
30 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

oo thank you. with this setup i probably wont have a mana issue but i just got it in the mail today. we will see how it really plays

Posted 22 July 2010 at 20:26 in reply to #74516 on angels


thanks guys, check out my angels deck idea. been workin on it with a guy here that goes to some prety big tournaments and such.


any tips on this would would be great, i have doubts about its crazy mana curve

Posted 18 July 2010 at 00:20 as a comment on white walls


o i need a replacement for oring aswell. its falling off and i dont want it in the deck at all because of it

Posted 18 July 2010 at 00:04 in reply to #74334 on angels


changed up the angels a bit i do like baneslayers due to first strike and lifelink. its a prety broken card. this should net me enough mana to get the big angels out fast while having a few things to block with. what do you think about it now?

Posted 18 July 2010 at 00:04 as a comment on angels


lookin for any suggestions to make a white control beatdown with angels. i never play white, its boreing to me but i figured id try it with the recent angel additions. it should be standard

exp: i started in january (3)

Posted 16 July 2010 at 08:22 as a comment on *ADVERTISE UR DECK ltd


ok so rite of replication wont work. any T2 illusions im missing?

Posted 15 July 2010 at 11:15 as a comment on (help)illusions


the reason for negate was that illusions are big creatures for lower cost since they die from any targeted ability. i should have some prety beefy creatures right of teh bat. this will hopefully be enough that i wont need to counter creatures. untill i try this out ill probably keep it negate just for mana curve sake but yea. counterspell is quite nice.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 11:14 in reply to #73533 on (help)illusions


i could easily be mistaken here. but any saps that come into play will have summoning sickness and be unable to tap for land. you could still get infinate saps but it wouldnt be in one turn, and you would be leaving yourself very open to attack. the crossroads being a one-of wouldnt be a very solid bet to give creatures the haste your looking for. even with 4 it may not be enough.

Posted 27 May 2010 at 17:20 as a comment on Infinite Saprolings
