
2 Decks, 33 Comments, 3 Reputation


First, your main priority is to reduce your mana curve. Anowon, Havengul, Heirs of Stromkirk and Spread the Sickness are too slow. The only good 4cmc in a deck like your, is the Vampire Nocturnus, and it's usually played with Dark Ritual and/or Aether Vial.

Second, you need to choose 1-2 vampire lord. Stromkirk Captain and Vampire Nocturnus are the best. 4 of each can't be a bad choice. Captiving Vampire and Adaptive Automaton are budget choice.

Also, you can't really play a R/B vampire deck without Vampiric Fury. This card alone can finish a game.

Stromkirk Noble ( turn 1 ) + Furor of the bitten or Predator's Gambit ( turn 2 ) is a potential Tarmogoyf !!!

Reduce your lands to 19-20, with cards like Dragonskull Summit and Blackcleave Cliffs, mana won't be a problem and you won't have to mulligan often.

Try to have between 24-28 creatures to maximize the benefits from vampires lords in general and Vampiric Fury.

Posted 28 May 2012 at 22:32 as a comment on Pretty, lovely vampires, FIXED


Very nice deck and original. I like it :)

Posted 08 May 2012 at 22:49 as a comment on Cthulhu Lies Dreaming


4 x Vampire Nocturnus is your winning condition.

Check out my vampire deck :

Posted 07 May 2012 at 12:30 as a comment on Mono Vampire = Quick Death


Nice and cheap.

Posted 02 May 2012 at 23:13 as a comment on Rogue Payday


Nice zombie deck indeed. But, maybe 71 cards is too much. Try to reduce your mana curve, you will never be able to play plague wind against any decent deck. I highly suggest you to add few putrid imp ( it's a zombie ) to discard your zombie lord, and add some reanimate to bring them back fast without paying their mana cost.

Posted 28 April 2012 at 14:38 as a comment on zombies


Anvil of Bogarden :)

Posted 08 March 2012 at 13:16 as a comment on Look! NO HANDS!


Buried Alive + Demigod of Revenge ;)

Posted 19 October 2011 at 18:49 as a comment on Demigod of Revenge


Nocturnus is a good vampire but with a second color ( red ) his ability won't trigger often. Maybe few Viscera Seer would be a nice addition. Or, replace them by few Captiving Vampire.

Posted 12 October 2011 at 22:15 as a comment on Your Blood Tastes Like the Finest Wine



Sideboard your Leyline of the Void. Use them only when your opponent play with their graveyard. Otherwise it's useless.

Use Hymn to Tourach instead of Mind Rot / Distress

Add 1 Lialina's Caress. Can be useful with Anvil of Bogarden too.

:) Good luck.

Posted 09 October 2011 at 05:50 as a comment on Void Extraction


Hello. Do you play any particular mtg format with this deck ?

If yes, remove Necropotence, it's a vintage card, and play few Phyrexian Arena instead. Otherwise...

1. If you sacrifice your own vampires, Kalastria Highborn can be useful.
2. Unmake is 3 mana, Go for the throat and Geth's Verdict are 2.
3. Malakir Bloodwitch is great in multiplayer, less effective in 1 vs 1, a very conditional choice in my opinion.
4. Buried Alive for 3 Bloodghast, nice combo :)
5. If you want to play Living Death, get rid of Terramorphic Expanse, add 4 Bojuka Bog and play them in combo before Living Death. And Bojuka Bog will give you a chance vs Reanimator.
6. Accelerators ! Like Dark Ritual and/or Aether Vial.
7. Amulet of Unmaking...try some conterspells instead, like Dash Hopes or Mental Misstep.
8. Vampire Nocturnus is great if you play Sensei's Divining Top, since the top card of your library is almost always black and not a land.

Good luck :)

Posted 29 August 2011 at 15:49 as a comment on Edward's bitch ass aint got shit on this


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