
35 Decks, 491 Comments, 13 Reputation

Hey again Edna. The only thing that I can think of is to take out the Yavimaya Coast, since you have the other cards bankin' ya' in on colorless; might as well save yourself the risk & loss of health in a match, possibly remove them altogether & up Wooded Bastion to 4x. You have 22 lands as it stands right now & usually you want to aim for literally 33.33% land (20 out of 60 or 1/3'rd), you're just a hair over but that could work to your advantage because other pros from tournies & what not recommend you can also run a strong 24-24-12 deck. 24 creeps, 24 lands, 12 spells. So when it comes to a 60 deck though, it's either 24-24-12 or 20-20-20 for optimal land/card draw ratios.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 08:32 as a comment on Infinite Extended


I love this deck and I'm startin' to like all your decks Edna! I see alot of danger in this one. If I had to make an observation or comment; I'd take out the Goblin Guide, doesn't really do all that much for ya' & possible remove the Clickslither to replace it w/ more Goblins so they have the potential to be buffed by Goblin King & Goblin Chieftain.

But here's an idea you might wanna' consider, since you have Graven Cairns ballin' w/ black mana, maybe throw in 4x of that Return/Rise from the Grave card to pull back Mogg War Marshall & keep multiplying the Goblin tokens!

But I'm currently working on a Goblin deck today because my friend has an Elf deck & I wanna' throw down Goblins vs. Elves. But I love this deck, it's sick, sweet, fast & to the point. Excellent work Boss! 9.3 Stars for this bad boy. Goodjob Edna.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 08:02 as a comment on Classic Gobs


Oohhh.... this is a tasty deck indeed. When I play White & Green decks, I'm usually a whore for life-gain. You have some nice cards here that would make for one hell of a challenge. Goldmane w/ Kabira's, Weary & Landbind? Goddess damn that is very sexual. And a dash of control from the Journey to Nowhere never hurts.

The only recommendation I'd have is to up Eternity Vessel to 2x incase someone destroys it & maybe throw in 1 more land @ 22x Plains bringing your deck total to 66 so you have a slightly higher chance to proc the Landfall on Eternity & Rest for the Weary.

I'd love to take this deck on w/ my Exodus deck. I think you'd find it a good match. Check that deck out among others. If your other decks are this well constructed, I'm going to comment & add some stars on 'em for ya' boss. But you've earned some w/ this one for sure! Kudos! 9.7 Stars for ya' boss.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 07:40 as a comment on just a white deck


But I like this deck. Has alot of potential, fast land's as well; not alot of special's to slow ya' down.

If you really wanted to drive the point on home in a match, throw in an Eldrazi Monument if you could pull it off. ;P But to work w/ Merlin's idea, throw in an Ogre's Cleaver used w/ Stampade.

I like this deck, kudos Boss. You've earned some Stars

Posted 27 July 2010 at 07:21 as a comment on Elf deck


Hey Boss, I like this deck. I like this alot, very sexual indeed. But I'd have to make a couple suggestions honestly.

The first main issue is speed. With a Land & Landfall based deck, your primary concern is getting Land out fast. So I would drop Mire Blight. Take Mire Blight out & try swapping it with "Tomb Hex" it's a Landfall based Instant that can help debuff an opponent's forces for ya', rather than just the destroy spec of it. I would drop Terramorphic Expanse down to 2x and either remove Oran-Rief, the Vastwood all together or reduce it to 2x. It comes in Tapped & that will slow you down by 3 rounds for use of mana from it if you keep 3x of 'em. Personally if this were my deck, I'd take out Terramorphic Expanse altogether, put Oran-Rief @ 2x and make Forest/Swamp @ 12/12 to give it a major burst of speed.

Second, I would swap the Blood Seekers from your creatures, because it's not a proc. on Landfall, granted I have a Vamp. deck & they are bomb-diggity, but for this particular deck, I'd recommend you check out "Scrib Nibblers" as a creature that has a VERY sick little Landfall proc. Tap 'em to exile top card of opponent's library, if it's a land they lose 1 health and for it's Landfall if Land came into play this turn, you Untap Scrib Nibbler's & do it again! So having the Scribs, might be a goodway to really utilize Harrow in play, so you get 2x Landfall proc. Plus using alot of these w/ Khalni Heart Expedition is nice.

Last thing I'd offer would be making Khalni Heart Expedition to 4x & adding even more land, so if ya' took my advice & had say, 12/12 on swamps/forests, make it like 14/14 or 16/16 & then just up a couple creatures or spells that utilize Landfall procs so your deck total is about 70-74. Maybe 4x on Grazing Gladeheart for more life.

But this deck is very solid as is and I love Landfall procs. Refreshing to see someone use 'em like this. Goodjob boss! I'm gonna' giv ya 9.5 Stars for this badboy. Well done.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 06:39 as a comment on Dark Predator


Sittin' here lookin' @ the creatures boss & I don't really see that many efficient or tactically superior creep combos. On the otherhand, your spells can be a very nice play if you draw the right pool of cards. It'd like to play against this one personally, looks like it'd be an interesting challenge. Kudos, I'll give ya' some stars.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 06:20 as a comment on Suicide Black


Hey Boss, this one earns the title of "Sick-Nasty". Very sexual. Kudos! Time for some stars because I'd feel threatened playin' this bad boy.

Posted 27 July 2010 at 06:14 as a comment on Artifact


But yeah, the name too; Blood & Thunder, not just Calicify quest. ;P

Posted 26 July 2010 at 16:42 in reply to #76050 on Bloodbraid


Damn..... this would be a hard deck to play against, barring a sick Discard deck. This is the shit, all white too w/ Pariah, damn solid.

Posted 26 July 2010 at 13:57 as a comment on delicious white stuff(y)


Calcify quest ftw ;P But Scythe Tigers w/ burn, nasty, nasty combo. I like that man.

Posted 26 July 2010 at 13:55 as a comment on Bloodbraid


Thanks again Cid! I'll have to check out your other decks, I like the 2 you posted today; nice work so far bud. Cya' round!

Posted 26 July 2010 at 13:50 in reply to #76042 on Primal Rage


Hey I appreciate the words Boss. I've put alot of time & effort into thinking about the speed/strength buffs w/ the equip & BA being one of the main backbones to the deck. I'll check out, comment & vote on your decks too. Thanks agan!

Posted 26 July 2010 at 13:47 in reply to #76041 on Exodus


Quit nasty indeed, good job boss! Rare to see creatureless these days. Personally I'd like to play against this deck, it'd be a fun challenge; Kudos! Time to give ya' some stars. ;P

Posted 26 July 2010 at 13:20 as a comment on S.T.D.


I ike this deck boss! Very sexual, but the only thing I'd recommend to do is speed it up on mana, rather than special lands. You did that and it would be hard to stop this one. Already is, I'd be thrilled to play against you if you had this deck, Kudos! Now time to give ya' some stars.

Posted 26 July 2010 at 13:18 as a comment on B/W Angels


Vey interesting. I like it boss, I'd have to play against it because this sounds fun. Kudos! Time to give ya some stars.

Posted 26 July 2010 at 13:13 as a comment on Infiniturns


Not bad boss, not bad at all. I like the flow I can see it working in. Kudos!

Posted 26 July 2010 at 12:43 as a comment on Stop! Countertime!


Very interesting, I've been sittin' here looking through your cards. Still trying to understand how it would flow; but I think I have it. All I know is card's abilities would still cost atleast 1 mana & that one card lets you tap or untap target, but you'd have to have one that keeps tapping him, unless you keep attacking with him to get it to fall into the loop. Ok, I think I get it now. Never played endless loops in a deck, so I'm new to the idea; tryin' to learn. But I gave ya' a 10 on Vote. Good job and way to use yer' brain boss!

Posted 26 July 2010 at 12:38 as a comment on INFINATE EVERYTHING...?


4x Landbind Ritual would be sick in 2nd match if you end up playing against a life sapper. ;P

Posted 25 July 2010 at 12:16 in reply to #75692 on U/W Standard Control


Oh, and I meant to let you know a Side-Board has to be 15 cards on the dot. No more, no less for it to be legal. Just lettin' ya' know boss. Cya' round!

Posted 24 July 2010 at 16:57 in reply to #75692 on U/W Standard Control


Hey Boss, thanks for the words back on "Primal Rage". I'm really diggin' this deck you have here, it's very sexual. I love how you kept the special lands to a minimum to keep it fast paced, but the only word of advice I'd have on this one to speed it up even faster would be to removed the Obvlivion Rings. They'll eventually return whatever card back to owner, but yeah they work great if you're playing someone w/out a "Destroy Enchantment" card. But I think you'd be better suited putting in 4x cards that either buff you or creatures. Maybe 2x Beacon of Immortality for life gain & 2x Behomoth Sledge for Trample & LIfegain to follow suit of your other cards there. That way it combats the threat of a single card by buffing your life, rather than worry about Oblivion targeting out 1 card, that could be cancelled rather quickly. Just some food for thought brutha'.

But this deck is very nice, I really like it. I'd be scared to play it honestly, but check out my Exodus deck under my decks on profile. I'd throw down with the Pepsi Challenge w/ that one. Kudos!

Posted 24 July 2010 at 14:20 as a comment on U/W Standard Control


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