
34 Decks, 73 Comments, 1 Reputation

check out my EDH deck

Posted 19 October 2013 at 05:53 as a comment on Comments


take a look at lone missionary instead of cathedral sanctifier. Overall I like the concept of the deck. As a mental exercise run through your head some of my decks and ask yourself how would you defend against them and how would you defeat them. The only other thing for this deck to be successful on a consistent basis is speed. You must assume that there will be games where you don't see your planeswalker in which case you need to ask yourself "self, how do I win now and self please be quick about it". I try to always have at least 2 ways to kill my opponent(s). Beyond what I have said I think this deck should be built and play tested. Pester your parents and I will see what I can do too. Well done.

Posted 19 October 2013 at 04:42 as a comment on Doth thow even life?


make room for teferi's puzzle box. its a killer card for this deck and its a modern card.

Posted 14 September 2013 at 17:12 as a comment on Underworld nightmares


I think your gonna need deck diving cards to make this deck work otherwise your at the luck of the draw to get the land combos.

Posted 14 September 2013 at 17:08 as a comment on Affini-death


I like this deck kiddo

Posted 14 September 2013 at 04:49 in reply to #396641 on Underworld nightmares


You need some card drawing cards like Prosperity to put large numbers of cards in opponents hand. Not sure whats legal.

Posted 14 September 2013 at 04:47 as a comment on Underworld nightmares


make it 3 essence warden and 3 wellwishers

Posted 06 September 2013 at 03:53 as a comment on there in the trees



make this a modern deck

Posted 06 September 2013 at 03:44 as a comment on Affini-death


give me a description before I read the cards and make recommendations.

Posted 03 September 2013 at 05:59 as a comment on Enchantments everywhere


increase to 4: Dash Hopes, Dark Ritual, Cemetery Reaper & Death Baron. Remove Vile Rebirth & Dregscape Zombies. Increase to 3: Door of Destinies. Lands: Remove 1 Cavern of Souls & Temple of False Gods. Add 2 Zombies other than the one you removed. I like adding diregraf ghoul but the choice is yours.

Consider adding 2 Call to the grave and removing endless ranks.

GL Sir.

Posted 03 September 2013 at 05:57 as a comment on Death to all!


Dork......You don't even have any green mana lol.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 19:29 as a comment on PW.DF


Ps......read the defender ability. I don't think it works the way you think it does.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 19:26 as a comment on PW.DF


Is there any way to eliminate Vraska the Unseen? 5 color decks have a high fail rate. I would suggest finding another plainswalker along the lines of your three main colors; maybe even an all red one. That would offer some balance to the deck.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 19:26 as a comment on PW.DF


OK lets start with the cipher cards. They only work if you hit your opponent with them so once the card is ciphered onto your creature how is it going to get past your opponents defense? Those cards only allow you to tap cards only after they hit but you will need them to act before you hit. I would rather use cyclonic rift at least for hidden strings which is next to useless if you ask me. I can see the Hands of Binding being useful since you can keep a creature tapped from turn to turn and that may gain you an early to mid game edge and is cheap so its up to you to keep em.

Cant you find a better enchantment than Forced Adaption. Seems like a waste of an enchantment to me. I like my enchantments to either help all my creatures or negate some powerful opponents creature. If you want lots of counters then give this creature a try......Meet the awesome Primordial Hydra (bows deeply). I've seen these creatures get over 400/400 before. Yes that 400 attack and 400 defense. How would you like to have one of those swords to plowshared :). Do I have an evil mind or what.

Now get crackin and fix your deck.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 20:16 as a comment on Bring on the counters


Cant you find something better than pontiff of blight? All your creatures already have extort skill so in essence he is a really expensive 2/7 creature. Put in some go for the throats or something that's gonna be more useful. Without the pontiff you may not need the dark rituals. You might be able to find some more spells that will make your opponent stress out more. One idea that comes to mind is bad moon. It gives all black creatures +1/+1. Four of them would be annoying for your opponent and he may even waste is time trying to eliminate them. I would laugh if my opponent wasted all his counters on my bad moons. Then again if they get in well then bonus for you. By the way all but 4 of your 24 creatures are black so the bad moon will not be wasted.

I am not very impressed with the thrull parasite. I don't get the counter removal. I cant think of a single deck that puts counters on creatures such that they would need to be removed. How about some nice Consume Spirit (its a better drain life) or Profane Command. That would totally fit with the theme of this deck and give you something to do with your late game mana. Take a look at Dirge of Dread too (very useful end game card).

Add Nightsky Mimic to sideboard

Posted 13 July 2013 at 19:30 as a comment on Extortion


On second thought keep 1 Echo mage and replace the other 3 with the cryptologists. It would be really fun to mess with your opponents spells if you can but you cant guarantee you will see any but for 1 card I am willing to take the chance.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 19:18 as a comment on level Up!


remove 2 cackling counterpart and add 2 arcane denial. Remove 4 blustersquall and add 4 cyclonic rifts. OK here is my reasoning.....If you look at your creatures most of them cost less than the 3 mana and that is the casting cost of the cackling counterpart. Imagine getting one of those spells in your opening hand. In my opinion it would be a waste so really those cards are only useful when cast upon creatures with multiple levels but my thinking again is that there will be a better use for the mana than copying one of your creatures. Remember, blue is all about counterspells, bouncing cards back into players hands as well as drawing cards. Play to those strengths if you are going to play a blue deck.

Blustersquall is nice in that it taps your opponents creatures but they are a threat again next turn and what happens if he blows a fog just when you think you have all his creatures tapped. So instead why not put them all back in his hand along with all his enchantments and artifacts. That would really piss him off. Sure he might still blow a fog for that turn but he will be seriously hosed the next turn as he madly scrambles to resummon everything you slammed back into his hand. This also plays into your counterspelling as well. To me it just seems like a much more lethal card to play

Lastly, make some space for at least 2 to 3 enclave cryptologists and increase the venerated teacher to 4. Think about the late game when you are top decking and then imagine having 2 or 3 cryptologists in play. Card advantage equals wins. I would lose the echo mage to make room for the cryptologists. Again my reasoning is as follows: You cannot copy a counterspell that is successful so that leaves you with just 4 cyclonic rifts and that is a waste of a creature space for just 4 cards (you have to assume your opponent has none to copy). I can see what you were thinking in casting the cackling counterpart and then copying it for another creature giving you 2 more creatures that turn for little to no mana spent. I get it but with just 2 of those spells and those being the only spells you can guarantee you will be able to copy then you have wasted 4 creatures. Go for the card drawers instead.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 19:10 as a comment on level Up!


Remove 1 wake of reflections and add 1 swords to plowshares. My reasoning is that your deck cannot put out a single creature until turn 4 and you are going to need all the defense you can get until your creatures start coming out. The extra swords to plowshares will give you 11 defensive cards and that should keep your butt out of the frying pan.

The more I think about it the more I think the planeswalker is going to be your main piece of offense especially since you can bring it out on turn 3. Anyhow those are my thoughts for now.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 18:41 as a comment on The FLYERS


Remove 2 Tranquility, 2 Naturalize, 2 Spider Umbra. Replace 2 Spore Fog with 2 Spike Weaver. Remove 2 Centaur's Herald. Add 2 Desert Twister, 2 Tower of Calamities. You now have room for 4 more cards. I would recommend either 4 flyers or more defensive cards like 2 more Natural End. You have 6 life giving cards which is way more than you will need so consider reducing those numbers to like 3. That would give you room for more useful creatures or defensive cards.

Your deck lacks an overall theme other than "get out big green baddie and pound opponent" so you might want to revisit all your creatures and try for some sort of theme whereby they will help each other and/or get more powerful as more and more come into play. That would require a serious revamping.

Try to avoid the "o this looks nice" syndrome for picking cards. That usually leads to a bunch of creatures and/or other cards that are at once unfocused and easily defeated.

Remember too, the weakness of green is counter spells and the strength is creatures. Find ways to cover your weakness and enhance your strength.

Good Luck

Posted 10 July 2013 at 00:55 as a comment on Odyssey


Since your deck has only 10 critters I am thinking more and more that it will be very important to insure that 1 or 2 can get through every turn. For this reason I am thinking you should remove the 2 Nephalia Drownyard and replace them with 2 Rogue's Passage. What do you think?

Posted 06 July 2013 at 23:11 as a comment on Got cards?


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