
11 Decks, 71 Comments, 6 Reputation

So its basically a 'kill me fast or get absolutely demolished by my huge shanks of meat with teeth?' kind of deck?

I like it.

Board wipes might hurt if you don't get your Asceticism up and running fast enough though.

Posted 16 February 2012 at 03:30 as a comment on wait... wait... wait... ATTTTTAAACK


Agree with Grego3, drop the Army of the Damned's and put in Grave Titan along with an Undead Alchemist. You want to see zombies? Get your Alchemist out and swing with every single zombie token. You don't do damage, you just mass mill and however many creatures you mill off his library is how many more zombie tokens you get to chump block for defense.

Posted 14 February 2012 at 22:01 as a comment on Flying Zombies of Doom


I agree with VampireArmy for substituting Artillerize with Fling. Everything else seems good except the 2 hex parasites, that kind of throws me off. You are only splashing in one Swamp, I think you would almost be better off dropping the swamp, the 2 parasites and throwing in 3 more burn, like Incinerate's or something. Not quite sure what plan you have for the Parasites. If it is to eat the counters off your own creatures with Undying so they can keep coming back, you might want to splash in more swamps. And on that note, you have enough trample damage and burn to kill an opponent anyways without doing that.

Posted 14 February 2012 at 21:42 as a comment on GR Kessig/Undying


As awesome as the Huntsmaster of the Fells is, he doesn't fit overly well into Tribal werewolf decks simply because of the Immerwolf.

You WANT this guy to keep flip flopping between his human/werewolf forms to keep your opponent thinking if its even worth it to try to cast one spell or two spells on his/her turn.

Drop the Faithless Looting spells as you really have nothing in here that works from your graveyard. I would suggest maybe adding in another Moonmist and 2 Gnaw to the Bone instead.

Posted 14 February 2012 at 17:52 as a comment on Wherewolf? THEREwolf!!


Cool tribal wolves deck, but heres a few suggestions I would make:

1. Lose the Russet wolves, they are a 4CMC for only a 3/3 creature...maybe drop both and add in 2 more Immerwolves to buff everything else.

2. Drop the Red Sun's Zenith spells (which are basically a recycling fireball), this seems to be more of an aggro creature-based deck, so you would be better off adding in 4 Mayor of Avabruck. Once the Mayor's transform, they will buff all your wolves (again), give you wolf tokens, and with the Immerwolves, they won't transform back to human form anytime soon.

3. Drop 2 Mountains and 2 Forests, 20 land in this deck is enough to get the job done. Throw in 4 Moonmist in their stead which is basically a 2 cost fog that allows ONLY wolves and werewolves to do damage in combat.You can just burn one to save your own ass for a turn, and then swing full tilt next turn. This will also get your Mayor's flipped and deadly with ease.

Looking good though!

Posted 14 February 2012 at 17:46 as a comment on Wolf's of Innistrad


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