
84 Decks, 294 Comments, 13 Reputation

i would say 2 guidance, for... idk first thing that jumps out at me is emrakul seeing as he doesn't fit the theme, but saving that would be the eldrazi monuments, just because i can't see taking out anything else

Posted 28 March 2012 at 04:10 in reply to #243330 on Elf token Rampage


mind sculptor really isn't pro mill, personally i'd run memory adept, he can mill 10 as soon as he's dropped, rather than hoping no one tramples your planes walker as you slowly climb him to 12 loyalty without defense, also curse of the bloody tome and increasing confusion are both wonderful mill cards, also i would run cancel or mana leak instead of hinder, other than that great deck, maybe take a look at my mill?

Posted 28 March 2012 at 04:05 as a comment on Milling sans creatures


if anyone could help me trim this list to 40 cards, that'd be fantastic

Posted 26 March 2012 at 15:05 as a comment on R/G Dragon ramp deck (work in progress)


that would work because it just would keep the elf at the same power/toughness, sounds like a fun combo, seeing as you are running legacy, try getting a hold of elvish guidance as well that way you can trigger your war callers for ungodly amounts of kicks :)

Posted 23 March 2012 at 22:09 in reply to #243330 on Elf token Rampage


so far its been a turn 6 win at the latest

Posted 21 March 2012 at 15:27 in reply to #242183 on legacy combo


akroma angel of wrath and phage the untouchable, adarkar valkyrie

Posted 19 March 2012 at 00:29 as a comment on Sexiest Cards in Magic


when a card lists its name, it refers to itself so it still works, and gatherer mentions an infinite loop as well

Posted 18 March 2012 at 14:47 in reply to #242189 on legacy combo


i need to play test it, but i think with the tutors it should be a consistent turn 4/5 i'll have all the cards, i may add in more tutors if it doesn't work out like i want

Posted 18 March 2012 at 14:45 in reply to #242183 on legacy combo


maybe a beastmaster ascension or two? looks like alot of attacking will be going on, so the +5/+5 bonus will jump on quick

Posted 18 March 2012 at 03:37 as a comment on COMMUNITY PROJECT


i actaully just finished revamping this deck to add the white, i'll post when its finished, but its got a minimal amount of white for the human sacrifices and a doj (total of 5 cards) plus a lord of inninstrad to up the amount of vamps on the field, also added skirsdag high preists for the demon summon to combo with thraben doomsayer and falkenrath arristocrat (human pump --> sac to aristocrat ---> tap tokens or smaller vampires ---> summon demon) then if i wanted i had the option to ping the demons with voldaren to turn them into vampires as well (cause who doesn't love buffing 5/5/ fliers) works pretty well so far, but i am still waiting on double lands, but thanks for the input (i actually used a lot of the ideas you posted)

Posted 17 March 2012 at 09:15 in reply to #241847 on R/B Vamps (edit of my other vamp deck)


i personally enjoy forced fruition and traumatize when running mill, also Scalpelexis+ trepenation blade make a really irritating combo for creature mill

Posted 15 March 2012 at 18:40 as a comment on Mono Blue mill deck


this is a standard rb vampire deck that i am thinking of adding a splash of white in for lord of ininstrad. I also need some help just speeding it up at all to be more competitive

Posted 11 March 2012 at 15:17 as a comment on ADVERTISE 3!!!


Kresh the bloodbraided, totally OP jund card possible replace 2 of the blood braid elves

Posted 09 March 2012 at 15:22 as a comment on COMMUNITY PROJECT


yeah. i missed them lol, >.< i guess you took my advice before i gave it :p

Posted 05 March 2012 at 16:08 in reply to #238281 on My First Deck--Any Advice?


this is really looking like a fun deck, may i suggest an overwhelming stampede to share power if your hydra gets a pacify or prison term on it, and also roughshod mentor, cause who doesn't love giveing all your creatures trample

Posted 02 March 2012 at 15:27 as a comment on My First Deck--Any Advice?


oh, and another thing that would work well with those is blood tribute, insta kill with furnace out

Posted 01 March 2012 at 17:07 in reply to #236825 on Draino


>.< i missed the standard theme, yeah mill seems to have a couple problems in standard with defense, you could always mix up colors, throw in some green to help mana ramp and put our some cratures that you can equip your blade to

Posted 01 March 2012 at 17:05 in reply to #237059 on DESPERATING MILL DECK (standard)


just added in a bunch of double lands and a couple more low cost guys

Posted 29 February 2012 at 04:56 as a comment on Naya Extended


thinking about turning this into a grixis based deck...

Posted 28 February 2012 at 05:53 as a comment on Kaervek EDH


also, i feel chandra ablaze likes burn decks more than nalaar, her +1 and -7 just let a burn deck blow a hole in anyone

Posted 27 February 2012 at 22:17 in reply to #236402 on Fight Fire with Fire


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