
178 Decks, 133 Comments, 4 Reputation

I would, but I just need more goblins, although that is a very good spell for reach. I just think I can't make room for it and that I would rather have more creatures (or at least tribal instant/sorceries).

Posted 21 April 2013 at 21:47 in reply to #343247 on [Legacy] Goblins v2


It's an interesting concept, but why have Truesilver Paladin? Your other creatures seem to be EOT and work well with your wrath (even your one planeswalker), but that guy just dies and he's underwhelming. Think of maybe taking him out, adding some Boros Reckoners, and some Izzet/Boros charms along with Blasphemous Act. Not sure if a deck with Vexing Devil and Spark Trooper wants controlling cards like Syncopate and Think Twice.

Posted 20 April 2013 at 18:42 as a comment on Standard American


Nvm you were right, Krenko's beast.

Posted 19 April 2013 at 00:37 in reply to #337360 on [Modern] Goblins


If I ever do find that I need another Mountain, I'll cut Legion Loyalist or a 4th Mog War Marshall.

Posted 16 April 2013 at 21:54 as a comment on [Legacy] Goblins v1


Yeah, I ran a one of to see how much it mattered and goldfished with it a bit. It's interesting, but since the norm is 23, I'll run 21 because -1 for not running any fetches and -1 for no Wastes. Although obviously I would prefer to run those cards if I had the money, but the upside is just not enough for me to make such a big investment. Plus, this way I don't get stifled or fuel enemy Deathrite Shamans. Minor, but could be relevant.

Do you have a Goblin list on any website?

Posted 16 April 2013 at 21:42 in reply to #342031 on [Legacy] Goblins v1



But don't you believe I should be playing less lands than the average Goblin deck? I know they usually play 23, but that's because they have fetch lands (that thin your deck's lands) and Wastelands (which are intended to be destroyed). With only having Mountains, I don't see the need for many lands. As long as I have one land and a Aether Vial, it's usually a keep anyways. Flooding's the worst.

Posted 16 April 2013 at 18:11 as a comment on [Legacy] Goblins v1


Like I said in the description, they're rather expensive. If I were to go all out, there would be some splashes in here too like Tin Street Hooligan, but I'm sort of making this deck to avoid buying legacy lands.

The Legion Loyalist is mostly in there for Goblin Piledriver; it's pretty nuts. Also sometimes the first strike is super relevant. Why don't you like the amount of 1-ofs? Mogg Fanatic may be rather bad, as he was the last card I added in the deck, but I can see him being relevant. I like having a whole bunch of options with your Matrons, and it's not like I'm sacrificing much.

As for the number of lands, so far it's been fine, but I may just cut a Mogg Fanatic for a Mountain. Definite work in progress.

Posted 15 April 2013 at 07:39 in reply to #341509 on [Legacy] Goblins v1



Took out Damnation for Slagstorm (or Pyroclasm, unsure). Wraths are usually good in decks with not much removal, but I run things like Smallpox and Liliana, meaning that I can make them sacrifice their big guys. I'm pretty sure anyone can measure the ups and downs of Slagstorm and Pyroclasm is a vacuum, but I'm trying to figure it out specifically in this deck.

What's nice about Pyroclasm is that it's very quick and leaves me open to play a turn 3 Liliana or Lingering Souls. Obvious downside is not being able to hit 3 toughness creatures; I'm not too concerned about it being able to burn someone in the face.

Slagstorm is also at a convenient cost because I can play it turn 3 and leave the board clear to drop my game winning turn 4 Planeswalkers (as nice as Liliana is, it's usually not the PW that won me the game).

I'm leaning towards Slagstorm just because it seems like it will do a lot more, but I could be wrong. Definitely requires play-testing.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 06:38 as a comment on [Modern] LD Planeswalker Ctrl


Thanks for the kind words.

Vial/Goblins is definitely a problem, hence the 4 Timely Reinforcements. This deck seems to do best against midrangey. Combo is also really good if you draw the right part of the deck. Control is pretty good too, but a super fast aggro start is hard to beat. The sideboard mainly gears to those match ups; even the whole land death theme isn't very good versus those. Sometimes you can punish their greedy keep of one land or something, but I don't think that's reliable enough logic to win by. Bonfire and Engineered Plague are pretty interesting.

And yes, Urborg allows all of your lands to tap for black, and is considered a Swamp. It's mainly in the deck for the turn 1 Urborg, turn 2 Flagstones + Smallpox punch. And yeah, your logic is correct, provided it says that. Also, it's nice having a land that can tap for all 3 of your colors (Urborg + Sacred Foundry).

Posted 04 April 2013 at 02:37 in reply to #338381 on [Modern] LD Planeswalker Ctrl



Yeah, you're right. I won't deny Thoughtseize is better, but paying 60 extra dollars (each) for a very similar effect seems very steep. The shock isn't usually too relevant.

As for going up on Damnations and down on Lilianas, it's a valid criticism, but I found I always want to draw a Liliana when playing this deck. If I draw too many, her +1 takes care of that as well. Given, you can use the same argument for Damnation (Liliana +1 can take care of the extras, if it's a blank). Not only does the +1 barely affect you, I found it's especially useful with a land death deck because they usually discard spells; their lands are too precious. I'll tweak as I play test it, and I feel I need more sweeps, that's what I'll probably do.

Posted 04 April 2013 at 02:31 as a comment on [Modern] LD Planeswalker Ctrl


I like how there's a wolf on the new Dissipate art. Clutch.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 22:27 as a comment on Werewolf Control?


By expensive, I'm assuming you mean the price of it cause the mana curve is quite low.

And what you mean more good multi-colored lands? I think all of them are fairly good. I haven't found a need for more shock lands, really, if that's what you're talking about. Would rather have Blackcleave Cliffs to preserve my life total.

I'm probably going to run Duress instead of Thoughtseize as well just because I just recently found out that they're $60 each. And Thoughtseize is not strictly better versus aggro, so that's nice. I'll keep the Thoughtseize in here because this isn't the budget version, just the best one.

Posted 03 April 2013 at 22:26 in reply to #338340 on [Modern] LD Planeswalker Ctrl


Krenko's way too slow. As is, I wish I had more one drops; I don't think I can fit a 4 drop that needs to untap to be good. That being said, if you do untap with him he takes over the game.

Hellraiser Goblin is a huge risk cause it attacks every turn. I would consider it more if my curve was higher, but as is, being stuck on 2 lands and then drawing a 3rd to play a Hellraiser Goblin isn't too good; and I don't want to suicide my goblins when it's a bad attack.

Skinbrand Goblin would be a Goblin Piker most of the time.

Warren Instigator was almost an add, but didn't make the cute. I feel like having the tokens is a better choice. Instigator gives a clear choice for the opponent's removal and doens't have quite as many synergies as the Dragon Fodders do. If I did go the Warren Instigator out, I would take out the Dragon Fodders and add him along with Goblin War Marshall, which may be better. Have to test the deck more.

Posted 31 March 2013 at 10:06 in reply to #337360 on [Modern] Goblins


Yes it is.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 07:04 as a comment on [Modern] Merfolk


I know Bonehoard is all graveyards, but I still think it's only good with decks with more creatures. I've never seen a good deck main deck 4 Bonehoards (I see you went down to 3). And I see that Doubling Season does pump of your guys, but it can still look like a pretty dead effect half the time. It just looks kinda cute. Having leylines also make up for poor draws. +1/+1 effects for four mana isn't exactly ideal. Also, I asked "tell me about." I wasn't denying you won any games, I'm sure curious as to what you beat.

Posted 19 July 2011 at 03:18 as a comment on Pestilence


Does Doubling Season even do anything here? It creates a 0/0 token which would die instantly. Also, Bonehoard is just horrible. You only have 9 creatures in total (tokens don't go in the graveyard). The 4 Mortarpods are going to be completely dead in half the match ups. I just don't see this deck doing anything. This deck is just filled with a bunch of cards that should be in the sideboard. Tell me about some games you actually won with this deck.

Posted 18 July 2011 at 18:11 as a comment on Pestilence


Hmm, haven't seen this before; not too shabby.

Posted 10 July 2011 at 07:25 as a comment on Rats: THEY'RE F***ING RELENTLESS! (EDH/Commander)


Uhh...yep. Who's this?

Posted 05 July 2011 at 17:49 in reply to #177537 on Lorwyn Block Faeries


I think it's a tad too scattered. My recommendation: Round up the best cards, like Counterspell, Cryptic Command, Ponder, Mistbind Clique, and just increase those numbers while losing some Zephyr Sprites or Ring Skippers.

Posted 03 July 2011 at 08:52 as a comment on Faeries!!


Hmm, interesting. I never thought about adding more lands, but on a brief consideration, I'd have to say that is would just make my Bitterblossom harder to get to which is also the only reason I do want 60 cards. I'd like a solution more so to that. But thanks for the comment, making me think here...

Posted 01 July 2011 at 23:37 in reply to #176602 on Lorwyn Block Faeries


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