
5 Decks, 112 Comments, 11 Reputation

ahh i see haha well maybe get a nykthos for deovtion and have Teysa if AEtherling deals damage to you he is destroyed and cant be exiled out also sin collecter and Blood baron? if you wanna splash more white cards((:

Posted 21 February 2014 at 17:15 in reply to #440338 on Mono Black


Sphere of Safety? xD

Posted 20 February 2014 at 18:24 as a comment on Standard Auras


Why do you have Godless shrine? you have no cards that have any cost with white and no abilitys for white i would drop 2 lands and get more removal but other than that this looks nearly perfect

Posted 19 February 2014 at 19:16 as a comment on Mono Black


well that is good but with triton tactics tap two to mill then triton tactics to untap two and give two walls +0/3 then tap again for atleast +14 cards from them if jace is out another 10 so +24 almost half the deck off of one turn but that combo is also pretty good its best to go with what your comfy using

Posted 13 February 2014 at 22:00 in reply to #437947 on Mill to Kill


Ok i have been running mill as you can see in a reply i actually run 4 ashiok and 3 jace i would considered dropping 3 curse of the swine and and find a spot for 4 mind grind and also triton tactics with phenax is deadly play triton tactics on two of your walls make them mill for about +14 and then jace for another ten then ashiok for an extra 3 exiled! put your 3 hero's downfalls in mainboard as well drop three guildmages just because hes a 2/2 and maybe find another place for psychic strike very food because counter target spell and mill 3 or dimir charm its actually really good also you could kill a 2/2 maybe good agains a weenie deck and maybe add that new wall thats a 0/6 from Born of the gods its for 3 colorless so thats good just my input ive made very succesful mill decks for my meta that i play in but good deck ill leave it a like! ((:

Posted 13 February 2014 at 17:58 as a comment on Mill to Kill


I actually find 4 of him very useful even with one in your hand while one on the feild because as soon as he drops he is targeted right away so they feel relived for killing him next turn drop another and make them frustrated as you also are milling them at the same time so its a pretty quick kill i have been running mill before he was in standerd and in my matches i was breaking even at FNM after i got him i was winning far more often!

Posted 13 February 2014 at 17:48 in reply to #437923 on Mill to Kill


Pithing Needle in the Sideboard atleast 2 for the control and also 4 duress maybe one Ratchet Bomb as wel for weenie decks drop one land maybe add another Ashiok i would definitly run 4 of him he is just a beast when he enters

Posted 12 February 2014 at 19:23 in reply to #437028 on All Your Deck


im also trying to secretly type this in class but the teacher keeps walking by me -_-

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:19 in reply to #434063 on Esper Control


Sideboard i would suggest 2 pithing needles that stops in the mirior match and messed up my mono black also ratchet bomb for weenie decks maybe 2 of those and 4 duress for a mirior and the new spirit from BOTG that only allows 1 card draw per turn for apponentes for 1 w and c
sorry i suck at spelling btw

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:15 in reply to #434063 on Esper Control


I would also really suggest elixer i was playing an esper using my mono black and he was running 3 sphinxes and almost decked himself unstil he used his elixer he was digging for a elsepeth

Posted 04 February 2014 at 22:12 in reply to #429704 on Esper Control


i also see you dropped a few mind grinds for ashiok another win con and very deadly!! i will definitaly try this!!

Posted 04 February 2014 at 21:47 in reply to #434512 on Standard mill deck/combo mill


haha of course xDD i feel so dumb xD my bad haha looks fun tho and i shall try it soon((:

Posted 04 February 2014 at 21:45 in reply to #434512 on Standard mill deck/combo mill


This deck looks very fun i just want to know if you have tryed it at FNM? and how it did because i am really considering making it since i only need about 5 of the cards to fully build it ((: and maybe in mine i might find a spot for a play set of ashioks? maybe but i like it alot!!!

Posted 04 February 2014 at 19:07 as a comment on Standard mill deck/combo mill


so messed up i made a deck just like this about a week and a half ago and didnt get any likes fml xD

Posted 23 January 2014 at 22:07 as a comment on Rakdos aggro


Rakdos guildgate, Blood Crypt, and soon to be Temple of Malice

Posted 23 January 2014 at 22:06 in reply to #430003 on Rakdos aggro


Well i never palyed him and guess the werent draws he would like win one then the other player would sideboard in and then he would win then no one would win the 3rd because they would reach time so fnm when he was playing would go from 6 to like 10:30 or later haha i just hate turbo fog

Posted 08 January 2014 at 22:18 in reply to #425245 on Turbo fog theros


I hate this deck some guy was running an exact copy last FNM i went to and it made the night go longer than expected so i couldnt go eat at this bad ass burger place last person to run a turbo fog before him they banned him from playing it he also never placed with it just made all games go to draws -_-

Posted 07 January 2014 at 19:08 as a comment on Turbo fog theros


I would suggest putting in titan's Strength from Theros its for one red and target creature gets +3/1 until end of turn instant that would be a massive hit combo with giant growth and rubblebelt maaka blood rush thats an extra 9 damage if the creature is going to hit but i like this deck ((: nice job!!

Posted 20 December 2013 at 18:13 as a comment on Ruric Thar's Gruul Army


This looks really fun!! i might make it haha the only thing i'd do is maybe throw in some Ethreal Armor's <--- think i spelled it wrong but oh well haha xD

Posted 04 December 2013 at 18:14 as a comment on Aggro Populotion


Yup no problem ((: gald i could help haha

Posted 21 October 2013 at 20:56 in reply to #405164 on Dimir Mill


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