
11 Decks, 71 Comments, 6 Reputation

Oh, put in 2 divination where the Tormod's Crypts go. That may help things a bit.

Posted 19 September 2012 at 20:56 in reply to #290508 on Zombie Mill


Drop 2 Tormod's Crypt and sideboard them...if you don't remove their graveyard and they have the capability to shuffle it back into library, that just means more cards for you to mill which will lead to more zombies.

Drop 2 Islands 1 Jace and 1 Evolving Wilds and add in 2 Drowned Catacomb and 2 Spectral Flight to give your Undead Alchemist a bit more beef and some evasion. Dropping the Jace shouldn't matter too too much, because with the Alchemist out in conjunction with the Mind Scuplts and Trep blades, they will generate most of your mill.

Drop 1 Fog Bank and 1 Jace's Phantasm and add in 2 Rooftop Storm. Casting zombies for 0 is pretty frickin fun!

If it all possible, try and work some card-draw into the deck somewhere, I can't seem to find a good fit for it right now cause this looks pretty effective, but that is a blue-specialty that always is a good thing.
Those are my suggestions.

Posted 19 September 2012 at 20:55 as a comment on Zombie Mill


With the token generation coupled with Cathar's Crusade, things could get very out of hand very fast for your opponent, very nice!

However, the mana curve is slightly steep IMO for a tournament paced deck. If you had one less Attended Knight and 1 less Mentor of the Meek and maybe swapped in 2 Champion of the Parish or 2 Elite Inquisitor's, it wouldn't significantly ramp up the cost of the deck, but may provide a little more early game consistancy.

I would even go as far as suggesting to remove all 3 Murder's from the deck and replace them with 3 Tragic Slips. If you were to use your Bone Splinters and sack a token, you could follow that up with a quick one black mana drop and tragic slip another creature thats causing problems.

All in all looks like a great (and fun) deck to play with for a decent budget. Props to AlphaMarksman and yourself for sharing. 4.5/5

Posted 19 September 2012 at 20:35 as a comment on We Will Rise


Very cool merfolk based deck but I feel as though the dragons are a bit out of place when you can just aggressively stomp with fast merfolks. If you make this a R/B deck, maybe throw some more spot removal/burn into your main deck as opposed to going red just to throw in some big dragons.

I actually have a merfolk deck of my own that I posted up a few days ago, 95% of it is from the M13 core set, as I wasnt playing when lorwyn and zendikar blocks came out.

The only thing I must say you need in a merfolk deck is Talrand, Sky Summoner. Coupled with your mana leaks and/or burn, you can amass a nice little flying army for extra dings on your opponent, or just a solid wall of defense in the case when you don't have one of your merfolk commerence enchantments on the board.

If you'd like to see the approach I took to my deck, feel free to have a look:

Posted 19 September 2012 at 20:17 as a comment on Oceans of Fire


Wolfbitten Captive's are a great alternative first turn drop, however, they do get pretty mana dependant to really get the buffs going. I would suggest maybe dropping them for Village Ironsmith's. They are a 1R creature but get the benefit of first strike. When you trample through using your wolf run, they can do some pretty serious damage.

Also on that note, because its a fast-paced aggressive deck, I would maybe drop the 4 prey upon's and throw in some burn like 2 shocks and 2 incinerates or 4 shocks, just to hit your opponent straight to the face or quickly burn down a pesky creature at the end of your opponents turn.

I just updated my werewolves deck today, but didnt edit any of the text as to what I removed and what it got replaced with etc...

Feel free to check it out and comment.

Posted 16 September 2012 at 13:23 as a comment on Werewolves


In a deck like this -- especially since your trying to run it off Call to the Kindred -- I'm surprised that you don't have any of the Battleground Geist or Gallows Warden cards in there. Both of those will buff every other creature in this deck making your army that much stronger and giving you more options to drop a creature for free at the start of your upkeep.

I help my buddy build his casual spirits deck, he doesnt have 4 call to the kindred, but even still, theres enough control in it to survive early onslaught's to make it to the midrange where the deck really shines.

Posted 03 March 2012 at 02:54 as a comment on Ghostly Tribal


My suggestion would be to maybe lower the mana curve slightly to increase the pressure early and get board presence. Beast Within are more of a sideboard card (imo) and brimstone volley are more of a dead card when werewolves have so much beef on their own. Once they start trampling, direct player burn is somewhat obsolete.

My deck isn't perfect but I can't really afford to go out and hunt down specific cards so I have just been working with what I own, and its coming along very nicely. I have 2 briarpack alpha in my deck also which are an awesome flash card for offense (to get that last few damage done) or defense for a chump block or instant buff.

All in all your deck is looking really good though and best of luck to you at your FNM matches.

I'm not going to bother posting my deck link on here, its simple enough to just click my name and find my deck, I only have a few uploaded on here.


Posted 20 February 2012 at 20:44 as a comment on Standard Werewolves


Into the Maw of Hell are hilariously destructive cards. Not very practical, but fun nonetheless.

Posted 19 February 2012 at 16:55 as a comment on Sucks to be you


If you dropped out 2 hunger of the howlpack and slapped in 2 overrun, that would set this off real purdy like.

Posted 19 February 2012 at 16:51 as a comment on mono green


You need some O-rings up in that there.

Posted 19 February 2012 at 16:49 as a comment on Standard mono white


Hey no prob, I've only been a member here for less than a week but I really enjoy checking out other people's decks and giving/receiving feedback. Its a good resource to really piss my buddies off XD.

Shock is always a fun card in a R/G deck. Also maybe drop one of the Paradise birds and turn the waif's up to 4. In a deck like this I think you would prefer to drop the Waif on turn one over a mana bird no? Or maybe even scrap the birds completely and toss in the Waif and 2 scorned villager werewolfs. A 2 drop werewolf that is vigilant and produces 2 green can't hurt this deck.

And one other suggestion is maybe replace the Ghost Quarter's and sideboard them, as of now you are sitting at 20 lands total and 5 of them are producing only colourless. You may be starting a few games holding only 5 cards a little too frequently lol.

I feel the werewolves are an aggressive tribe so I think leaning heavily towards the creatures end is the way to take these guys. They are surprisingly cheap mana-wise for the amount of slapdown they deliver. You theoretically can run a solid game off of 2 mountains 1 forest out if you pick the right opening hand and get a few nice draws turn 3 and 4, I've had some beautiful experiences with mine.

Im still kind of tweaking my werewolf deck, but I dont really have it where I want it to be quite yet. Every once and a while I will go out and buy a booster or two and upgrade as I go but the selection of local stores that sell singles have already been scavenged so I just have to go with what I got.

Heres my deck if you'd like to have a peek:

Posted 18 February 2012 at 16:40 in reply to #234602 on Wherewolf? THEREwolf!!


Lol I hear ya. I'm not much of a competitive time doesn't really allow it. I really can only craft my decks based on booster packs/boxes I buy here and there, but I feel that I still give decent advice to others.

Vintage/Legacy are my weak spots though, I literally missed about 15 years of MtG cards so unless its old old school (Mirage and earlier to 4th Edition) or Scars block to present...I really don't know my ass from a hole in the ground.

Posted 18 February 2012 at 16:05 in reply to #235230 on UB Obliterator DA Standard


The beauty of Undead Alchemist is that he triggers a deck mill for ALL zombies you own, not just himself. Half the time I just keep him alive when he hits the table and sit back and let the tokens go to work and make more tokens.

I'm not saying he wouldn't work in your deck, but he just seems more of a zombie hoarding type guy =P.

Posted 18 February 2012 at 16:01 in reply to #235085 on uw budget blade


Thats kind of deviating to a brand new kind of deck though. I would go with the stalker blade combo and base this deck around that.

If you were going to bring an Alchemist in with the blade, you would most likely have to re-vamp alot of this deck and just base it purely on zombies. And you won't necessarily have to bounce him out, you can still just mill your opponent down and basically they either find a way to deal with the alchemist and then lose to zombie horde, or dont deal with him and get milled lol.

This is my zombie deck:

Basically the intent is to just mass zombies and increase board presence and push offensively, like a horde of brainless zombies do ala horror type scenario. If the alchemist comes out, the game plan remains the same lol. If they get milled, they get milled. If not, oh well.

Posted 18 February 2012 at 15:58 in reply to #235085 on uw budget blade


Drop Russet Wolves (4 mana for a 3/3 with no ability) and add more Mayor's! Buffs are good.

Posted 18 February 2012 at 15:43 as a comment on Wolf Whistle


No I think 2 Wolfbitten will do just fine, they are mana dependant to buff for their ability, the Waif's are a much more consistant 1-drop.

Posted 18 February 2012 at 07:24 in reply to #235331 on G/R werewolf


"My power is as vast as the plains; my strength is that of mountains. Each wave that crashes upon the shore thunders like blood in my veins." —Dakkon Blackblade, Memoirs

Posted 17 February 2012 at 22:02 in reply to #235395 on Dubs Hundred


Well I started playing back in the 4th Edition days and quit when Visions came out. I have recently started back up just shortly after Innistrad hit the shelves and have been sucked back in. I MISSED ALOT OF SHIT. So as to my favourites, I'm disregarding the new and taking it back to the old school flavor that first got me started.

Red - Lightning Bolt
White - Tundra Wolves
Black - Mind Twist
Blue - Counterspell (original art)
Green - Birds of Paradise / Channel
Artifact - Ornithopter
Land - Strip Mine
Multi-colour - Dakkon Blackblade

Posted 17 February 2012 at 21:59 as a comment on Dubs Hundred


- 2 Predator Ooze
- 2 Blasphemous Act
+ 2 Llanowar Elves
+ 2 Rampant Growth

Ramp ramp and more ramp. Get the beaters out fast!

Posted 17 February 2012 at 20:48 as a comment on Green deck win


If you splash red, throw in Assault Strobe's.

Posted 17 February 2012 at 20:45 as a comment on speed green infect


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