
15 Decks, 24 Comments, 2 Reputation

Yikes. Really bad EDH deck

Posted 29 September 2017 at 21:52 as a comment on Turn 3 win average goblins


Needs more phantasmal image. Also replace Turn Aside with Counterspell.

Posted 03 June 2013 at 11:59 as a comment on Flying Illusion


I'm not convinced this could be viable in any match up. It's just a bunch of blue control spells and the drakes are a very weak condition. I'd say the deck would merely make for a drawn out game that would end in horribly for the user. However control decks ARE very effective decks when built well. I might suggest adding a stronger win condition(either better creatures or mill). Also by adding black or white to the deck you open it up to some very good control spells that remove threats after they have been cast.

Posted 20 May 2013 at 07:56 as a comment on master blue control


nope. The only way to prevent illusions from being killed is by preventing them from being targeted in the first place. Hexproof, Shroud, and any ability that says, "creatures/illusions cannot be the target of spells", is what you need.

Posted 08 May 2013 at 13:45 in reply to #346319 on Illusions Mono Blue


Once the creature has been targeted, it is sacrificed. Redirect does not prevent an illusion from being sacrificed from being targeted.

Posted 03 May 2013 at 11:15 in reply to #346319 on Illusions Mono Blue


It's a good start but i see several flaws. Inkwell Leviathan is a great card but certainly does not belong in a low CMC aggro deck like this. Call to Kindred is completely useless. Not sure why Redirect is in here either. Take those guys out and up your Counterspell and Ponder counts.

Posted 30 April 2013 at 09:45 as a comment on Illusions Mono Blue


if quick bots is what you want then might i suggest the quickest way possible... Master Transmuter.

Posted 13 June 2012 at 10:21 as a comment on Why you don't mess with robots


What is this? not 60 cards so its not legal. lets say you don't play by that rule though... your 1 island cant even activate elixir of immortality soooooooo... wtf is this shit.

Posted 10 June 2012 at 04:37 as a comment on john ard deck


wow sweet concept! love the creativity and combos.

Posted 28 May 2012 at 04:29 as a comment on Heartless Summon in my way!


its cool that your trying to make a new format but i think this "format" just brings mtg down to Yugiohs level. having a seperate zone for lands and your library just means i could make a deck with 0 or 1 mana cost spells and get everything i wanted since its only a 40 card deck. if your looking for a new way to play magic i recommend planes chase or two-headed giant. they are much more refined and very fun. sorry if this criticism was a little rough but MTG Vault if for building decks... not formats. :I

Posted 28 May 2012 at 04:23 as a comment on New Format: Bant, Efficiency Above All Else


wow yes! freaking cool deck. i would love to see a match with it.

Posted 27 May 2012 at 10:47 as a comment on 5 Spell modern


thanks! yeah i completely forgot about evolving wilds and terramorphic expanse. i think ill add a couple.

Posted 27 May 2012 at 00:12 as a comment on Mill


nobody wants to click on a deck and see a ton of comments that have nothing to do with the game. seriously takes away from the experience of reviewing decks

Anyway really nice deck! i have always been a fan of control U/B control is my favorite. i just don't know about Beleren. he is good but if you have a mindfucker in hand than it would be kind of a waste. that's my only concern really though. sweet deck. and congrats on your placing. I wish i could have made it that far lol.

Posted 26 May 2012 at 12:38 as a comment on U/B Control


I took a gander at your deck and i really like it. I do have a few questions though.
- why 2 cackling counter part? it targets so the only thing you can get is lord or cryptoplasm.
- 4 cryptoplasm? wow and cool! i havn't seen that run a lot. how does it fair?

i also have a contention with unsummon. I like the idea of saving your own guys but you could only save lord or cryptoplasm. it might be worth taking a life if you only have those to save for the versatility of vapor on your opponent as well. that's my take at least.

anyway really nice deck. I hope you go far cuz illusions are freakin awesome!

Posted 26 May 2012 at 11:43 in reply to #259278 on Illusions


MADNESS. btw instant win with that counterbore haha.

Posted 29 June 2010 at 12:56 as a comment on Relentless Rats!


nice. tome scour and echo mage are a very nice combo that i use in my "deck out" deck.

Posted 29 June 2010 at 12:48 as a comment on decked


interesting concept. i love it when cards we take for granted like commons can be put to uses i would have never thought of. :)

Posted 22 June 2010 at 19:22 as a comment on +100/+100
