Discussion Forum


I came up with the idea today of an anti-proliferate that removes counters from as many target permanents as you want. This could be used to remove poison counters, chip away at plainswalkers, and many other possibilities. What are your opinions? Broken, cool, ...? I realize I'm probably not the first to think of this, so if you know of any links to threads already on this subject, enlighten me.
Posted 04 February 2011 at 11:45


[QUOTE=TheChurchIsHere]I came up with the idea today of an anti-proliferate that removes counters from as many target permanents as you want. This could be used to remove poison counters, chip away at plainswalkers, and many other possibilities. What are your opinions? Broken, cool, ...? I realize I'm probably not the first to think of this, so if you know of any links to threads already on this subject, enlighten me.[/QUOTE]

Vampire Hexmage does all of that except for unpoisoning players. Æther Snap does it en masse, but hasn't been reprinted.

Leeches remain the single remedy for poison counters.

Mass, selective removal of some small number of counters would be interesting, and timely. It'd only be overpowered if it was too undercosted; the effect itself is not inherently dangerous.
Posted 05 February 2011 at 00:01


another one is Clockspinning. Great with modular decks.
Posted 05 February 2011 at 08:08


(Somewhat off topic) Leeches, by the way, is the reason I'm thinking a :manaw::manab: or :manaw::manag: infect deck would work well in THG or other multi-player formats. I'm not a big fan of white infect to begin with, but with this at least, if your ally (or other players) are dealing raw damage, you could use Leeches to deliver the killing blow to a player who has accumulated poison counters.

Just a thought.
Posted 09 February 2011 at 04:52
