Melek, Izzet Paragon EDH

by Xerohero on 11 November 2015

Main Deck (99 cards)

Sideboard (1 card)

Creatures (1)

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Deck Description

Deck description coming soon, im at work and already took the time to add the cards stand by

Deck Tags

  • Izzet
  • Draw
  • EDH
  • Melek

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 1,507 times.

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Melek, Izzet Paragon EDH

I'd consider Future Sight. You can sometimes chain 2-3 cards a turn off it. That's pretty solid value.

Jace's Sanctum is going to save you more mana than any mana rock, and that's not even counting the scry trigger.

Posted 11 November 2015 at 20:33


Switched around per your suggestions, this is my first EDH deck im putting together.

What do you think about the new 2015 commander decks? My friend going to buy them all I like the Izzet one I could build from that shell, would save me a ton of cash Ill post the list on here maybe suggest where it can improve.

Posted 12 November 2015 at 14:38


Mizzix is really solid, and I'd for sure run him IN the deck. As a commander I think Melek is probably better. Saving mana can get done in so many other ways, and it rarely wins a game, where as doubling a spell can be devestating, and having it on a stick in Melek is pretty great. Plus Melek is card advantage all unto himself, since you can play off the top. He does render Future Sight kind of pointless though which I forgot when I suggested it (I was thinking in terms of my own similar Talrand deck).

I would maybe find a slot for Cyclonic Rift (probably where Future Sight was). I'd be happy to see it banned personally, but until it is you may as well run it.

Pyromancer's Goggles would work well here. Worst case it's a mana rock, but best case it lets you double your spell one more time.

Posted 12 November 2015 at 15:23


I think you are correct Melek seems like a bad ass commander. I would want to switch up the creatures a bit add Wee men and Niv-mizzet. Past in flames looks tight too, plus reiterate and twincast for some doubling fun. Could you still use Mizzix as a creature? Is 39 lands alot or is that standard for EDH? If you did stick with Mizz you could add some proliferate to get the counters up, inexorable tide and tezzerets gambit. My first time trying the format sry for all the questions.

Posted 12 November 2015 at 16:42


Lands is flexible depending on a lot of factors. Two color decks you can skimp a bit. I generally run 36-37 in two color, but I usually run quite a few mana rocks and quite a bit of draw. You're probably okay with 36-37 since you aren't running things like Maze of Ith that doesn't tap for mana or many colorless lands, and you have a lot of small stuff like Brainstorm and Ponder that will let you get to lands if you need them.

I would slot in Myriad Landscape into your lands though. It's not a bomb or anything, but it ramps an extra land early. Wayfarer's Bauble is really nice too as a way to sneak an extra land into play.

You can probably find Sol Ring for around two dollars too, and I'd run that for sure. It's the best mana rock in the format.

I'd keep an eye on Mirari. I can never make it work. Five mana is a lot to cast something that doesn't do much unless you pay more, and it just never seemed like I had the three mana lying around spare very often to use it. It might work great for you, but I'd say watch it in games because at least for me it's one of those cards that looked amazing on paper and never really did a lot in reality.

Posted 12 November 2015 at 16:59


Chandra, the Firebrand is only like $3. Her negative loyalty ability copies instants and sorceries. You might also want to check out the ultimate on Chandra Ablaze (~$9).

Posted 12 November 2015 at 19:52


Young Pyromancer
Cloven Casting

Posted 13 November 2015 at 07:10


Clone Legion dude...

Posted 13 November 2015 at 15:43


Clone Legion never seemed to work for me. If there are enough dudes out to have it be worth while all you do is generate a stalemate unless you plan to Rift next turn or something. For that much mana a card should blow out or something. In this deck I'd just run Insurrection. Why Clone Legion a bunch of dudes you can't do anything with for a full turn and even then they'll be facing blockers when you can just take everything and probably kill someone with it?

The exception might be in some kind of theft/reanimator deck where you make the clones to sacc to something to procc Grave Pact or whatever, but even then I think I'd still rather run Insurrection (or a Plague Wind-type effect, etc.). Clone Legion just requires too many moving parts to come together simultaneously in order to generate a win.

Posted 13 November 2015 at 23:02
