
19 Decks, 39 Comments, 2 Reputation

i have to say, rod of spanking is probably my favorite card of all time

Posted 13 December 2010 at 13:04 as a comment on GoTCHa aSS!


ive been meaning to do that, however with so many combos i always end up with over 60 so id much rather even it off to 65 instead of some random number

Posted 17 November 2010 at 01:26 in reply to #100173 on Vampiric chills


lol, see, heres the thing heros demise isnt for killing my opponents nasty buggers, its for killing my own :) its to kill homura which would than flip and become an enchantment giving all my creatures flying along with plus two plus two (yeahh im too lazy to use numbers) , i could get rid of time of a time of need, and honestly stir the grave is kinda in there as a moral buster for me since i only have 1 black samurai which i dont get that often but he happens to be one of my favorite cards.. so really its in there for me saying "AHAH i have some black cards in here! he can stay!"

though.. i might have to take black out all together, which saddens me.. alot... lol but that would leave alot of room for kodama reach and alow me to get the deck smaller

Posted 17 November 2010 at 01:24 in reply to #100176 on Samurai Legends


1st off slim this deck down, by alot, right now it seems like you just found every legendary spirit thats green and threw it in there. a legendary deck is very possable (i have a legendary samurai deck) just the thing out have to remember is that though they are legendary, you are going to want at least a good chance at getting the card you need right then, otherwise your playing the game completly blind and with complete luck. Most of the legendaries of kamigawa cost alot of mana to play so you need and exceptional mana curve in order to do so, even with the spells you have in this your mana curve will be over run with expensive creatures that you woulnt be able to play.

With that said, i sugest picking out your favorite combo plays, and then basing it around afew of those, because honenestly this is a random deck. And you also need REALLY need TIME OF NEED that lets you search for legendary creatures. Also id consiter adding two mirror galleries in so that you can play more than one legendary w.o the rule coming into effect, your creatures will get stronger because of the spirits effects. The best thing to do is have two in play so that your opponent doesnt just naturalize 1 and then destroy all your legendaries because you had two in play

Thats just my advise! keep it up

Posted 09 November 2010 at 22:19 as a comment on Iname Spirit Karma


I really like this deck, my only concern is that the mana curve is still so high seeing as you have 10 creatures with five mana, so you might want to add some help with treefolk that you can tap to get mana (im sure there are some) just a sugestion though. Second off naturalize, and rootgrapple seem slightly out of place and i feel that they could be switched with something more suited for the deck. Also edge of autumn is good, but once you have 4 land out its basicly useless, so i feel that could be replaced with something more suited too

Posted 09 November 2010 at 21:59 as a comment on Spirit of the trees


oh, im also adding that i sugest adding two more sinew slivers

Posted 08 November 2010 at 14:21 in reply to #98283 on Unbeatable Slivers


just to point out man, that you cant have more than 4 ziggurats in a deck since they are not a basic land and therefore fall under the card count rule.. so if you just switched those for other things, this deck would actually work, untill then though, if you play more than four of them or someone sees you with more than four in the deck you must forfeigt the game unless you clear it with people your playing with. Other than that though the deck is a very good standared sliver deck

Posted 08 November 2010 at 14:19 as a comment on Unbeatable Slivers


lmfao, solves the problem of burn decks and creature destruction decks lol :P if you wanna laugh look at my gotcha ass deck lol

Posted 07 November 2010 at 20:48 as a comment on BEST DECK EVA!!!!!!!


Thanks everyone for helping me get this message to the "up coming" page :D i actually feel it did some good

Posted 05 November 2010 at 19:36 as a comment on COMMENT PEOPLE! COMMON!


only thing i can really add is you might want to exchange shock for lava spike, lava spike costs the same amount but deals one more damage! its like having a slightly bigger bomb!

also some interserting cards you might like if you havnt found them already is wall of fire(good for defence), and fire servant(when a bigger bomb just isnt big enough)

Posted 05 November 2010 at 03:43 in reply to #97531 on 1,2 oops no 3


lol, i like this deck, very fast and smart, dont really see any problems with it :D

Posted 05 November 2010 at 03:36 as a comment on 1,2 oops no 3


I did NOT think of that :D thanks for the comment! much apriciated! i acutally happen to have afew!

Posted 04 November 2010 at 14:56 in reply to #96620 on Vampiric chills


I do have mirror gallery, actually i have 4, and an early edition of this had then in it. What i found though was that the mana curve was too high with everything. Also i ussually only got 1 out because of the mana cost of it, all my creatures, and all my equipments. And then came the disenchant, and bye bye to all of my creatures. So that is my reason for NOT having it.
Also, i am not missing tatsumasa lol that happens to be my favorite card from all of kamigawa, the only reason that i dont have it in here is again, for the mana curve, it is a wonderful card if i can get it out and equip it w.o worry however, usually before i can even begin to think about that my opponent sends something out flying and i am forced to pay another 6 mana to get a dragon with flying so im not pinged until death. As well, my HOPE for this deck is to become a well orginized 60 card deck, or a 70 card deck. Though with how it is working out it is going to stay 75 for awhile.

Akroma's memorial is good and all but i would like to have this deck true to Kamigawa, as of now i dont have a single card in here that is out of the kami set and i and wishing to keep it this way with this deck.
As far as for flying i simply kill my own Homura, which turns into a an enchantment giving things flying and +2/+2 and the chance to give it more for the cost of red mana.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Posted 04 November 2010 at 14:50 in reply to #97254 on Samurai Legends


thanks so much, i also just found a card from scars called prototype protal that alows me to make copy tokens of an artifact!

Posted 04 November 2010 at 14:18 in reply to #97256 on Puppeteer (Help with full control deck)


This slightly saddens me at how few people read the deck descriptions.. for the most part people put thought into them and explain abit of their deck.. LOOK AT THEM!!! I made the actual deck as a somewhat JOKE of course it DOES NOT WORK it is FUNNY... if you dont mind read the deck description and even the title of this "deck" gives you a slight hint. This website is to help the mtg community grow in how well their decks are and get help, Ive even made a deck as an example for a guy and he was very nice about what he didnt like about it and what he did! your decks cant grow if you dont get comments because each deck has a flaw!

SO GET COMMENTING! help people out!

Posted 04 November 2010 at 00:53 as a comment on COMMENT PEOPLE! COMMON!


-_- the deck is a joke, almost ass much as my complete unhinged deck, im talking about the description!

Posted 03 November 2010 at 21:58 as a comment on COMMENT PEOPLE! COMMON!


also through the infinite mana combo you can ultimatly tap tihng forever using puppet strings once you put freed from the real on it using the mana

Posted 03 November 2010 at 21:10 in reply to #97166 on Puppeteer (Help with full control deck)


i would do those but they alow an infinite mana combo

Posted 03 November 2010 at 21:05 in reply to #97166 on Puppeteer (Help with full control deck)


lol, perfect combo with laughing hyena too :D every time they laugh it comes back!

Posted 03 November 2010 at 21:04 as a comment on GoTCHa aSS!


common? 4 likes? and no comments? someone has to think SOMETHING of this! COMMENT PEOPLE! its why its on here!

Posted 02 November 2010 at 20:19 as a comment on GoTCHa aSS!


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