
1 Deck, 6 Comments, 3 Reputation

Hexproof allows you to pump or sacrifice a creature with fling. Hexproof says "It can't be target of spells or abilities your OPONENTS control". THe one that prevents everything is Shroud :)

Posted 14 June 2012 at 00:48 in reply to #264312 on Eaten By Wolves


It's a bit expensive, but because you have wolfs with undying, synergy with sacrifices and great power boosts, I would try to fit "Feed the Pack". It could be a pretty nasty finisher: the Pack&Edition=DKA&Print=1

Another good wolf if Wolfir Avenge:r Avenger&Edition=AVR&Print=1
But I have no idea which to remove to add this one. They all look very good.

If you can, please comment my burn deck :)

Posted 13 June 2012 at 23:56 as a comment on Eaten By Wolves


Since you are using synergy with your GY, I would sugest a a couple of Crypts of Agadeem to boost mana production: of Agadeem&Edition=ZEN&Print=1

Other than that, I think only "Mindcrank" looks a bit odd in this deck. I would trade it for another Trip Noose and Whisperwind Cloak.

If you can, please comment my deck :)

Posted 13 June 2012 at 23:37 as a comment on Assassin's Horror


I would probably remove the Soulcage Fiends to keep the Zombie vibe. Maybe add another Skinrender and/or Diregraf Ghoul.

Because of the sacrifice theme, a good removal could be "Bone Splinters": Splinters&Edition=AVR&Print=1
Sacrifice something and destroy any kind of creature.

Also, with such a huge number of zombies, you could try to remove a "Ghoulcaller's Chant" and add another "Endless Ranks of the Dead" to keep pumping up the cannon fodder for Captain and Blood Artist.

Another cool zombie wouldbe Grimgrin:, Corpse-Born&Edition=ISD&Print=1

If you can please check my burn deck :)

Posted 13 June 2012 at 19:37 as a comment on zombies rise and fall


I would consider removed the Cursed of the Pierced Heart and add 1 more Iron Myr, Brimstone Volley and Thunderbolt for more "control". I don't think that curse helps your strategy.

Same with the Demolish. I would sideboard it and add more damage spells or another mana boost like Pyretic Ritual.

Posted 13 June 2012 at 17:57 as a comment on Balefire, Flameblast Power House


Thanks for the reply. Confirmed, "Browbeat" is legal:

Yes, I understand the problem of having only one Chandra. I blame that on my adiction of having a "General" in my deck :).

"Slith Firewalker" would be an interesting replacement to "Hellspark Elemental" since the "Grafdigger's Cage" hurts this card. I'll test this option for sure, thanks :)

Posted 13 June 2012 at 17:43 in reply to #264166 on Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
