
0 Decks, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

Interesting deck, I feel like it could be centered closer to one goal. Maybe a playset of Rampant Growth Since Woodwraith Corrupter Takes so long, perhaps hide 1 or 2 Corrupters in the sideboard since having more than 1 on the field does nothing more than act as a body. Viridian Emissary could be replaced with Sakura Tribe-Elder since Emi won't trigger if they send it to exile, but you can sacrifice Tribe Elder in response to any tricks your opponent might have. Juvenile Gloomwidow is okay, but it doesn't aide what the deck wants to do. Maybe Sylvan Advocate instead, Since it's a crazy land buffer if you have multiples. 1 or 2 explores maybe? Card draw and thin out a land heavy hand? You could replace cultivate with Nissa's Pilgrimage, Since a mastery can be triggered at the same mana cost. Putrefy is good, but I doubt 4 is necessary. I doubt you would need Penumbra Spider in most matchups, and 4 CMC for a 2/4 is just yikes. Kind of expensive, plus it barely shifts the game when you're in topdeck mode. Finally, a few Nissas wouldn't hurt. Specifically Origins Flip Nissa (Vastwood Seer) and Worldwaker are probably your best bet. Overall not a bad deck, but there's always room for improvent. Props for the build

Posted 08 August 2018 at 11:52 as a comment on Corrupted Woods
