
38 Decks, 190 Comments, 21 Reputation

You could go for a caw-infect type thing. Grafted Exoskeleton on a squad hawk would be decent.

But you should definitely swap out Asceticism for Vines of Vastwood, it's way quicker and doubles as a pump. Get some Glistener Elf action too for the chance of a turn 2 win.
Don't forget to fix your lands if you do that. Fewer come into play tapped duals and more forests.

Also might want to drop the Tempered Steel if you go that route, maybe Giant Growths in it's place for more pump, or some more cheap white removal.

Posted 22 May 2011 at 11:43 as a comment on W/G Infect


I'd think about:

-1 Giant Growth
-2 Nature's Claim (to sideboard, maybe)
+1 groundswell
+2 mutagenic growth (Best new card for infect decks!)

-2 Viridian Corrupter (to sideboard)
+2 Putrefax or Spinebiter (Putrefax will cripple or outright kill a blocker, Spinebiter... well he just bypasses them completely)

-3 Rot Wolf
-3 Cystbearer
+3 Unatural Predation(great for when they chump Ichorclaw Myr, or to tack onto pump combos if they block)
+2 Corpse Cur (Fun blocker stall loop if you play one and return the other, plus the obvious use)
+1 Livewire Lash (Pumps get real nasty when you cast 'em on a guy equipped with this)

Pistus Strike is nice for sideboard, flying creature destruction and direct poisoning.
I've been meaning to try some Flight Spell Bombs and Pistus Main board. You can either pop one of their creatures in the air and pistus it or use the bomb to send your creature flying over blockers. Though it could turn out a bit clunky, the potential is there though.

Also the usual blue/black hate in sideboard, and whatever else you see fit. Possibly Throne of Geth or other prolif if you need those last couple poison counters.

That's just what I'd personally do. I think you'd be happy with those changes. Though you would have slightly fewer creatures, the ones you have would be more effective. Putrefax or Spinebiters would be a breeze to cast with Garruk on the field.

Of course the ideal play would be the Glistener Elf swinging for the win on turn 2 pumped up like crazy.

Posted 22 May 2011 at 11:32 as a comment on Green Infect


I'm not sure. Seems like you have all the good knights. Arid Mesa is better than Terramorphic expanse but there's an obvious price barrier there as they go for like 13 bucks a pop. Silence is always nice for white too.

Sideboard some Firewalkers if you can get rid of anything(I'd say act of treasons could probably go), They're nice against Kuldotha Red if you wipe their board with a pyroclasm... even though they're not knights.

Posted 18 May 2011 at 00:58 as a comment on Hot Knights V2


Fresh Meat with the spawns is a cool trick.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 21:08 as a comment on Eldrazi Spawns FTW


I threw together a deck much like this on my living room floor just a few minutes ago. I used a lot of the same cards, I have rust tick and gremlin mine though.

I'd get rid of the spine, too much mana to only be destroying two permanents. Flamefiend should probably go too. I'd add in galvanic blasts to round out the deck.

Panic Spellbomb could be decent too, you don't have to tap/sac it to use the draw ability.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 08:07 as a comment on Red Artifact Sacrifice


Simple and solid. I like the red splash and I LOVE brave the elements.

Posted 17 May 2011 at 06:03 as a comment on Hot Knights V2


I'd say test it with and without Ornithopters to see how you like it. I know they're not affected by honored the pure but you may find them more useful than the relics. And wow, I just looked at the price on the stoneforge mystics... damn caw blade decks must have skyrocketed those things. Wish I would have got a few more when they were cheap.

Posted 15 May 2011 at 16:29 as a comment on Mono white metalcraft


Swap the relics with Ornithopters. You can equip them instead of having a lump of dead, useless artifact on the board. I mean I get it, you don't want people messing with your metalcraft, but they're just dead on the field at a certain point. More of a target for artifact animation imo.

Also I'm not entirely sold on infiltration lens, if you want indestructible artifacts swap in some darksteel axes instead. They're not free casts but that's already taken care of with the ornithopters.

Ardent recruits are meh, get some stoneforge mystics in their place if you can to pull out the swords.

Porcelain Legionnaire! Beastly little 2 drop(or 3 if you don't want to spend the life) that adds to your metalcraft.

I think you'll have much better luck with those changes.

Posted 14 May 2011 at 21:23 as a comment on Mono white metalcraft


Don't really need Go for the throat and dismember MB, do ya? Obliterator is your game ender so you gotta protect the investment. I'm telling ya, more vats and a couple lunges!

Posted 14 May 2011 at 21:02 as a comment on Mono B Obliteration


The spheres are there to accel into a turn 3 Obliterator? You could probably get away with only 20 land pretty easily. Maybe add more mimic vats just in case they have removal to answer your obliterator.

-4 land, +2 Mimic Vat, +2 Postmortem Lunge.

This would let you recur your Obliterators pretty easily when your opponent sends them to the graveyard with certain spells. You're just vulnerable to exiles at that point. Sideboard a couple Malakir Bloodwitches to swap with Obliterators to take care of that. If they have the tons of destruction spells maybe add some Phylactery Liches to swap with the obliterators. This way you're covered against damage(with Obliterators), exile(with Bloodwitch SB) and most kill spells(with the Lich SB or vats/lunge MB).

The deck is pretty simple and solid. I like it.

Posted 14 May 2011 at 09:34 as a comment on Mono B Obliteration


Everyone wants this deck, everyone posts this deck. Too bad it sucks. No one uses Relentless Rats properly.

Posted 14 May 2011 at 08:55 as a comment on rats.


You might want to consider something other than Open the Vaults if you'll be going to FNM.

Posted 24 October 2010 at 09:21 as a comment on Metalcraft-shroud


Liquimetal Coating is faster and doesn't require mana to let it do it's thing. Even having two liquimetals out(in effect giving the angel constant shroud) is cheaper than casting and attaching one whispersilk cloak.

Not that I'm saying Whispersilk is a bad idea, that's what first came to mind when I saw the spoiler for archangel, but I do see what he's going for with this set up.

Posted 24 October 2010 at 09:19 in reply to #94535 on Metalcraft-shroud


Lacks imagination.

Posted 18 October 2010 at 23:45 as a comment on White Golems


You have this deck set as mono blue, fyi. Looks like fun.

Posted 15 October 2010 at 15:49 as a comment on Feather Party!!!


Very cool concept and everything is fairly cheap so your 20 land is probably enough.

Posted 15 October 2010 at 15:44 as a comment on Control by Pingers


I'm building my own precursor deck and I have to say great call on the Tel-Jilad Defiance. It out performs blue draws by miles if you have your Precursor on the field. At least three cards for two mana is just great. Plus the protection is nice to have if your opponent is playing myrs, golems or has mean artifacts like Lux Cannon.

Mine is shaping up quite a bit differently, but I will have to try and include that defiance.

Posted 15 October 2010 at 15:32 as a comment on Precursor Smackdown


I'm not sure you have enough sea creatures for your fully charged Ula's Temple.

Posted 06 August 2010 at 06:37 as a comment on Ula's Temple


You're not abusing the tunneler enough. The only decent combo you have is the hellhound. Get some Valakut Fireboars(not m11 but why limit yourself?), Bloodthrone Vamps, Nakuto Shade and other pumpable creatures.

Posted 31 July 2010 at 13:35 as a comment on TunnelLink M2011


Seems like it would be pretty effective. Amazing budget deck. I like it!

Posted 24 July 2010 at 15:51 as a comment on Goblin Tunneler Budget Deck


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