
1 Deck, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Hi. I love goblin too and I like what to see. I will make some changes and play with one goblin deck this Friday on FNM or Saturday on a qualify to GP Madrid. I had the Darksteel Axe but I will not run that, I think it's a waste of time and I will try to be very fast. I will run 2 a 4 Spikeshot elder instead of the Goblin Gavaleer. And 18 magics to burn in Hell my opponents :)
In sideboard I will take 4 Burn of the impure to play against infect (it's a 2on1), 3/4 cards against artifacts, 3 vulshok refugee against red, maybe dismember and something to burn lands melt terrain or ghost quarter. I'm thinking in ratchet bomb for the tokens, but I can only have 15 in SB ;)

Posted 17 January 2012 at 02:33 as a comment on Goblin Slap (T2 turn 4 win)
