
114 Decks, 101 Comments, 14 Reputation

I think the tokens created from Pawn would die due to the -1/-1 effect from Heartless Summoning before you have the chance to sacrifice them for mana (if that was what you were going for).

Posted 15 June 2014 at 10:07 in reply to #473080 on x3! Infinite Combos $18


Mmm, this reminds me of the Shards of Alara/Zendikar time of Standard. Good times.

Posted 13 March 2014 at 14:05 as a comment on Swing and Fling


With your high curve, I'd definitely recommend at least 3-4 more land. Cards you should probably consider: Temple of Malice, Devour Flesh, Ultimate Price, Doom Blade, Mizzium Mortars. Some other tweaks could be made, but definitely needs more then 21 land. Emphasis on "needs".

Posted 24 February 2014 at 14:40 as a comment on RAKDOS CONTROL


I think George is making a fair point saying that the lack of fetches (more important, imo) and Goyf slow the deck down so much that it's "broken". I don't think he meant it to stifle creativity, it's just an observation that making it budget slows the deck down so much (from what I can see, an average 1-2 turns in the first 3 turns alone, in comparison to the "real" deck) that the archetype isn't really worth pursuing as budget.

That being said, I don't play modern, so all I can see is any turn 3 board clear messing up your day, and while your build is great and all, it just doesn't do enough damage by that time to justify the overextension that you would need to do. But maybe noone plays slagstorm (or similar) in modern? Dauntless Escort might be something for that, if it's something you have trouble.

Posted 23 February 2014 at 10:15 in reply to #441425 on Budget Bestiary


I think Well of Lost Dreams might make this a teeny bit more playable and still fit in your theme. Also, I think Well of Life and Golden Urn would be more optimal than some of the cards you have there, namely Essence Bottle and Fountain of Youth.

Posted 26 January 2014 at 16:16 as a comment on Drink To Me! I Won Again!


Those are both really fantastic suggestions. I'm not sure why it's important that Wumpus needs to have all the same abilities as Archwing Dragon, as I am merely suggesting the card that Gothy was probably remembering (perhaps incorrectly) as a 6/6 dragon for 4 mana. I'm not arguing it's a strictly better version of Archwing Dragon or that it needs to be in the deck.

Posted 09 January 2014 at 17:10 in reply to #425228 on This is how I play red.


I originally suggested Vicious Shadows which Puschkin is referring to. I decided it doesn't really fit the deck as most of the creatures in this deck aren't on the field to be mass removed in the first place. However, in a large multiplayer game, it may be just as effective anyway.

Posted 09 January 2014 at 12:34 in reply to #425670 on This is how I play red.


Sorry, I don't remember saying it WAS Archwing Dragon, but it IS a 6/6 for 4 mana, it's red, and it has a return effect. I thought it similar enough to be noted.

Posted 09 January 2014 at 12:28 in reply to #425228 on This is how I play red.


Confusion in the Ranks! You can steal most of another player's permanents with this combo :D because all of your creatures come into play and will be returned to their OWNER's hand at end of turn (which is still you, even if they control them) you can safely trade them away for their creatures, enchantments and artifacts! Just another enchantment you might consider; I've seen a few people play it in commander decks with Norin the Wary as the commander.

Posted 09 January 2014 at 11:54 as a comment on This is how I play red.


Would definitely agree with Puschkin on Shattering Spree. If nothing else, consider: Vandalblast, Smash to Smithereens, or just Smash; they may be a better fit.

Posted 09 January 2014 at 11:46 in reply to #425198 on This is how I play red.


Shivan Wumpus is probably what Gothy is referring to. It doesn't have haste, but it does come into play before they can put it on top of your deck, so effects from Warstorm Surge and Pandemonium will still go off.

Posted 09 January 2014 at 11:35 in reply to #425228 on This is how I play red.


Oh, sorry. My mistake.

Posted 01 January 2014 at 11:07 in reply to #423521 on x3! Infinite Combos $18


Moonvessel Myr nets you zero mana with the Decaying Soil combo (and Heartless Summoning), however it counts as an additional spell towards your Tendrils of Agony every time you cast it, generating infinite Storm copies. Same with 2 Myr Retrievers: play one for 0, it dies, play the second for 0, it dies, it's death trigger grabs the other from your graveyard, repeat. The Myr Retriever combo even has the added benefit of not needing Decaying Soil for it to work (just Heartless Summoning), it will still generate infinite Storm. And as you noticed, the other combos generate infinite black mana (and infinite Storm) so they can be used for either Consume Spirit or Tendrils of Agony. Hope this answered your question.

Posted 31 December 2013 at 15:04 in reply to #423521 on x3! Infinite Combos $18


May I suggest for consideration Insidious Dreams (and possibly Sickening Dreams)? It will help you set up your combo in two ways; getting cards into your graveyard, and getting the right cards on top of your deck for the combo. I just feel this is in dire need of a tutor to make it more consistent, maybe Infernal Tutor (obviously not Demonic Tutor because lol$). Otherwise, I really like the main concept of the deck, nice work.

Posted 30 December 2013 at 12:45 as a comment on x3! Infinite Combos $18


That's a fair point. There's really no reason to not run Temple of Silence in this.

Posted 26 December 2013 at 15:08 in reply to #422420 on Standard Superfriends!


I'd agree with Mutavault if not for the already very strained manabase. GGG, BB, WW, GB..I don't think this deck can run with colorless lands.

Posted 26 December 2013 at 09:56 in reply to #422420 on Standard Superfriends!


How about Ghost Quarter and Extract and Surgical Extraction and Rootwater Thief for your consideration?

Posted 25 December 2013 at 17:11 as a comment on Every Day You're Shufflin'!!!


Orzhov Signet/Haunted Platemail to protect against Supreme Verdict.

Posted 25 December 2013 at 14:27 as a comment on Standard Superfriends!


I know what you mean, that's why I'm only keeping just a couple in the deck, just in case they're out of mana. As for them countering my Young Pyromancer, I'll always cast him on turn 2.

Posted 22 December 2013 at 17:11 in reply to #421888 on Young Scryromancer


Yeah, Melira literally says "You can't get poison counters." That seems pretty incontrovertible. I agree though that her other static effect (by itself) wouldn't prevent poison counters that are a result of Phyrexian Unlife.

Posted 22 December 2013 at 12:16 in reply to #421812 on Melira Unlife


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