
4 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

thanks for the comment and suggestions, your deck looks pretty damn ncie might i say. i used to run the bloodline vamps, but i've moved this deck towards a very quick win.

While i agree i could use more removal for problematic creatures and such, the main reason i built this deck was due to vampiric fury, in my 'real' deck, i have many more one-two mana vamps (mostly from Zendi) but even in this deck i find myself with quite a few vampires out. at two mana, a +2/0 and first strike is a big deal for each vamp.

while i also agree that that is what the captain is for, in a deck like this he is most always a prime target for removal, so when i swing in, even if they remove him, i can still decimate the opponents blockers. besides, you'd be surpriesed the number of times they only let in 1 or 2 2 power attackers, and i drop 2 of them at once, thats eight additional dmg for 4 mana, plus allowing me to trade up. i really think vampiric fury is underrated, but it requires a low mana base of creatures. i honestly think, though, that i could use some card draw with this deck, just a tiny bit, like an altar's reap perhaps.

Posted 26 June 2012 at 00:12 in reply to #267900 on R/B Vampires


thanks for the feed back :), yea once M13 is out its gonna make this deck alot more viable, as even without the mill bonus, a 1/1 flyer, with the tribal i need, will give me a much better offensive.

btw, i checked out your Zombie deck, i like it man, personally i like the blue zombies, but then i get stuck between mikeaous and Havengul Runebinder, plus the blue zombies need dead things to be played, still, they have screeching & armored skabb for that.

the only real suggestion i have for that type of deck would be that first strike Zombie butcher, with the buffs from your zombie lords its a big hitter, plus it can gain you some neat life as a bonus, but thats just my thoughts. oh, yeah, and adaptive automaton, because EVERY tribal deck can use it as a lord XD

Posted 18 June 2012 at 07:21 in reply to #265263 on illusionary might


as a heads up if oyu didnt know, turn aside and other counters dont save illusions, as them merely being targeted triggers the sacrafice, regardless of if the spell resolves

Posted 18 June 2012 at 07:12 in reply to #265154 on Illusionary Might
