
2 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

The strategy is 1) deploy the Galvanizerrrrs! (and imprint one onto the Portal) and 2) land some heavy hitters to win the game. The problem I'm having is deciding which hitters are worth their heavy. Which plays better, "gain 7 life" (Wurm), "destroy tapped creatures" (Angel), Annihilator (Crusher), or resurrection (Titan)?

Any and all thoughts are appreciated!

Posted 29 July 2011 at 19:11 as a comment on Myr, Myr, Off the Wall


Glistener Elves would make a nice addition here!

The one-ofs are a bit of a necessity because of my small collection, but they do fill some needed gaps discovered in playtesting. The problem with infect is twofold: it can be expensive to drop nice infect creatures (Corpse Cur, Contagious Nim, Toxic Nim) and it can get really difficult to sustain an infect attack if you have an opponent with creatures he can sacrifice and you don't. Growth instants/sorceries are nice, but they really fall short if you can't hit home through 30 Myr tokens. That's why the instants/sorceries are creature removal, combat trick, force block, and deathtouch: eliminate opponents' creatures at the early game to punch in the necessary 10. Consume the Meek is perhaps the most valuable spell in the deck. If you get up to 5 mana, and you're not going to win in 3 turns, this deck may not do much else for you.

Sheoldred is in this deck for that same reason. She works especially well against self-reinforcing hordes like Elves. At one point I had considered adding some Annihilator, but that's just too expensive for a 5-mana-wins philosophy.

Thanks for the excellent advice, and best of luck!

Posted 29 July 2011 at 07:01 in reply to #186442 on Infectious Personality
