
28 Decks, 40 Comments, 5 Reputation

Hey sorry I didn't see your comment so my bad anyway I actually thought about gnaw to the bone when I first made this deck but as I went through the building phase I eventually phased it out for I believe either hibernation or sylvan library. I'm regards to spider spawning I had decided in the beginning against this being a token deck I chose to instead go for big kills late game with creatures that scaled like the lurgoyf and my personal favorite ender the lord of extinction. Also I like the sands for what it does but I don't know how it'll play I'd have to test it before giving my final opinion. Now let me go take a look at what you've got going on. Oh and thanks for the ideas.

Posted 10 December 2012 at 21:57 as a comment on Jarad, Golgari dredge


Ah another jarad edh. Love this guy he's jolly good fun. I have to inquire if your working with the cards you own or if your creating a for fun list. Now I would suggeet 2 cards for any jarad deck they're a bit of price but well worth the dividends you'll get back on them in game. First Kokusho morning star sack him to deal ten points of damage and depending on the size of your group heal up to 15 life. Second and though less expensive possibly the more important is lord of extinction it is one of your lender's you drop him late in a game where everyone has at least fiteen cards in the graveyard and sac it you have won the game.

I just recently built a jarad edh as well so if you want some more ideas feel free to take a look

Posted 16 November 2012 at 09:20 as a comment on Jarad, Golgri Lich Lord


Dont know if you've seen it but they just added Worldfire to the edh ban list.

Posted 20 September 2012 at 08:01 as a comment on Jhoira, Gates of Void


NIIiiiice we're gonna need a new alt win condition now that worldfires been banned in edh :(

Posted 20 September 2012 at 07:59 in reply to #289441 on Jhoira of the Ghitu


Also if anyone's got any cool ideas for a jhoira or other interesting EDH deck i'd love to see them

Posted 09 September 2012 at 07:32 as a comment on Jhoira of the Ghitu


I'd need to play see how I feel about some of those cards but I do like the sphinx quite abit. Draw is always welcome in this deck. Im gonna take a look at the other cards on your list and see wether or not they're my playstyle and how they'd mesh with the deck. Another thing is everyones playgroup is different which always makes for certain changes in the deck. knowing what would react well against my guys is something I always take into consideration but thanks for the list.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 07:28 in reply to #288244 on Jhoira of the Ghitu


you know i saw a coulple of those suspend counter removing cards and really decided Id rather go the counterspell route and let players play around my cards but play counter for counter to get the ones i really want on the field. It took me a long debate to even include clockspinning but the buyback one it for that one, however I don't believe i've ever seen the timebug. I'll have to do some playtesting with him thanks for the suggestion.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 07:25 in reply to #288142 on Jhoira of the Ghitu


:) your gonna have to be a bit more creative or at least use a suspended rift bolt. worldfire exiles all permanents, your hand and your graveyard then resets all life to 1.

Posted 09 September 2012 at 07:12 in reply to #288079 on Jhoira of the Ghitu


you know i didnt think of that good point. thx

Posted 09 September 2012 at 07:10 in reply to #288070 on Jhoira of the Ghitu


Hello I'm going around trying to collaberate with a
couple of other players trying to make a great jhoira deck. I'd love to swap feedback if your interested.

First i see you went for more of the creature route with yours, Inkwel, darksteel and so on. It's a good strategy I personally think that if your going R/U you really need to spell sling :). any way for a budget deck this great. i would recommend commandering a desolate lighthouse for more draw. also maybe this is just my thought but 40 lands and also still having additional land fetcthing rescources is a bit much.

also just something fun its not always reliable but stitch in time is still a fun card to consider.

Posted 07 September 2012 at 07:34 as a comment on Jhoira, Gates of Void


alright im back only took me two more weeks then I thought it would here it is

So lets compare notes first I dont have alot if many of the nice duel lands so my mana ratio's a tad off. Also I really strugled with the decision to include clockspinning and the fury charm i mean i know its nice to get your stuff out quicker but it felt like they were dead slots if jhoira was say bant charmed to the bottom of your deck. Also i went a little heavier on the creatures with a little less counterspell. I am a fan of remand and the like but I guess i just personally am not much of a patient person so if i had more availability I would be less likely to save it for a good target. Also the one card i would say every one in R/U would need is mystic retreival I abuse the shit out of this card is a great way to play things twice if not thrice. not to mention rebounded returning four cards is just great utility so there's my first input.

also on the issue of land destruction I to am a hater of such cards I just find there not fun although like stated most if not all people play it as a form of delaying or reset which just makes for an unfun situation. So all in all i try to stay away from those kind of cards.

Posted 07 September 2012 at 07:14 as a comment on Jhoira of the Ghitu EDH


your decks 7 sins series have been a pretty interesting read i just thought I'd poke a little fun at this one be cause its the only one that says of 5 sins :) . Anyway good decks

Posted 04 September 2012 at 01:18 as a comment on • G L U T T O N Y • ( 3 of 5 Deadly Sins )


I'd love to get in on this action though my decks pretty much obsolete when 2012 and scars rotate. it's all about the lords and group buffs.

Posted 04 September 2012 at 00:43 in reply to #285482 on Green white human


Im Just starting a jhoira deck myself sir and I got quite a few ideas here for which i must thankyou. when I get a more finalized decklist id love to share ideas to make this deck a beast.

Posted 26 August 2012 at 07:00 as a comment on Jhoira of the Ghitu EDH


I enjoy the deck im just surprised your not using galvanizers. They both buff your tokens ( well your myr tokens anyway) and if you have the right amount of creatures give you an infinite mana loop for basically playing your whole hand an activating all non sick propagators.

if its not to much trouble im trying to create a deck for the new rotation now that were losing so many good cards and all help is appreciated so if you've got the moment id love any idea's or advice.

Posted 08 August 2012 at 07:23 as a comment on Artifact Overrun


Ok so I tried my hand at the splinter frights myself a while ago and what i found is that one of the best creatures you can get is ambush viper. Nothing is more fun than taking down the large titans (now a moot point) or other large creature with a 2 costing flash creature that then serves to fill your graveyard. Just a thought for you killing deficet problem.

oh also if you got the moment could you take a look at my new deck im trying to come up with something for the new rotation after losing so many good cards and all help is appreciated.

Posted 08 August 2012 at 07:16 as a comment on Master Splinter & The Boneyard Boys


alright were to start? Well first thanks for the advice its always appreciated, now on to my reasons for the cards and lets see if you still think they should go.

1. Lets just work it down your list first i like the hamlet back for late game its really the only reason i have 8 mana rampers otherwise id probally cut it too four or id have to search for another game ender like maybe elderscale.
2. alrighty then onto the ring of valkos. Now that one im not certain about either i just wanted to try one cause it procs so well with all the one drop reds and gettin to the dragons akakening point.
3. Moving to the dragon themselves so when i put this deck togeather i had vexing and stromkirk as solid one drops for early game victory but i needed a late game push and realized if you can get this guy out then take the hits you have a pretty damn powerful creature. Now i havent tested it yet as im still collecting a couple of the cards but to get just 5 creatures to attack you and then wind up with an 8/8 able to attack its pretty sweet. Also it acts as a deterrent for people who dont have an answer for it in there hands yet.
4. Stromkirk is a pretty solid one drop, although now that so many humans are no longer viable such as mirran crusader, wether that holds true for RTR remains to be seen.

well thats my story. Tell me if you do think of anything better for these slots Tips and Advice are always welcome.

Posted 06 August 2012 at 08:10 in reply to #279123 on A Vexing Rotation


awwww its gonna suck when vapor snag leaves rotation this next set that was such a good card anyway It seems pretty solid. the only thing i might suggest is that i think exalted is cool but it can back fire on you. In that if you ever cant get in the first punch your gonna fall behind in the aggro race cause your toughness on those creatures is usuallly glass thin. also keep in mind geist isn't going to get exalted because the moment you declare your swinging with him he immediatly puts out the angel token so there are 2 creatures attacking. anyway getting back to what i was saying i'd actually sub out the avon squires for some arctic avons for the additional toughness and the lifelink to keep you in there longer. I like the geist as a card so even though he doesn't trigger I think hed be cool to stay.

Posted 06 August 2012 at 07:59 as a comment on Exalted in blue white


sounds like your thinking of some good old path to exiles I didnt even think about it but yea I suppose it should have some removal

Posted 17 July 2012 at 09:39 in reply to #273484 on Aura of greatness


if your still looking for that draw i find that belive it or not temple is a real nice card. you activate on the end of their turn guranteing they cant use it till there next turn and you essentially draw 2 cards for your turn. If your going for the kill you can even pop it again to draw a third card to pull of the victory.

Posted 09 July 2012 at 06:19 as a comment on Meet the Pyro


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