
1 Deck, 5 Comments, 0 Reputation

Oh, yeah;

I normally have chalices up and running by the time I get him out, so I wait until they either have no mana or I have 2 blue, 2 colorless ready for a counter spell. The colorless is so we can scram if something gets past my counterspells. I also draw out those kinds of things quickly. I mean, you can hit the 15/15 arcbound worker who's killing one of your guys a turn, or you can hit the newly arrived pentavus, that sort of thing.

Posted 10 July 2011 at 09:02 as a comment on Artifact blue, Tezzeret the Seeker; Counter pumper


That's a really good idea; I think I might end up buying it again. (My local source of singles, the only one I have access to, effectively would cost me about 30 something AUS, whereas the deck will only cost me 40, and that includes Elspeth, Angel of Salvation, etc) I'd still need to get additional Seats of the Synod and Darksteel Citadels.

I don't think you can fetch chalices with Tezzeret, as you lose the kicker; and even if you do I don't really think it matters. I'm tempted to start making him a toolbox...

Yeah, I pulled the Argivinian restoration trick off as well. You also are forced to discard at the end of your turn if you've got >7 cards so getting rid of Pentavus, etc, isn't too hard.

Did another test with this today; finished my opponent on turn 7 with 5 13/13 pentavites. With this deck, if you can get out 2 steel overseers + a throne of geth and tezzeret, the creatures just get incredibly powerful.

Posted 09 July 2011 at 08:30 as a comment on Artifact blue, Tezzeret the Seeker; Counter pumper


The deck evolved in a way out of Tezz's deck, yes, but it's changed a lot in focus from... not much focus to a focus on counters.

Voltiac Key has apparently gone down in price, so I'll look at putting it in. Recently I've been really thinking about ways to use Tezz's second power, since I nearly always end up just untapping two artifacts (normally overseers) for greater win. Is Ring of Brighthearth standard?

Did some playtesting against a friend's cawblade today; managed to pull a win at the last moment with a nova-triskelion. Essentially the brute force ramping of this deck is what kept it in the game; only just; I'm going to tinker with some Trinket Mages and other fetches for some utility artifacts, then look into shifting Tezzeret's focus from untapping (leaving that to Voltiac Key) to fetching and swarm crushing.

Oh, and I think we can both agree that Elspeth's deck was the stronger of the two. ;)

Posted 07 July 2011 at 08:45 in reply to #177923 on Artifact blue, Tezzeret the Seeker; Counter pumper


You don't need Day of Judgement, just get some other removal like Swords to Plowshares. Other than that, looks really cool... and expensive, but hey.

Perhaps look into some Myr for mana or Coretapper (If it's Standard legal, I can't remember); Cartographer is too expensive and you may find yourself half dead by the time you get your first angel out.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 09:48 as a comment on Big White


All your creatures are too weak by base and cost too much mana; 3 mana/2 Mana and 2 Life for a 3/1 First strike is... terrible, IMHO.

Dispense Justice needs to be in here. You need removal.

Try for a better mana to stuff ratio. I.e. Etched Champion.

Posted 06 July 2011 at 09:22 as a comment on FNM Fail Why?
