
292 Decks, 634 Comments, 108 Reputation

check out my sadistic sacriment deck on the homepage

Posted 27 November 2010 at 00:32 in reply to #102179 on Sadistic Sacrament


basically as surewhynot said above i completely agree i mean i wouldn't go multicolor if i was forced to use standard i would go discard and haunting echoes and ect. if you want this to work it can be more abusive and well the more abuse the better and if the opponent discard his hand there are plenty of cards that will be removed from the game with haunting echoes. so yeah basically go for 1 idea and build off of it and the build goes much smoother.

Posted 27 November 2010 at 00:32 as a comment on Sadistic Sacrament


lol surewhynot
and WhiteAndBlueTheyKillYou thanks for the comment this isn't supposed to be technically a lockdown deck this is just for laughs and flat out annoying the opponent by playing the game over and over again and by keeping them alive with lifegain notice all lifegain in this deck says target player not just you gain. anyway yeah.

Posted 27 November 2010 at 00:11 in reply to #101993 on ITS SO ANNOYING!


yeah thanks for mentioning it i realise its better then eradicate (in side board still) because eradicate says non black card anyway yeah. thanks for commenting

Posted 27 November 2010 at 00:08 in reply to #102167 on Sadistic Annihilation


Blue-Instant-Evermind (instant speed infinant draw and infinant removal) ;)
White-Instant-Burst of Energy. it costs 1 white but it untaps a permanent instant speed (nope not just a creature or somthing but a permanent Imagine how fun that would be with replicate. also its infinant exile because you can untap the 1 mana you spent to play it.)
Blue-Sorcery-Personal Tutor. obviously search your library for a sorcery, reveal it and put it on top of your library, replicate it and set the game how you want it
Blue-Sorcery-Energy Tap, tap a creature you control and add X mana to your mana pool.
Blue-Sorcery-Tomb Scour, Everybody enjoys mill 5 with replicate cost of 1.

kinda got the idea from looking into things that cost zero also look into things that make the djinn cost less as well as finding ways to get venser out faster i mean it doesn't work if you dont have his emblem out anyway yeah you know what i mean so yeah theres some pretty good suggestions, no applause no applause just throw money

Posted 26 November 2010 at 23:55 as a comment on Replicate the soujourner hehe


i understand your concern but I think it can go pretty fast somtimes but i think i could throw in some elvish pipers tho anyway

Posted 26 November 2010 at 23:07 in reply to #102130 on Big creature. Little cost.


yeah i see what you mean but it can be sort of slow but it doesnt matter if your playing your 100th game inside that 1 game and especially if the opponent is on the brink of insanity.
check out my new deck
Big creatures, little cost, i think it needs a lil work but overall i think its decent. (my deck i mean this one is awesome!)

Posted 26 November 2010 at 16:20 in reply to #101527 on Are we ****ing DONE?!


extremely expensive worth well over 300 dollars.

Posted 26 November 2010 at 16:17 in reply to #101804 on Sadistic Annihilation


This deck actually can win with all the sacrifical cards like pox profane command and choice of damnations is plenty people are overlooking i mean there are multiple ways to win with this deck i just feel people are missing them and once again thanks for rating my deck up.

Posted 26 November 2010 at 16:16 in reply to #101780 on Sadistic Annihilation


hey thanks once again for helping with getting my deck up ^_^

Posted 26 November 2010 at 16:11 in reply to #101773 on Sadistic Annihilation


This is a good deck its not that creative no offence but ive played like 14 different variations of this deck i mean ive beaten most of them anyway this is a mean deck if you get it running tho there fore it is a good deck. anyway you should check out my sadistic annhilation deck (on the homepage) let me see what you think

Posted 26 November 2010 at 15:03 as a comment on Valakut Ramp


i dont mean to sound like a douch but this needs serious work and the people who rated this up no offence but why? any way the elspeth is a complete mistake it completely messes up the deck scheme. there only can be four ancient ziggurats and also you cant play anything other than creatures in this deck the only way you can play anything els is with gemhide sliver. the point is add some ACTUALL MANA and also some other nonbasic lands would work as well look into ravnica im sure it would work out and also you dont need elspeth tirel the original elspeth would work much better im sure and also where are the homing slivers they would help so much anyway yeah i think you get my point im sure people will understand my argument and im sorry if i sound like a dick anyway yeah keep an open mind.

Posted 25 November 2010 at 19:28 as a comment on Unbeatable Slivers


hey guys thanks so much for gettin my deck on the list but there are ways of winning with all the mill and library thinning to mill them out its a waiting game, with pox to make them lose life also the choice of damnations can make them lose life and also people overlook profane command i can finish off whatever life they have left if i cant mill them or make them scoop. o and everdev 22 i will remember your words of wisdom :D lol

Posted 25 November 2010 at 19:15 as a comment on Sadistic Annihilation


I would reccomend a delraichi mean chances are your not going to hard cast it but when you get three black creatures out it will be urly in the game and they can return to play plus the extra abilities.

Posted 23 November 2010 at 16:56 as a comment on Black Sacrifice


wow nice
anyway on my deck "ITS SO ANNOYING" the life gain isnt for me also i would reccomend adding som more mana after taking out a isochron scepter it doesnt work on shahrazad if you didn't know but that doesnt matter theres other cards that are instants and i would also take out a mana drain sure its a hundread dollor card and its a great counter spell that gives you mana BUT its not needed you only need to take out 1 anyway otherwise great control deck so i cut you down to 63 cards hmm what els to take out 1 panoptic mirror because it seems everything els belongs there and also lets take out a armageddon because sure it removes all land but it removes yours too and that doesn't seem to favor you much in this kind of deck so now your down to 61 cardsa take out a ghostly prison and you have 60 cards congrats now your chances of drawing land are increased thus increasing your chances of playing cards and also increasing your chances of wining tho you don't need to because your opponent will be gouging his eyes out with a spoon as soon as he finishes his one hundread and second after game inside that single game so yeah have fun with that

Posted 22 November 2010 at 20:58 as a comment on Are we ****ing DONE?!


1 drawback to this deck the words combat and damage. for all we know the opponent could be using a creatureless deck. and if they do have creatures they could use things like corrupt or consume spirit ect. and that isn't combat damage thats life loss so i would invest in counter magic (Dash hopes) and some discard a bit so they cant play things or attack you none the less its a great deck and what are the chances of them having a creaturless deck running life loss instead of damage anyway i thought i would bring up the matter of my concern.

Posted 21 November 2010 at 10:44 as a comment on Fog that!


Hey thanks for the feedback not sure about the removeing teh grave pact and nuicence engine tho cuz nuisince engin gives me things to sac and grave pact just makes the game annoying for the opponent

Posted 20 November 2010 at 21:26 as a comment on The nightmares...


i have a trible horror deck too u should check it out its called
The nightmares
Comments apprieciated this deck is interesting looking.

Posted 20 November 2010 at 17:09 as a comment on Oh the HORROR!


demonic tutors and you could also go for the most broken combo ever

Turn 1
Drop 2 dark rituals play buried alive search for up to 3 creatures jareth and some others preferably and then play animate dead and jareth is out turn 1

Posted 07 October 2010 at 11:21 in reply to #88590 on The Chosen One


no offence but coat of arms is way too overated

Posted 07 October 2010 at 10:57 in reply to #91123 on bear mania


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