
5 Decks, 21 Comments, 0 Reputation

I really love the idea behind Relentless Rats. My favorite decks using them also use Thrumming Stone. All of your rats get ripple 4. Also, replace Raise Dead with Call to the Netherworld (since you are useing exclusively black creatures.) Otherwise, looks very straight-forward. My two cents.

Posted 08 July 2010 at 01:56 as a comment on Relentless Rats


I've never really had a problem drawing the pipers. Of course, I haven't drawn one every single game, but it is consistent enough that I get one more times than I don't. Always appreciate the constructive comments! With M11, I might look into revising the deck a bit.

Posted 08 July 2010 at 01:31 as a comment on GW Eldrazi


I have to agree with BrianBell that Kinsbaile Cavalier is a great knight card. I've got a knight deck myself and use 4 of them, but the deck is centered around Haakon rather then the knights' hallmark flanking ability. Other than that, I like the deck.

Posted 14 June 2010 at 20:23 as a comment on Knightmare!


Also, I prefer the birds for the turn 1 drop, rather than the Druids which cost more mana (not much, but it can make a difference)

Posted 14 June 2010 at 20:08 as a comment on GW Eldrazi


As many times as I've played it, I've always had the safe passage and/or vines in hand to protect my early-game. Dauntless Escort helps too, if not for early swings then to help extend things until i can get an eldrazi. Usually have a piper out turn 3-4 and eldrazi out turn after. Thanks for the comments!

Posted 14 June 2010 at 20:04 as a comment on GW Eldrazi


I WOULd suggest putting in Doran, the Siege Tower. Makes creatures assign combat damage with toughness rather than power. Only problem I can see is that you don't have any white mana, so that could make it troublesome.

Posted 29 June 2008 at 02:11 as a comment on Tree As Folk


I agree with Donato, you need Snow-covered Forests, if only for the Rimehorn's ability.

Posted 27 June 2008 at 21:45 as a comment on


Not much I can say, I like it. I think running it with only green mana isn't too big a deal. I do agree that you should switch the numbers on the Wilt-Leaf Lieges and Cavaliers, but most of your creatures will take full advantage of the Liege's benefit (thanks to hybrid mana). But that's just me.

Posted 24 June 2008 at 07:14 as a comment on GW Agro


ore doesn't carry Portal.)

Posted 24 June 2008 at 07:05 as a comment on Knight of the Dead


Yea, I thought about doing that, but I wasn't sure what to remove in order to up their count (suggestions?) I'm going to be play-testing it for the next week or so, and I'll be changing it based on those results. Thanks for the comments.

And I searched for Knights when I was building this. Some great results. Haakon and Kinsbaile Cavalier were the ones that made me want to make this thing. Mercenary Knight was kindofa random find on Gatherer. They're going to be a bitch to find though (local st

Posted 24 June 2008 at 07:04 as a comment on Knight of the Dead


Maybe add some Hypnotic Specters. They work like Abyssal Specters, but the discard is random.

Posted 23 June 2008 at 22:25 as a comment on Black Discard


Well, you don't need white for Rhys. All the mana costs associated with him are hybrid, so if he has green, then he's good to go.

Posted 23 June 2008 at 19:31 as a comment on Karnival


On a more serious note, you might also think about Krosan Beast (a 1/1 for four mana, that becomes an 8/8 with threshold.)

Posted 01 June 2008 at 05:26 as a comment on Squirrel Season


I personally think, just as a joke (or to confuse your friends,) you should add Form of the Squirrel (http://magiccards.info/uh/en/96.html) and something that would make it untargetable. I'm not sure how you'd feel using Unhinged, but if you did, hilarity would ensue. I've always wanted to see it used by someone...

Posted 01 June 2008 at 05:23 as a comment on Squirrel Season


I think Crucible of Worlds would be a great card for this deck.

Posted 31 May 2008 at 09:27 as a comment on 45 land


Overall, i do like it (im a sucker for zombies; they're just too cute.) Only thing I would do is switch out Raise Dead for Call to the Netherworld. It's pretty much the same thing (mana cost is the same), except Call can only put black creatures in your hand (though that isn't really an issue here) plus has a madness cost of zero, just in case a situation causes you to discard. Just a thought.

Posted 31 May 2008 at 09:04 as a comment on Army of Darkness


wow, is this guy going to troll every new deck on mtgvault? i sincerely hope no one has taken him too seriously ( i find it kind of funny, to be honest). by the way, i like the idea behind this deck, Test of Endurance seems to be the win card so more may be better. the white planeswalker might also be very good for your purposes

Posted 30 May 2008 at 10:07 as a comment on Enduring Clerics


sideboard is a little thick, don't you think?

Posted 30 May 2008 at 05:57 as a comment on Army of Darkness


i think it's alright, but you might take a look at some of the new shadowmoor stuff, like Oona and Memory Sluice. Take a look at a deck of mine that I made for a friend if you like http://www.mtgvault.com/viewdeck.php?did=10205

Posted 30 May 2008 at 05:55 as a comment on Super Milling


i think the purpose of the junktrollers is to put a card at the bottom of another player's graveyard and then tunnel vision them to mill their entire deck (not taking multiples of a card into account.)

Posted 09 April 2008 at 05:06 as a comment on Mill Ya Soon


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