 2011 at 23:02 as a comment on R/B Nuclear Bomb


Thanks. Any particular suggestions in the meantime?

Posted 31 October 2011 at 21:53 in reply to #210904 on F U combos


Quicksilver amulet isn't adding anything to this deck. Consider replacing with +1 ponder, +1 Oblivion Ring, +2 Doomed Traveler (I like it because it adds redundancy to the cards you draw, and both it and its token can carry the sword)

Posted 01 October 2011 at 09:36 as a comment on UW Funtime with Swords


Reduce the forests to 16, +4 Lead the Stampede, -4 fog, +1 Elvish Archdruid, +1 Llananwar, +2 Genesis Wave (for all the extra mana in your deck - it's pretty much an instant win at that point). I'd also put in 2-3 Ezuri somehow.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 04:30 as a comment on Elvish DESTRUCTION!


You need about 5 less lands for this low mana curve.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 06:45 as a comment on "Glass Cannon"


I mean like Marsh Flats - Zendikar rare lands.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 06:44 in reply to #195621 on Mono-Pwn


Really interesting use of the classic sword. My concern is that you have a pretty low land count, no real way to deal with a DoJ on turn 4, and no real card advantage engine. Awesome deck otherwise!

Posted 03 September 2011 at 19:36 as a comment on Soul Blade


It doesn't need the Unholy Strengths. I'd switch them for some Duresses. Also, the strength of Vault Skirge is that it's a cheap artifact for tempered steel; you're not getting good value out of its place in this deck, unless you want it as just a lashwrithe holder. Also, if you're flush with money, go out and buy a playset of fetch lands; they help you thin your library so you draw fewer swamps when you need to draw a finisher card. Maybe Grave Titan? Curving out at 4 almost completely hurts you a little bit.

Posted 26 August 2011 at 08:26 as a comment on Mono-Pwn


There are a ton of good cards in here, but it seems scattered. I don't think the Lodestone Golems or the borderposts have any place in the deck that really helps you out. I also think that you have far too many counters and not enough other card advantage like preordain or ponder. I'd make three changes right away: replace the boarderposts with Seachrome Coasts, replace the cancels with Mana Leaks, and replace the main deck Negates/Essense Scatters with Preordains.

Posted 23 August 2011 at 20:32 as a comment on Blue/White Jace


Wooooo check out my Glissa/Tezzeret control deck if you get the chance. I'd be delighted to hear any comments you have.


Posted 21 August 2011 at 09:25 as a comment on ADVERTISE!!!!


A good friend of mine put together an awesome version of the infinite turns combo with Sharding Sphinx. It makes the whole combo easier to set up, since you can use the thopter tokens to create more thopters each turn. The disciples make it a much quicker win condiition though; it seems like a great deck!

Posted 21 August 2011 at 09:15 as a comment on Speed Time Sieve


I like Phyrexian Metamorph over Clone.

Posted 21 August 2011 at 09:09 as a comment on mill deck


Really neat use of Venser here. I especially like the mortarpod symbiosis. I'd throw in Day of Judgement, dismember, Timely reinforcements, and Grand Abolisher in the sideboard to deal with aggro, RDW, and control matchups. Maybe Mental Misstep to deal with the despises/duresses of the world, but that's iffy. Maybe Sun Titan too; you might want some kind of bomb to round out your curve at 6. Might not need it though. Hope this helps!

Posted 21 August 2011 at 09:06 as a comment on Venser Steel


It seems you do not understand Birthing Pod. It can be used only when you could play a sorcery, if you had one. Such times are during your main phases when there is nothing on the stack already. It doesn't mean that you can use it only when you otherwise have a sorcery you can cast.

Posted 21 August 2011 at 08:49 in reply to #194364 on Better than Sex: Tits and Pastries.


Also, you have a low mana count, even with the Palladium Myrs. I'd go up to 22/23 with Marsh Flats and Akoum Refuges, which you can also take out a couple plains for if you want to.

Also, I reconsidered, and you can keep the Transcendent Masters since you have such a large amount of ways to slow down your opponent. But consider your mana curve and look for a couple things to do on turn 1. Maybe Pride Guardian?

Posted 20 August 2011 at 03:40 in reply to #194065 on Transcendent Angels


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