
36 Decks, 17 Comments, 0 Reputation

What changes would you make to make that work?

Posted 13 September 2014 at 01:05 in reply to #502705 on Something Clever


Please do copy! =D

This deck isn't entirely original. It made rounds back in the early new phyrexian days. I pulled it out again and gave it a little dusting for FNM. sadly, nearly everyone at the place I play went artifact hate for seemingly no reason that week. =$

Also, I had pristine talisman in here originally, but I found that I was throwing it with Merfolk looter way more than I was actually playing it.... So I trashed it.

Posted 19 May 2012 at 10:41 in reply to #255809 on Rage Extraction


All red is new phyrexian hybrid. Can be paid in life rather than mana.

Posted 19 May 2012 at 10:37 in reply to #256963 on Rage Extraction


The life cost starts to become a problem with gambit. I ran it and found I preferred divination.

As I said in the note, temporal mastery is a fun element I have added. The deck is better without it, but it is not necessary at all. Take it out and there is that 60 card deck everyone raves about. I look for extra little fun elements in the game and that is one of them.

I also sacrificed gut shot for turn aside. Had problems keeping my rage extractors and grand architects alive. People kept trying to kill them... So sad. :(

This deck has been doing very well considering its age. Has gone approx 60 - 65% win rate...

Posted 15 May 2012 at 03:26 in reply to #255809 on Rage Extraction


I dont want a dead draw, that is why i settled for two rather than three. If you already have a mox, a second is kinda worthless.

I am thinking about replacing the riddlesmith's with trinket mages?

Posted 27 March 2012 at 17:03 in reply to #244032 on Standard Metalcrafting


4 mox? not worried about a dead draw?

Posted 27 March 2012 at 15:22 as a comment on Kuldotha Rebirth!


phyrexian metamorph needs to be exiled before the leonin warder's effect can grab it. they both happen at the same time and since metamorph is not exiled when it leaves the battlefield it cannot bring itself back.

Posted 21 March 2012 at 14:28 as a comment on My Version of Infinite Life Gain


Y u no lightning bolt?

Posted 01 March 2012 at 05:19 as a comment on Baby Burn


$$$$ & i have a set of four tied up in a different deck.

Posted 13 February 2012 at 19:40 in reply to #234112 on Like Meh Colossus?


$$$ was a large factor in having Gatstaf. And I really wanted to have a reason to have green beside the pilgrim and the hamlet captain. I would prefer to have mayor of avabruk, but again... $$$$$$

Posted 25 January 2012 at 06:30 in reply to #229503 on Angry, Angry Humans


After playing this deck a number of time I have found that the majority of games finish in 4 or 5 turn victories. Speed really is not an issue. Especially with a lucky draw.

Plus, many of those turn 5 wins were a result of mentor of the meek. Cascaded champion of the parish if I didn't get him turn 1 or 2.

Posted 06 January 2012 at 19:12 in reply to #225658 on Angry, Angry Humans


Mentor of the meek is not for keeping the hand count up. It is to populate the field quickly. The side effect is that it keeps your hand count up.

Posted 02 January 2012 at 05:23 in reply to #225658 on Angry, Angry Humans


I originally went for a solid white Aggro-human build on my deck. That grand abolished is a very nice thing to have on your side. However, I moved away from that strategy (and my beloved bell-ringer/elder cathar/unruly mob combo) for a more snowball heavy white-green build.


Looks pretty solid. I'm not a fan of doomed traveler even if it is a good defender.... But that is just personal preference. Better cards out there.

Posted 02 January 2012 at 05:01 as a comment on Sudden Human Swarm


I've won by turn four many games. And wi all of e tappers, fiend hunters, and pacifisms it is usually over by 6 at the latest. Creeps come too fast for them to really handle. No fast Aggro deck is intended to make it to late game. (unless for some ungodly reason they don't kill champion of the parish with some spell or enchantment.... Lol)

And mentor of the meek allows you to draw. ;)

Posted 02 January 2012 at 04:36 in reply to #225646 on Angry, Angry Humans


Also, in the long run you might want to look into a sideboard if this is to hit tournament play. Nevermore and Gitaxian Probe are a good combo pair for weenie decks. Allows you to see if your opponent has a counter incoming. You can also use it to cripple a deck if they are reliant on a few cards. Surgical Extraction is another useful one, albeit expensive... Useful in tournament play though.

This deck is definitely an anti-black... Jim Crow deck. Lol.

Posted 31 December 2011 at 15:54 as a comment on White Weenie Humans


You might want to switch out Doomed Traveler for Gideon's Lawkeeper. Much more useful than getting a flying spirit token IMO.

Posted 31 December 2011 at 15:49 as a comment on White Weenie Humans


Have you thought about village bell ringer, elder cathar, and/or unruly mob? They do well in a weenie deck. Plus they make a nice combo together.

It is nice seeing a good deck on here... They seem to be so rare........

Posted 31 December 2011 at 15:45 as a comment on Budget White Weenie
