
53 Decks, 90 Comments, 4 Reputation

This looks fun, I think it needs some refining but for $80 it looks fun as hell... So many funny combos, Act of treason + Beserk. Just lol

Posted 30 March 2018 at 19:09 as a comment on EDH: Ink-Treader Nephalim


lol, the 10 times you lose to get the combo needed isn't worth the 1 win you get imo....

I'm guessing you haven't used this against other vintage decks? I tried drawing a sample hand on here a few times and although we know that the sample hand feature is a bit off it was pretty rough...either i could get a high mana base for a turn with nothing to play or have a well below average starting hand

Posted 30 March 2018 at 18:30 as a comment on TURN 1 WIN! (modified)


At least link to the deck you modified... still a fun deck regardless

Posted 27 March 2018 at 17:36 as a comment on 3 Card Instant Win: Turn 3


If you have any suggestions i'm always keen to get new ideas....

Posted 26 March 2018 at 21:00 as a comment on $14 Polymorph Huge Hitter


Yeah the sideboard are just options for people to consider.. Most of the time when I put a deck on here my sideboard isn't a 100% SB it's just options for anyone who's see the deck... I normally mention that in the description but I just forgot this time

Posted 26 March 2018 at 05:44 in reply to #613370 on $28 Green beatdown


Yeah true, but the idea is that if you were on a super budget you would happily go the heavily played cards to save the $.. But yeah add some foils for the sake of fun and and it's probably close to somewhere between medium and high

Posted 21 March 2018 at 17:07 in reply to #613240 on Under $24 Modern Red Aggro


seems fun man, how important do you think the 8 copies of the Pyretic Ritual and Desperate Ritual are? have you play tested with something else?

Posted 20 March 2018 at 21:52 as a comment on Ball Lightning Agro


So as this is a work in progress, any advice would be greatly appreciated. At the moment my feeling is this doesn't have enough win conditions and end game fire power. so any ideas that you think address these issues specifically or other issues i might have missed will go a long way.

Posted 06 December 2016 at 02:39 as a comment on $62 Human Tribal


Not sure what your group is like but undying evil in a sliver deck is so strong... Back in the day when I warn first playing I was a big sliver fan. Probably the best casual tribal in the game.

Posted 03 August 2016 at 11:17 in reply to #586868 on Dank Slivers


Hey so I haven't done a sliver brew in a while but I just did one based of a quick gatherer search have a look let me know what you think

Posted 03 August 2016 at 10:42 as a comment on Dank Slivers


Like every deck - any suggestions and ways it can be improved are always wanted, I might make a budget version of this soon but for now I'm not worried about the price.

Posted 02 August 2016 at 14:48 as a comment on Suck my Doran


Write and description and how to....

Posted 29 July 2016 at 15:37 in reply to #586504 on Puresteel!


I'm not sure where to go with the last 10 cards.....

Posted 26 July 2016 at 09:59 as a comment on Emrakul - Need help


Emrakul, the Aeons Torn... Good luck

Posted 25 July 2016 at 18:19 as a comment on Community EDH - 1


It's probably a financial thing more than anything, but there seems to be options out there as far as crowd funding goes.

Posted 25 July 2016 at 16:17 in reply to #585795 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Not sure if this is the right place but it feels like there needs to be a better system to promote new decks, I can't really think of the changes that need to be made but it seems like the new decks tab is just an endless wheel and to be honest having so many decks made kinda leads to a lack of conversation and ongoing community. A few. Things that might help
1 - More than 4 tags, maybe 8, with the mandatory tag of format, casual vs competitive, finished deck vs seeking advice

2 - As well as more tags, a more refined new decks section, sub sections for standard, modern, legacy and subs sections for casual, competitive, and trying to get competitive

3 - If the deck is going to be public then there needs to be options that are identified, such as legal formats of the deck, if it's casual or competitive, if it's budget.... Maybe next to the name the estimated costs should be shown, and maybe if it's a deck that's after feedback... Someone trying to make it competitive

4 - A reward system for starting/contributing to conversations... Maybe a voting system like yahoo answers, where people can give appreciation to good comments, I know we have something like that now but it's obviously needs more emphasis, I use to play path of exile and one of the things they did in the forums was give badges and profile rewards to those who supported various projects, again not sure. Someone more creative can think of something better

5 - Maybe a new way to outline deck critiques, it seems that a good way to encourage conversation is to make it easier to outline feedback/Card suggestions. Possibly giving the ability to link cards and card images in the comments

I'm still unsure of how these would be done but these are just a few things.

Posted 25 July 2016 at 16:04 as a comment on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Yeah madcap does work, Maybe instead of Darksteel Axe.

Posted 23 July 2016 at 17:12 in reply to #585567 on BW Double strike onslaught


So no deck is perfect well at least I haven't seen one yet, so If you have a suggestion or feedback leave a comment... Check out the original deck links in the description.

Posted 23 July 2016 at 09:20 as a comment on BW Double strike - Budget


So no deck is perfect, well. Im yet to see one so If anyone has some feedback or suggestions I'm keen to hear them....

Posted 23 July 2016 at 09:13 as a comment on BW Double strike onslaught


no idea how you couldnt get a win, it crushes its obvious flaw it white that target and exile but other than that...what issues did you have at fnm?

Posted 09 July 2016 at 11:47 in reply to #584717 on Green White indie burn?


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