
33 Decks, 13 Comments, 5 Reputation

Sneaky sneks

Posted 30 August 2022 at 05:27 as a comment on Imma snek...


What an interesting bit of trivia.

Posted 29 August 2022 at 06:36 in reply to #648292 on Ghalta go Rawr!


Cheap and effective, easy to learn, and still a fair bit of intricacy to explore. An excellent beginners deck.

Posted 26 January 2022 at 01:56 as a comment on monoB Beginner: Control


Just curious, why 4 Faith's Fetters on Sideboard as well as main deck? You can only have 4 copies if any one card unless Limited, or if the card states you may have more than 4 copies. Otherwise, seems like a cool build. I'd personally play Aguished Unmaking. Maybe a Pontiff of Blight. A Damnation or two. Just some ideas. But I like the core build you got going on.

Posted 22 January 2022 at 07:04 as a comment on Don't Feed the Troll


Props to this slaughterhouse of a deck.

Posted 21 January 2022 at 15:59 as a comment on Power of live


Deck description please?

Posted 04 December 2021 at 05:45 as a comment on Another Dargoon Deck


UPDATE: this deck...sadly, sucks. Like, having a bunch of combat abilities was really cool. It made it tricky for opponents to swing on me confidently. There's enough draw power and mana ramp that those weren't issues (as most W decks have). The problem was I couldn't swing either. My creatures were normally small and couldn't make it over my opponents creatures. My options of evasion were usually answered easily, and most times I just ended up wiping the board over and over and then lost anyway.

Posted 02 December 2021 at 08:11 as a comment on Odric, Lunarch Marshal


UPDATE: so this deck(pardon the pun) worked swimmingly. It countered spells, drew cards, delated the game until I turned the tables to my advantage and I won. I took 4 hours to do it. Personally, I'm not a fan of a game of Mtg taking an afternoon when no player really gets to do anything. Its not the deck, it's me.

Posted 02 December 2021 at 07:59 as a comment on Nezahl, Deep Sea Wonders


Thanks for saying something, but I am aware there are goblins I don't have. The list gets longer every day. When I have the finances I'll be picking up what you mentioned, as well as a Purphoros, God of the Forge, Vandalblast, Goblin Matron, Siege-Gang, blah blah Goblin blah blah Damage Doubled etc.

Posted 02 December 2021 at 07:53 in reply to #645387 on Krenko's Krankout


You would be correct. If the card was printed as common, it counts as Pauper. Thing is, Temple of the False God, Reliquary Tower, Myriad Landscape, and Elixir of Immortality have never seen common printings. So, you could call this a "Peasant EDH". As for strategy, while I do enjoy this idea of a "Draw Go Beat down", and I say you built this pretty solidly, covered a lot of chinks in your armor. Well done. So, you lose to heavy burn strategies and Landfall Token decks that out race your creature game because they outpace your mana ramp; seeing as you don't have any mana ramp. With something like Vorinclex or Choke, it doesn't end well for you. Another thing is while yes, you have a lot of draw spells, you have no permanent card advantage, so Sire of Insanity and Jin-Gitaxias are also bad news. To combat this, you're gonna have to add mana ramp and card draw.

Posted 28 November 2021 at 16:59 in reply to #645343 on Talrand Cheep Control


I like this comment. Wisley put.

Posted 29 April 2021 at 14:11 in reply to #641995 on RU spells (Arena deck)


Could use more Goblins.

Posted 28 January 2021 at 17:07 as a comment on Goblins are too hard


>No mana Sinks
Thus the 1 of Weaponize the Monsters. This keeps damage flow when combat is stagnant and can be fed with Prostector and Krenko. The two Frenzied Goblins are for choice evasions when my opponent is playing bigger creatures than me and are out of Bolt range.
>Vial Goblins w/o Vial
Funny enoug,h this deck started as an 8-Whack. Played with Bushwacker, Wardriver, Goblin Shrine, Goblin War Drums, etc. I just wanted it Modern Legal. Idk about Vials, but maybe Metallic Mimics.

Posted 05 December 2020 at 03:56 in reply to #638339 on Gobwinz
