
9 Decks, 12 Comments, 2 Reputation

yeah, the way I play it, the deck is only meant for 1v1s. In truth, all you need is the opening hand since you'll likely be swinging for lethal damage in a single turn. Card draw would probably be the best way to tweak it for multiplayer, throwing in some cheap draw would also pump up the kiln fiends =)

Posted 09 November 2011 at 03:13 as a comment on "I never thought it coulg get that BIG"


With the playset of Intangible Virtues, the Leyline wouldn't be too useful as it would also affect any opponents who have tokens on the board, and unless you start with it in your hand, it'll cost twice as much, Intangible Virtues are so broken.... Also a Mikaeus, the Lunarch would be brutal in this deck, and if you don't mind the deck not being standard, some Twilight Drovers wouldn't hurt either.

Posted 08 November 2011 at 22:43 as a comment on Token Tantrum


Progenitus = Favorite card =)

Kozilek and Ulamog seem a little unecessary in here and i also dont think clone shell is needed at all. In fact, i would simply recomend sticking to the the Myr that generat mana + Galvanizer in terms of creatures. Add a little more mana just to make sure you're not getting screwed and maybe some more tutors?

Posted 13 January 2011 at 16:33 as a comment on Progenitus Myr Deck Please HELP


Thank you! Decree of Savagery does help with its cycling cost though, still a little high manawise, but the extra cards can come in handy and still being able to put 4 counters on a single creature makes it okay, but you are right that they do seem a little unecessary, mabye throw in a little more tample...

Posted 13 January 2011 at 16:22 in reply to #115283 on MONO-HYDRA!!


wow...for someone who's new to the game you've put together a pretty badass setup here, i gotta give you props for this.

one thing though is that with all the dragon power you've got going on here, Skithiryx seems a little unnecessary since he's moer geared towards infect, maybe replace him with two Kokusho, the Evening Stars?

Posted 23 December 2010 at 11:25 as a comment on All in Dragon the mad


certainly, one strategy you might want to consider is sacrificing the rats, since unearth requires them to be in the graveyard anyway. Two Cards for this: Mind Slash, an enchantment that lets you sacrifice a creature to make an opponent discard a card, and Tendrils of Despair, a sorcery that does the same thing but makes your target discard two cards. Essentially what you'll end up doing is play the rats (discard) sac the rats (discard) unearth the rats (discard) sac them again since they'll die at the end of the turn anyway (discard).

For more of the same, include a set of Ravenous Rats in addition to the Rotting Rats since they also force opponents to discard when they come into play. To have the same effect as the Rotting Rats, include a Cauldron of Souls in the deck. When you're about to sac the Ravenous Rats, use the Cauldron to give them Persist, then sac so they come back for an extra round of discards. =)

Posted 23 December 2010 at 09:41 in reply to #108414 on Slash and Burn


Didnt really need more than 1 of each of the higher cost Modulars, im open for revising suggestions

Posted 22 December 2010 at 10:29 in reply to #108207 on Tezzeret's Modulars


You've got some really good stuff going on here, maybe throw out the ice cages since you've got a pretty decent line of defense going even though there aren't that many creatures. Memory Erosion would be a great addition, and maybe some more Archive Traps.

Mono Blue milling isn't impossbile, it's just easier when complemented by Black, this is my Mono Blue, take a look:

Posted 22 December 2010 at 09:30 as a comment on Mill Deck Crabby


Thats wat the x3 Liliana's Caress are for, same effect as Megrim but its mana cost is (1)(B) instead of (2)(B) =)

Posted 22 December 2010 at 08:47 in reply to #108077 on Slash and Burn


thanks! funny thing is, I actually was looking at that deck earlier XD I actually built this one out of revenge because I had one friend who would play almost entirely burn and it really pissed me off, he hates this deck =P

Posted 21 December 2010 at 23:17 in reply to #108007 on Slash and Burn
