
26 Decks, 7 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thanks, you are right about the mana base... Made a few changes, removed the emissaries, Sorin, the Call and the Petition for 3 lone rider and 3 blessed alliance which will be more helpful in staying alive until I can play the more expensive spells... I think this now looks better...

Posted 01 August 2016 at 16:41 in reply to #586692 on Token vengeance


Thanks, updated the How to play... ;)

I wonder if I should use Creeping Tar Pit instead of the Colonnades... Faster,, unblockable and help with the black source... I somehow get the feeling my manabase won't be stable, and thoughts on this?

I will playtest this tonight though... ;)

Posted 18 April 2016 at 14:29 in reply to #580263 on Things in the Abbey


Should I get rid the black splash and replace the 4 Anguished Unmaking by 2 Avacyn Archangel and 2 Always Watching?

I think the B splash isn't worth it... Any comments?

Posted 18 April 2016 at 04:46 as a comment on Things in the Abbey


Thanks for your input again, really appreciated!

I've made most of the changes you recommended but it occurred to me when you asked what I could use to replace the tormented hero that my own deathrite shamans are still legal in standard and would go well with the hidden strings, what do you think? ;o)

The drums were indeed needed and the whole mill backup plainly sucked... lol

I was thinking that since the deathrites will help me life-wise (with the help of the drums for the needed G, or I have both Breeding pool/ Overgrown Tomb play set I could maybe use in this deck too, the Nikthos seems irrelevant now IMO), I could replace the 2 elixirs in the sideboard with 2 pithing needles... Good idea?

Maybe the 3rd Thassa main deck is too much though... I'll have to playtest the thing I guess... ;o)

Posted 28 January 2014 at 08:29 in reply to #432201 on Inspired heroism (BTG)


You maybe right, this deck is probably not a good home for Pain Seer, and after the changes needed it would go out of the flavor I wanted to give it... ;o)

But I think this new deck I just came up with, will make better use if Pain Seer.. Care to take a look? ;)
First draft too but seem like fun for the UB control player...

Posted 28 January 2014 at 06:11 in reply to #432087 on Heroic Rakdos


Thanks for the input, it's a first draft, just throwing some ideas around... I want to stay as concept as I can too... ;o)

You're right in assuming I'm looking for a more aggro build and that I should remove the cutthroat's...

I thought about reducing the number of gods to 2 each and of course the overlord was there in case I could use Nykthos, but I see your point, I must race and kill asap...

I was thinking maybe removing 1 of each god, the overlord and stormbreath to make way for 4x Pain Seer in 2 weeks... Do you think the new little black guy might find a place in there?

Posted 28 January 2014 at 04:17 in reply to #432087 on Heroic Rakdos


Nice! I would play Nearheath Pilgrim and/or Nightshade Peddler in place of the Fencing Aces for a little more bite/annoyance factor... ;o)

Posted 01 June 2013 at 01:37 as a comment on Bant Hexproof
