
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

Posts where you and me have been talking are getting flagged,
I think the trolls might think you are righteousbrightgirl.
Make all your posts private if you are, before the trolls get personal info.

Posted 05 February 2022 at 18:35 in reply to #646101 on Lantern Control


Now that you are active, righteous, one of the troll is exhibiting a behaviour I call "flashing"
In the past trolls have always wanted to attract victims for a taunt, and have different lures to do so.

When a troll is "flashing"
He turns a new blank deck into public before he starts working on it.
As a result when someone spots the deck they might comment on how it's only consisting of a few cards, and the troll can giggle at having annoyed someone while telling that it's being worked on.

One troll is so heavily addicted to flashing that I have mapped practically all his accounts by looking for decks being built publicly.

This way of annoying a few people have been extremely useful for me as a tool to identify at least one guy all the time.

He really likes to swing his deck around in front of everyone while it grows.
In my personal archive I call him the flasher, and since I suspect that there is a connection between trolls favouring forums with teenagers I think it's a very appropriate name.

He was active a few minutes before I posted this.

Posted 05 February 2022 at 17:02 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


Trolls love to divert the conversation by delving into specifics.
Heh, I'll post a manual on troll quirks too, because those are also ways to spot them.
Most of the stuff out there is bullshit manipulated by trolls trolling troll manuals, but there's some pretty accurate stuff that I've been using myself.

Posted 05 February 2022 at 15:20 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


He's the one with the streaming channel.

Posted 05 February 2022 at 13:12 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


Blabba blobba. What ???

Posted 04 February 2022 at 22:24 in reply to #646317 on Righteous Humans


And how come people Buy things I've made at an auction :)
I'm famous and all this is troll jealousy.

And your hitler comments were at another page.

I've admitted to wanting to create a great segregation between abusive humans and selfish humans, and also claimed I would aim for the utter destruction of selfish people if it was the only solution.

I admit this without shame.

Hitler was deluded in who were good and bad, and that made him bad.

But the fact was that most of the world was having very similar thoughts.
But as hitler went with the lebensraum solution he became a long term power problem and a schism of thought was needed to gain political movement to fight him.

You should read history since you aren't going to be a doctor.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 21:54 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


Long screenshot :)

Posted 04 February 2022 at 21:53 in reply to #646308 on Righteous Humans


I've answered the Hitler question to you in one og the other threads.
Sure I'll be a hitler of troll extermination, and you've sort of lost the debate by being the first party acusing the other of being hitler.

And again it declined from the moment I set foot in here before 2008 which I've written about and referred to by linking all my post to the article about this place being abused by thieves.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 21:25 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


It's been in a decline since I joined it.
I've pointed out several examples of that and you know it. And that's before 2008.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 21:08 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


Sometimes several times a day.
During my youth I learned the trick of sleeping in one hour intervals, and I've used it on some days to sleep less. There is 8 thieves and a school class with an unknown amount of students, though I'd guess at 2-4.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 20:59 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


Righteousbrightgirl joined the troll war a long time ago before I learned thieves were behind everything.
It was the pre-list times where I posted good users and created an archive of bad user offenses.

But sure, you guys dealt with me most of that time.

You are simply resource deniers because evolution built you to take from others and keep resources from others to spread your dna, and you lack the capability to change your nature for good, which is why, like a Hitler I want to erradicate you all if I can't contain you.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 20:48 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


I've never had a second account in here, because I fight my battles with my brain.
What purpose would another account serve me, I've never hidden behind anything. I'm not a play or an act I am an identity. I fight with technology not infantile lies, and you just don't seem to comprehend that. Theres an old Danish saying, "thief thinks every man steals" a liar will not believe that some people are telling the truth.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 20:20 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


Just search for dninja89 on youtube.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 17:43 in reply to #646244 on Friday night brawl: Svella.


Do you really ?

Posted 04 February 2022 at 17:35 in reply to #646251 on Righteous Humans


The build sort of starts with dragons rage channeler.
It attracts discard because discard let's you protect it from removal, so it can both manipulate your top with surveil and bring big beats.

Mishra's bauble enables you to abuse the channeler the turn it's there, influencing the quality of your second draw and adding content to your graveyard.

Fetchlands enable you to play blood Crypt and overgrown tomb for your turn 1 and turn two so you can play two discard spells on your turn 2, and through surveil you increase the odds of that move.

I'd say that covers the turn one.

But against other jund, your gameplan is spoiled by their turn 1 lightning bolt.
So you need to adapt towards that move.

I can think of three cards that both allow you to bounce back fast from an assault on dragon rage channeler.

There's uneart and noxious revival.

Unearth can be used on drc, grim flayer and tarmogoyf and a whole array of other competitive creatures, ooze & death's shadow) noxious revival can be used to bring back creatures, baubles, spells or even fetchlands.

Grim flayer, tarmogoyf and wrenn can use the graveyard, and I think ravens crime might be good with wrenn and six.

Using both relic of progenitus and mishra's bauble could be good against the discard of other jund and could be used to take on a more aggressive approach with liliana.

I'm not convinced seasoned Pyromancer will be good.
I'm thinking the ignoble hierarch might be able to allow you to run bloodbraid faster, maybe even thought-knot seer if you can find the room for ghostquarter, which will also be sweet with wrenn and six.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 11:10 in reply to #646046 on Queen Vic


Ninjutsu is back too, and theres a 3BU creature that acts like a surgical extraction.

Posted 04 February 2022 at 05:24 in reply to #646236 on Friday night brawl: Svella.


Only real big news is that most of kamigawa, neon dynasty has been spoiled.

I noticed that red gets two different 1/1 haste creatures for 1 mana, and I've always loved haste.

Channel is back as a mechanic which I think is cool because I loved it back the days for its ability not to be targeted.

Posted 03 February 2022 at 23:42 as a comment on Friday night brawl: Svella.


In any case, they are starting to downvote you, so just talk a lot and they will be overworked at downvoting both of us.
Upvoting and commenting brings a lot of reputation, and 10+ is needed to downvote the dumb trolls.

Posted 03 February 2022 at 21:50 in reply to #637754 on Righteous Humans


Again, I think this will be counterproductive for you.
First you'd have to make a wdm tagged post twice a week to keep the tag floating.

Second, in all my post I tell people to click on the tag on my account page, which only displays posts that I made.
Try clicking on your own page and you will see my results don't show.

It's a closed circuit, unassailable...

Third, it's not a tag I use any longer, as my localized system is guiding people around between very few of my tags.
I use the decktag: article at the moment, which I don't fear revealing, and then I use the tag names of my individual decks.

I currently have 30 deck based tags, which can be found among the tags on my account page.

Look for the decktag: bolt
Click on it and learn the thirty deck tags.

Feel free to use them at your own leisure, as each post I make guide people at how to use it as a closed circuit so they don't have to fear being confused by other people using the exact same tag.

Now you know :)

Posted 03 February 2022 at 20:53 in reply to #645966 on most stupid deck ever in the w


In pauper other cards are legal as well, so the deck can be upgraded with some research.

The bounce/mill side was actually decent against my 2018 merfolk, and so was the bolt side, so it's actually
A strong blend against aggro and the mill ruins combo.

Not a bad couple to choose :)

Posted 03 February 2022 at 20:28 in reply to #646230 on burn & mill


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