
59 Decks, 52 Comments, 5 Reputation

The splach of white doesnt really seem usefull here. You can get better control out of pure black, along with a better chance of pulling your combo. I understand the tutors but you could just as easy splash blue and run counters and tinkers.

In a deck like this you could always run Dark rituals, giving you the chance to pull of as early as first round. Easily on the third round. Without any good mana ramp your looking at like 4th round fastest.

I also dont think the Myojins are the best way to go, I mean you can basically cast any creature in the game, why not go for the best? Throw in Emrakul, or Phaige. Also if you are unable to pull your combo off for some strange reason you could never cast these creatures.

I do like the combo, but i agree with your statement about something missing.

Posted 10 December 2012 at 05:34 as a comment on Infinite Mana(all colors)&Dmg


Cant say im a fan of this one. Running a ton of lands,albeit to get your affinity, but if thats what your going for why dont you just run 0 drop creatures? You have no draw power for when you drop your hand, no form of control, and really no way to slow down your opponent or speed yourself up. You could drop all the lands, run cloudpost, vesuva, and glimmer post. That would give you more mana overall with a higher chance of drawing more needed cards. To fill in the other spots you could run Mimnites, ornithopters, walkers, Etc.

Sure you lose a little bit of affinity, but your not really needing that much anyways. Throw in a All to Dust and you should be able to win like turn 4-5

Posted 07 December 2012 at 19:59 as a comment on Arcbound Affinity


Mana curve is too high, i would throw in some cheaper spells and maybe even include things like Krenos command to put more creatures in to get the untap your going for. I understand you conjurers closet, but youur running three cards, so you can support three other cards in your deck. You would probablly be better running two elixers of immotality.
-3 closets
-2 mimeofacture
-2 Essence Backlash
-1 Niv-Mizzet
-1 Talrand(once you get one out the rest will sit in your hand because of legend rule)
+2 Krenkos command
+2 Frantic search
+2 Guttersnipe
+2 Izzet charm
+1 Elixer of Immortality

Posted 06 December 2012 at 14:12 as a comment on Izzet League


Thats pretty cool, I have been playing around with the idea to make a goat deck and i think you just inspired me.

Posted 05 December 2012 at 18:07 as a comment on Token Lifegain


Rune-tail is a great idea for sideboard, but the only thing that will be a real issue is going to be destroy effects. I added him to the side-board though incase of some crazy burn deck.

Posted 04 December 2012 at 18:21 in reply to #308049 on Humdinger


Having the Rhox made it so I dont feel like i have to run celestial mantles in order to pull off a Felidar win. I have run decks similiar to this in the past, and it just gets to a point where there is nothing the opponents can really do to stop you....outside of instant win conditions

Posted 04 December 2012 at 18:17 in reply to #308049 on Humdinger


Nice deck man, this is my style of play also. As for ideas..maybe some mana ramps so you can start popping things off earlier while still gaining board advantage.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 18:05 as a comment on Vicious Elves


um hate to break it but its a pretty normal elf deck.

easier to pull infinite mana combo- use Umbral Mantle on preist, then if you have just 3 other elves in play you have infinite mana and a infinitly strong creature. you can use this to swing with taunting elf for massive damage, or you can use Mercy killing for infinite elves.

great elf cards to look at-
-imperious perfect
-heedless one
-elvish promenade

and if you run a mass creature combo you can overrun or epic struggle WC. You probablly are going to run out of steam with no draw power and lots of mana, so i suggest Slate of Ancestry.

you can check out a revised version of one of me elf decks.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 17:50 as a comment on im convinced, best elf deck


i get it, but attempting to mill a deck without mill cards i dont think is a very sure fire idea. If you dont get the lock on them super fast they will be able to walk through you. not mention how many people play from graveyards these days. All i am saying is add in a few nasty little creatures that will be able to deal the damage while the opponent is locked down. My suggestion is Frost Titan, He has a high mana cost, but if you can keep them on lock until he comes out your fine.

Posted 27 July 2012 at 15:54 in reply to #276275 on Technically mill [help appreciated]


you dont seem to have a very effective way to kill people. I understand control, but i would suggest a few more creatures.

Posted 27 July 2012 at 14:12 as a comment on Technically mill [help appreciated]


yeah i know but i have already made several token eater decks.
Thanks for the comment

Posted 27 July 2012 at 14:04 in reply to #276268 on Worship at the alter of pain


i like the deck, but i think if you plan to combo all your artifacts off of your Flourishing Defenses you may want to put more of them in. You also might want to look at throwing i some heartmenders to help keep the counter numbers low.

Posted 18 July 2012 at 13:47 as a comment on feast on your own


i agree with Razka, i love a good fast storm deck, but i dont think your will be as effective as you need it to be. Put in some really cheap burn or maybe even some TD control. All in All i like it.

Here is my Spell Storm Deck.

Posted 09 May 2012 at 15:39 as a comment on Cheap Storm


you also might want to add some reverberates or twin cast to allow for more destruction at a lower MC

Posted 04 May 2012 at 22:55 as a comment on Modern LD


you should look into demolish...it will give you the option to destroy some of those nasty artifacts.

Posted 04 May 2012 at 22:54 as a comment on Modern LD


i see your point, but in my experience everyone is going to be dropping big nasties during a EDH game. Board Wipe is a good idea though thanks.....Maybe Magus of the disk, or massacre wurm

Posted 04 May 2012 at 22:39 in reply to #250723 on Re-animator commander


Homura is a good card but not tourny legal right now

Posted 01 May 2012 at 16:02 in reply to #251570 on Angry humans


acidic slime+deadeye navigator/conjurers closet is a great soulbound combo that you should look into running in this deck

Posted 29 April 2012 at 22:13 as a comment on Soulbound


i could see putting in some of these cards but i already have pretty heavy draw with Arcanis the Omnipotent, Jin-Gitaxias, Consecrated Sphinx, plus the looters and Brokers to draw/discard

Posted 29 April 2012 at 22:08 in reply to #250723 on Re-animator commander


how is this turn 1? forest+ Crossroads, then your tapped...turn 2 maybe if you get lucky, but turn 1 i dont know

Posted 27 April 2012 at 16:20 as a comment on [Turn2/3] Grapeshot Elves


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