oloro... Suggestions?

by cylindershadow on 17 October 2015

Main Deck (100 cards)

Sideboard (3 cards)

Instants (1)

Enchantments (2)

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Deck Description

Looking for ideas...

Deck Tags

  • EDH
  • Commander
  • Oloro

Deck at a Glance

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This deck has been viewed 1,171 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for oloro... Suggestions?

Well, you're already doing something more interesting than 99% of Oloro decks, which just sit behind half a dozen variants on Propoganda, gain a bunch of life, then due to a commander or combo without accomplishing anything.

Posted 17 October 2015 at 03:07


Well thank you. I have thrown it together and have no idea how it will work. I am actually doing that with a few edh decks right now and could use some masterful opinions on them in which I do not get at home. With all I have not even been able to play test them due to I have no one to play around where I live. So when I do get to play with my family and friends on a visit I was hoping to have some decent decks to play with.

Posted 17 October 2015 at 03:18


I see that you are pretty avid at playing edh so any suggestions for a noob to it?

Posted 17 October 2015 at 03:20


It depends wildly on the meta you play in, which is generally speaking is the group. Mine features players who all merciless tune their decks to make them as tight as possible, but who also don't run combo or mass land destruction, and who mostly build with a theme in mind. The first question people ask when they see a new deck is "what does it do?" and they usually want an answer besides "it's a bunch of good cards". People also routinely disable decks if they wind up being too problematic. For example I took apart a Merieke Ri Beret deck because it caused games to drag forever because it made people not want to play stuff knowing I was gonna steal it.

That's my meta, though, so if yours is different you're probably going to want to build to match how those people play, whatever style that might be.

That said, were I building Oloro I'd find a way to use life as a resource or use the lifegain in ways that synergize. I'd probably start by running every single extort dude, and then fill gaps with extort-like guys like Bloodbond Vampire or Agent of Masks. Maybe run some things to do with the life like Slaughter. The key to life gain I've found is to not show it off. The guy at 70 life paints a huge bullseye on his chest. The guy who is at 38, uses six life for an effect to drop to 32, then life gains up to 36, then drops to 31, then up, then down tends to get ignored. People just see the number on the dice and ignore the fact that you would be at 70 life if you weren't spending it on Slaughter buybacks or using it to draw cards of Necropotence or Erebos or Greed.

Posted 17 October 2015 at 03:43


Thank you very much for the tips, like I said though I haven't had a chance yet I was just coming up with a concept and didn't think of the repercussions of the life gain but now I have some card ideas to play around with and possibly keep people guessing. Also if you have any more card ideas for this deck with its odd concepts/themes or my other decks I am always willing to hear them.

Posted 17 October 2015 at 03:58


General advice beyond that I can give also applies to my meta, so bear in mind it might not for yours.

Exile over destroy whenever possible. People love indestructible commanders and things, and nothing sucks more than staring at a Darksteel Forge when you're holding a disenchant in hand. For targeted removal I refuse to be told "no". Oblation, Return to Dust, Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Revoke Existence in white, Deglamer and Unravel the Aether in green, Chaos Warp in red, Sever the Blood line in black, etc.

Run things that do multiple things whenever possible as well. Beast Within, Chaos Warp and Oblivion RIng can deal with so many different problems. Maelstrom Pulse is a great removal spell but it can also hit a token swarm, as can Sever the Bloodline. I run Nihil Spellbomb in my Glissa deck over Tormod's Crypt for graveyard removal because the with Glissa's recursion ability I can also use the Spellbomb as a minor draw engine if need be.

Run answers to problems. Obviously not every color can answer everything but one way to handle enchantments won't cut it when you're running green. Run board wipes, targeted removal, graveyard hate, etc.

Get more gas. That can take the form of tokens in a token deck, graveyard recursion in a grave deck, or simply draw. Run more than you think you need. I've never heard anyone say "man, I'm drawing too many cards/have too many tokens/am replaying too many spells from my graveyard over and over" but I've seen plenty of people with an empty hand or board hoping to topdeck an answer.

Reassess your deck on and off. You don't need to be a freak like me who logs all his deck changes in an Excel spreadsheet, because that's will make your wife point out what a colossally obsessive nerd you are, but you should make tweaks. Little stuff adds up. Upgrading that Diabolic Tutor to a Demonic Tutor in January might not be a big deal that crops up that often, but when you do a better job balancing your lands in February, then add two better cards from the new set in March, then add a cool reprint from Modern Masters in June, then add two more draw spells in July, then upgrade from a Ghost Quarter to a Strip Mine in August, and suddenly those eight or ten changes that only make a difference once in a while are numerous enough to make a difference twice a night.

Make something cool. I've built all kinds of decks, but at the end of the day the ones that stick around are the ones that feel like they are my unique creations. The first time someone sees me play an all-deathtouch deck or sphinx tribal they almost always comment on it, and winning with decks like that to me is 100x more satisfying than winning with some generic list I copied from the Top 10 most OP EDH Decks! thread on mtgsalvation.com.

Hope that's a start for you.

Posted 17 October 2015 at 04:04


It's really rough, but here's a generic list of what I might do for Oloro if I built one: http://www.mtgvault.com/doctorhydrogen/decks/oloro-ageless-ascetic-edh-3/

Posted 17 October 2015 at 04:07
