
1 Deck, 20 Comments, 1 Reputation

Some comments to help you:

1. Clifftop will rotate out. This way, and knowing that we can´t miss a single drop, I think that this kind of deck (post rotation) should be higher in Red.
2. I think that you should replace Skynight legionnaire for Boros Reckoner. It's a great creature and now it isn't so expensive as it was. But if you want to keep really aggressive, with all haste creatures, I suggest you to use Chandra's Phoenix. Again, the biggest problem for this kind of deck it to run out of gas after a board swap. You can take your Phoenix from GY with shock, which is great. Sure, Boros Charm can protect your guys, but if you're going to attack with everything every turn, well...there is no mana open for the Charm, right?
3. Firemane avenger is another decision that you must take: if you´re running aggressive, you should replace it by a two drop (Lightning Mauler, I miss you already). On the other hand, you can use it, but with the Reckoner.

Hope it helps!

Posted 21 August 2013 at 18:23 as a comment on Boros Aggro post-rotation


Just 1 voice?

Posted 08 August 2013 at 15:44 as a comment on Resurgence of the Junk Tokens


Why are you using Liliana?

Posted 17 July 2013 at 00:30 as a comment on scavenging Dead


It´s a great deck, no doubt about it! Are you playing with it? How about results?

Posted 24 May 2013 at 21:15 in reply to #355786 on You call THIS Junk? Hmph.


Awsome deck!
If you don´t mind, I would like to ask some questions about your choices:
1. Why Orzhov Charm?
2.Why Ready // Willing?

About your question on white cards, I don't think that you need to add anything else, as you want to keep your curve as low as possible.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 15:10 as a comment on You call THIS Junk? Hmph.



I´m here to get new ideas, so don´t worry. For me, it´s clear that there are two versions of this deck, and I´ll test both.

About the removals:

I´m tending to use the same as you, maybe I´ll use 3 putrefys and 2 tragic, I don't know. Just as a test, I'll try some drawned in filth, planning to have some early creatures removed as I fill my graveyard to scavenge with Varolz. Besides, 8 removals seems ok to me, as the jund aggro uses 8 as well.

About the sideboard, my ideas:

Pithing Needle - Against Tormod's Crypt, Gravedigger's Cage.
Cremate - Against Reanimator. I want to buy cards if I'm using Blood Scrivener. Ground Seal with Geist seens better.
Deadbridge Chant - Against control decks
Duress/Appetite for Brains - We can remove haters, wraths, big guys, some combo pieces...

Hope it helps!

Posted 21 May 2013 at 18:19 in reply to #354497 on Golgari Aggro


Hey! Nice deck!
Let me ask you two things:
1. Why are you using 24 lands?
2. Why Jarad on a deck that your creatures on grave will be scavenged by varolz?


Posted 20 May 2013 at 20:35 as a comment on golgari aggro


Well, the key here is to keep the RATS theme, so we won't change our guys. Looks like you want to attack with big rats to overpass the defenses, so I won't change it as well. But there are some things that you can improve, IMO:

1. You have an aggro deck without any defenses...Even with the death touch removal, it will be great just when your table is full of rats, to get a real advantage over your opponent. We can´t forget that our standard is FULL of removals! So I would suggest you to use some card removals nalong with one of your rat´s abillities as duress or appetite for brains.
2. You´re not using any direct removals, and that´s not a good ideia. You have great cheap removals for your deck: putrefy and tragic slip (as your rats will die, you can remove ANYTHING with -13/-13).
3. Check your manabase, as there are more black than green

Hope it helps!

Posted 20 May 2013 at 20:24 as a comment on Mutant Rats


I´m planning a deck very simmiliar to yours, so, if it´s ok for you, I want to discuss about some of the choices:
1. Corpsejack Menace - Its hability is awsome, no doubt about it, but I´m thinking about the real value of that choice, for the late game. Did you tested it? What about replace it for a Desecration Deamon? We can discard it for Lotleth and scavenge with Varolz for 6/ 6 or we can use it as a powerfull creature, helping to remove things or attacking with evasion, we can block the big guys...what do you think?

2. Diregraf Ghoul - Damn, I'm really confused about this slot here, between him and Slitherhead...Ghoul is a great choice to scavenge with Varolz, but if varolz is not on table, maybe it will be better if we can chump block things with the slitherhead and them scavenge him for our guys...

3. Strangleroot Geist - Here it's a matter of which kind of deck we want to build. I'm planning to use a deck more black than yours, as I want to use Blood Scrivener, to help me draw cards after discard everything for Lotleth and to help on late game. He's a zombie, and can help me with gravecrawler. Maybe I'll use cremate, so I can double buy cards when using it. But no doubt that, if you want to go that way, Geist is a great choice to block (you can kill burning tree and flinthoof boar!), to attack with haste and for scavenge it's the same as Scrivener.

After the creatures, I want to talk about the removals, but we can talk about that later

Posted 20 May 2013 at 15:52 as a comment on Golgari Aggro
