35 Decks, 100 Comments, 31 Reputation

Sweet deck! Only issue with this deck and alot of other "mill" type decks is creature removal. you have nothing against the field until at least turn 6. scrib nibbler's is a turn 3 drop that does have lifegain(very tiny amount) but you're defenseless until turn 6. Sadly i'm out of the MTG loop so idk what would be good to throw in! maybe have just 1 Haunting echo's and add 2+ Plumeveil(as amny as possible!) OR adding 4 Damnation to wipe the field. creature removal is key when you don't have a strong defense and need to bide your time before you put the big nasties into play. other than that, looks annoying, which is saying alot!

Posted 15 February 2011 at 13:17 as a comment on He sits on his throne and laughs


I've probably missed something very "key" here but how do you have the mana to do infinite anything? With that, why not just imprint Silence on Isochron Scepter? I think thats the smartest imprint available(other than Time Walk)

Posted 13 February 2011 at 03:31 as a comment on Imprint Loop


hahaha that is funny!

Posted 12 February 2011 at 11:32 in reply to #128125 on My first FTK


Disciple of the Vault.

Deathgreeter gives you life

Posted 11 February 2011 at 01:11 in reply to #127607 on I sure hope this deck makes me cool


Dude i LOVE these decks! i think you're missing Arcbound Crusher. he's one of my favorites also Arcbound Ravager is amazing. heres what i would do:
- 4 Arcbound Stinger
+ 4 Arcbound Ravager
-4 Arcbound Lancer
+4 Arcbound Crusher

you may also want to look into Cloudpost as a land option. thats what i used when i played this deck.

Last thing, i promise, Tezzeret the seeker would turn these things into MONSTERS! the become 5/5 creatures until end of turn. they're +1/+1 counters go on top of that plus you can search for crap. looks fun! i like it!

Posted 10 February 2011 at 20:07 as a comment on arcbound


i thought about it but i'd rather just play it than wait for 8 mana but i can test it and see if i like it.

Posted 10 February 2011 at 00:42 as a comment on a game within a game


i'd seriously look into Avenger of Zendikar. At that point this deck would kinda turn into a R/G Valakut w/out red but it looks extremely powerful! i'd also reccomend Garruk. on turn 5 you can have 7 mana available w/ him plus he can turn your birds into dmg.

ps. overwhelming stampede isn't as nice as it was hyped up to be. i ran a couple of those in a deck and i found that I ended up saving them rather than using them just cuz the bonus wasn't worth the mana. but if they work here thats cool too.

Posted 08 February 2011 at 14:28 as a comment on There Goes the Neighborhood


Whats the point of Valakut?
this is what i would recommend:
-4 Valakut
-4 sizzle
-4 madblind mountain
+4 lightning bolt
+4 Lavaclaw Reaches
+ 4 Dragonskull Summit

Posted 03 February 2011 at 13:06 as a comment on Hell's coming


i have a similar deck that i like to play that uses R/G instead of blue. same concept though.

Posted 01 February 2011 at 23:23 as a comment on dark sorcerer


i don't think you can have 8 of each of the vivid lands. non basic lands are limited to 4. i bring it up only because you look like you're trying to keep it type 2. i'd suggest:

4 verdant catacombs
4 misty rainforests
6 forests
6 swamps
4 islands

something along those lines but thats just my opinion. other than that it looks great

Posted 01 February 2011 at 22:54 as a comment on Killer Infect Deck


there are much more expensive cards than Jace! any of the Power 9 are all 0ver $150

Posted 01 February 2011 at 22:32 in reply to #123690 on greased lightning


use the "draw sample hand" and you'll see that it doesn't work. you'd have to be pulling some free mulligans just to get your "right hand" and I hope you understand that this website is to help players help each other, so getting mad when people tell you your deck doesn't work kiiiiiinda defeats the purpose of posting it in the first place don't you think?

Posted 01 February 2011 at 22:25 as a comment on 40 Forests


Pah! 4 force of will? thats you're answer? thats only 4 cards! plus i can get to mine as soon as i want. you'll have to mulligan just to make sure you get one opening hand! needless to say, i'm not worried!

Posted 01 February 2011 at 20:59 as a comment on open the pwnage!( please comment!)


um..every deck that gets posted makes it to the first page. As long as you make sure to put finished or w/e it'll make it to the first page. hopefully i didn't shatter any dreams here i'm just informing you of the way things work around here ;)

Posted 01 February 2011 at 20:57 in reply to #114346 on open the pwnage!( please comment!)


haha honestly i'd do the same thing if i saw someone playing this deck. worth more than my car!

Posted 01 February 2011 at 19:49 in reply to #123645 on greased lightning


Alright Sam, i want you to know i built this deck because of you. you're not allowed to complain either!


Posted 01 February 2011 at 18:14 as a comment on open the pwnage!( please comment!)


unsummon? consider them already sideboarded!

Posted 01 February 2011 at 17:44 in reply to #121802 on open the pwnage!( please comment!)


Felidar Sovereign
Knight of Meadowgrain
Baneslayer Angel(expensive but nice. flying, lifelink, first-strike for 5)
Serra Ascendant
and tainted sigil

for land look into Fetid Heath and Marsh Flats. 4 of ea. i think.

P.S you don't need that much removal( if any) especially since your deck revolves around creatures with lifelink.

Posted 01 February 2011 at 17:38 as a comment on I Control Your Life!


this is what i would do.
- 2 Banefire
- 2 Seething song
- 1-2 Chandra

also look into fling, Simian spirit guide,reverberate, Chandra's Spitfire Chain lightning, lava spike,price of progress(more sideboard material) fireblast, red elemental blast, anarchy, boil, and earthquakes. you definitely need a sideboard for this deck so maybe those will help.

Posted 01 February 2011 at 17:09 as a comment on Big bang theory


where's the infinite combo? im confused! why is this feeling so familiar?

Posted 19 April 2010 at 00:36 as a comment on Infinite Mana Burn


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