
58 Decks, 27 Comments, 0 Reputation

cute little deck

Posted 28 May 2012 at 12:41 as a comment on Hard to kill


Guul draz assassin
Mikeus, the lunarch

Posted 24 May 2012 at 02:44 as a comment on suck it


Slith Bloodletter
Slith Ascendant
Arcbound Slith
Student of Warfare
Guul Draz Assassin
Cunsumptive Goo
Mikaeus, the Lunarch

Divine Reckoning
Martial Coup
Hour of Reckoning

Posted 24 May 2012 at 02:43 as a comment on suck it


Guul Draz Assassin
Student of Warfare

Posted 24 May 2012 at 01:59 as a comment on suck it


Bushi Tenderfoot - Human Soldier/Samurai
Oona's Prowler - Fairy Rougue
Nezumi Shortfang (Stabwhisker the Odious) - Rat Rogue/Shaman
Nyxathid - Elemental
Phylactery Lich - Zombie
Spined Fluke - Zombie worm

Bloodthrone Vampire
Serra Advocate
Carrion Feeder
Cenn's Tactician
Mikaeus, the Lunarch
Mortician Beetle
consumptive goo
Nakaya Shade
Nantuko Shade
Slith Bloodletter
Cemetery Reaper
Geralf's Messenger
Looming Shade
Maga, Traitor to Mortals
Slith Ascendant

Big Game Hunter
Intrepid Hero
Royal Assassin

Captivating Vampire

Posted 24 May 2012 at 01:57 as a comment on suck it


I lost a penney. But nonetheless, 1 land isn't going to work out so well when theres a very low chance of drawing into a land

Posted 21 May 2012 at 11:29 as a comment on sizzlemop


So... out the cards here which ones do you like the most?
you have a lot of 1 or 2 of's which is good for cards you may not necessarilly want like riders of galvoney
But the 1st, 2nd and 3rd turns can often times be the most important turns of the game.
If you don't have those figured out you will be at a disadvantage the rest of the game for the most part

I haven't drawn tested your deck yet but I bet you a penney your first 3 hands you will have 0 lands

Also,unhinged/Unglued cards are illegal :P

Posted 21 May 2012 at 11:28 as a comment on sizzlemop


Eldrazi's will make your goals worthless
You need to either play the black leyline or some other Graveyard exiling cards

Surgical extraction is a very good plan and card, I'm worried you may not always have one in hand when you need it though.
I'd question remand vs mana leak
THough mana leak will definitly help you out when it comes to downright stopping a spell, remand gives you time and card advantage allowing you to get a surgical extraction when you need one

Posted 25 March 2012 at 11:31 as a comment on Modern Mill


Legendary Eldrazi makes this unusable unless you manage to get off haunting echos early
Consider putting in an RFG effect thats instant or effects their library
Or heavy draw

planarvoid is an example
leyline of the void
relic of progenitus
sadistic sacrement

Posted 12 July 2010 at 11:15 as a comment on Mill EXTREME


16 lands... risky manuever...

Patrol Signalar is a risky card when it comes down to it,
Depsite the fact it seems to be able to work extremely well at creating tokens, It dies quickly due to its 1/1 "good card" status and inability to tap without attacking

I would put Paradise Mantles in the deck just to make it easier to have patrol signalers create tokens without danger

Shared Triumph would probably be better than Glorious anthem since few people play kithkin

I love humility though... Great card

Posted 11 May 2010 at 00:59 as a comment on Humble Hoard


Soulcatcher in my opinion is a great card to use in any flier deck
If you having trouble keeping things on the field Welkin Hawk can help you with that

Theres better angels to play than Serra Angel imho
Like ones from M10...
With lifelink, vigilance and firstrike
Might have the same manacost...
and is a 5, 5
Rhymes with Maneplayer Bangel

Posted 11 May 2010 at 00:50 as a comment on Fight in Flight Please Comment


Despite how awesome the deck seems to be,
I suggest you get a color focus on green and another color that would do well with the deck

I'd probably do white, Green and either blue or black
-Black because corrupted Zendikon is great
-Blue because wind zendikon is great and you can use celestial colonade and misty rainforest

Terra Eternal would be good

Also Halimar Depths/Counter spells wouldn't be a horrible idea
With all that mana accell you might be able to pull off an eldrazi also

By the way, knight of the reliquary is a nice touch

Posted 11 May 2010 at 00:33 as a comment on Raging Zendikons


Bloodbraid Elf is a must
Blightning and Malestrom Pulse are also beautiful

Posted 10 May 2010 at 21:14 as a comment on i know everybodys getting tired of jund but...


Why use Maelstrom pulse, seems very sideboardesque?
In fact, I don't see a reason to use black at all...


Why no Terramorphic Expanse?
from the looks of things, eldrazzi is your win card
I don't see an infinite landfall combo, I'd definitly look into it if I were you, especially with Emeria Angel

Posted 11 February 2010 at 18:30 as a comment on Knightfall


Right off the bat I can say 16 lands in a 64 card deck?
16/64 means you have a 1/4 chance of picking up a land for each card
You will have many Mulligans, and each one will not necessarilly give you the hand you want

I like the master Transmuter Combo with inkwell and Darksteel

Look for some Cascade/Transmute cards. Because as it is now, the likely hood of you getting that "perfect" hand is low

You have too many big creatures, and not enough ways to get the Transmuter out.

16 creatures
14 of which have a manacost greater than four, meaning IF you get a creature (1/4 chance per card) you have a 1/8 chance of actually playing it third turn.

Then IF you play it (I'm guessing master trnamuter would be your choice, A single red burn, black destroy or counter will stop it from even being useful.

you have a lot of good equipment ideas I can tell
Except, the likely hood of actually being able to use them effectively is low since I doubt you'll be able to get many of your creatures out.

Sword of ages will not help you out unfortunately since you won't be able to get any creatures out, but its a good idea. I'd say its better for a speed green or red attacker deck, where 4th turn, you play that, attack with some big creatures as a distraction and attack with small creatures and play some giant growths on them when they get through. Then as a final hit, sacrfice sword of ages.

Behemoth Sledge would be good if you could actually get creatures out.
Priaha's sheild is excelent on darksteel... too bad you won't be able to get him out in time

Either way... Good ideas, but...
1) overload on the big creatures without much protection early on
2) the way you get out your big creatures is extremely delicate with 0 protection
2) Not enough mana though the locus' is a good idea...

Posted 11 February 2010 at 18:19 as a comment on Artifact deck(please comment)


Instead of monstrous growth, I'd suggest throwing in Muscle Burst, a very good and similar cars for the same cost I'd also say have a sheild of the oversoul just because it seems like most the creatures are going to come and go pretty quickly.

Posted 23 May 2009 at 23:10 as a comment on carnage dreadnought


Yeah, your deck seems at least third turn so terramorphic expanse and some vivid crags/meadow/etc would do you some good since right not you don't seem like you would be able to get many of your cards out since their all multicolored

Posted 23 May 2009 at 23:03 as a comment on FNM Exalted


u dont need blaze with a card like banefire

Posted 18 May 2009 at 11:44 as a comment on R Burn


1 cranial extraction and this deck would be devastated, but its still pretty awesome.
Just letting you know that there are very obvious weaknesses.
Heavy Burn till Cranial would suffice for countering this

Posted 11 May 2009 at 00:59 as a comment on Rat Race


I can't tell many win conditions except for vinelasher, thats 4 out of 60 cards.
Though you might have alot of draw cards, you might still be looking at 3rd or fourth turn to actually get one. then waiting 2 to 3 turns to get him desiel enough to kill. and before then your looking at any number anti creauture cards coming its way.
I think life from the loam is your best bet in terms of finding vinelasher, that and a "return card to your hand"

But it feels like a quick deck that has small wimsy chances....

I think you need to have something else for control, an expensive counterspell would work just as easily as a cheap one.
Since I don't think speed is your problem, but I think once you do get your killer out, its too vulnerable.

Lighning greives also is pretty nifty

I'm glad i said the same thing in 3 different ways......................................

Posted 10 May 2009 at 18:17 as a comment on Drinkin' Forties with Lando


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