Discussion Forum

Lets Complain.

How about it. We as players love the game and the cards or it wouldn't occupy so much of our time and money. But we all have a card we hate. Either the way it's used or over used. I mean heck I hate Isochron Sceptar don't get me wrong it's a bad card but I play to many people with play sets in to many decks. Ok I admit I have a couple but Jesus my buddy has like 12, 3 full sets uses em' all. Isochron w/ silence, w/ counterspell, w/ boomerang, w/ so much crap I tire of the very idea of the card. I'll admit to a couple of cheap combos myself but God I hate Isochron Sceptar.

This is just a simple discussion. I think all cards are cool in own right.
Posted 14 March 2011 at 12:01


[QUOTE=MomirBiggsSimicFat]How about it. We as players love the game and the cards or it wouldn't occupy so much of our time and money. But we all have a card we hate. Either the way it's used or over used. I mean heck I hate Isochron Sceptar don't get me wrong it's a bad card but I play to many people with play sets in to many decks. Ok I admit I have a couple but Jesus my buddy has like 12, 3 full sets uses em' all. Isochron w/ silence, w/ counterspell, w/ boomerang, w/ so much crap I tire of the very idea of the card. I'll admit to a couple of cheap combos myself but God I hate Isochron Sceptar.[/QUOTE]

The problem isn't Isochron Scepter, it's your friend. I have Isochron Scepter, I have Orim's Chant, but will I ever play them in a casual deck, hell no. Combo is something you play in the hopes of winning a tournament and getting the cash. If someone wants to play combo and call it casual tell him to go play by him self.
Posted 14 March 2011 at 14:01


ouch a little harsh dont ya think i use combos all the time, then again im a sadistic sob, and my friends still play with me.
Posted 14 March 2011 at 20:37


There's a ton of cards I hate. I only play standard legal and nothing makes me more upset than finding out that the cards I'm looking for are like $10 a piece. Sure, there's some people who have the money to throw on it but MTG is and forever will be a game predominantly based on money. Have fun with Jace, the House Payment and crackin' dem fetch lands at $10 a piece.

I wish there were a way to make some of the cash cards more manageable for newer/less dedicated players.
Posted 14 March 2011 at 22:20


Yeah pricing is sometimes crazy. Oh and as I said this is more of a laugh thing. Not to be taken seriously. Just some cards you feel are kinda crappy even if you still like em'. Hell my buddy hates When I got Mycoloth, Doubling season, & Rhys out. Hell he complains about almost ever1 of my decks in some fashion. Hes actually a prick but hes fun to watch. I've been his friend for 10 yrs.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 01:27


[QUOTE=Scotty1700]I wish there were a way to make some of the cash cards more manageable for newer/less dedicated players.[/QUOTE]

There is, they just haven't told you yet. What you do is you wait a year until those cash cards rotate out of standard and suddenly they go from 20$ to 2$ overnight. So if you are a beginner and you want to play cheap stop playing standard. I know guys that beat me every single game, always, with dirt cheap cards just because they are far better players and far better deck builders then I am. All the fetch land in the world isn't going to change that.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 08:13


[QUOTE=Seth]There is, they just haven't told you yet. What you do is you wait a year until those cash cards rotate out of standard and suddenly they go from 20$ to 2$ overnight. So if you are a beginner and you want to play cheap stop playing standard. I know guys that beat me every single game, always, with dirt cheap cards just because they are far better players and far better deck builders then I am. All the fetch land in the world isn't going to change that.[/QUOTE]

Just make sure you don't want to play competitively (i.e. tournaments) then. Constructed Magic for tournaments can be kinda expensive, but the foil to that are the good budget decks (elves in legacy, Red in anything but legacy, Vintage is never budget).
Posted 15 March 2011 at 08:18


[QUOTE=NightLoki]Just make sure you don't want to play competitively (i.e. tournaments) then. [/QUOTE]

by the time the average beginner (there are exceptions ofcourse) is ready to play competitive magic and buy expensive cards a few years usualy pass depending on how competitive his play group is. I've seen kids buy a Bayou or a Tolarian Academy and put it in a crap deck just for the stupid reason that they somehow think because it's expensive it will win games.
Give a beginner the best deck in standard and let him enter a GP, we all know how well he will do. First walk, then run.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 08:28


[QUOTE=Seth]by the time the average beginner (there are exceptions ofcourse) is ready to play competitive magic and buy expensive cards a few years usualy pass depending on how competitive his play group is. I've seen kids buy a Bayou or a Tolarian Academy and put it in a crap deck just for the stupid reason that they somehow think because it's expensive it will win games.
Give a beginner the best deck in standard and let him enter a GP, we all know how well he will do. First walk, then run.[/QUOTE]

Fair point, but on the flipside after you get some FNMing in, going to a GP or a PTQ or an SCG Open is fantastic experience. Even if you go like 1-4 you still learn a whole lot about tournaments at that level. I've never even top 8'd a PTQ and I don't regret entering a single one. The SCG Open event I entered was bad for me for other reasons, but I won't go into that.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 08:44


i think part the problem is that FNM pushes Standard on the noobies...which helps drive the prices up.

if they made FNM a more open event, format-wise, I can see many of the overpriced cards drop by a buck or two. you wouldn't have quite as many noobies eating into the tournament card pool.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 17:24


i hate keeping up with standard, finaly gave up and am having much more fun doing draft.
Posted 15 March 2011 at 17:54


Vintage is more fun in my opinion anyway, cuz you can use ravnica and old Myrrodin. But my complaints revolve around my friends abusing the heck outta Modular and Voltaic Key they play them so much it reduces the fun level to zero. Almost as bad as a noob playing Slivers...
Posted 15 March 2011 at 22:52


[QUOTE=gamefreek602]Vintage is more fun in my opinion anyway, cuz you can use ravnica and old Myrrodin. But my complaints revolve around my friends abusing the heck outta Modular and Voltaic Key they play them so much it reduces the fun level to zero. Almost as bad as a noob playing Slivers...[/QUOTE]

Is it that hard to break? How exaclty do you abuse Modular and Voltaic Key?
Posted 16 March 2011 at 09:24


[QUOTE=Seras]i think part the problem is that FNM pushes Standard on the noobies...which helps drive the prices up.

if they made FNM a more open event, format-wise, I can see many of the overpriced cards drop by a buck or two. you wouldn't have quite as many noobies eating into the tournament card pool.[/QUOTE]

Most places do FNM as standard, but FNM can be ran as any Constructed or Limited sanctioned format. My store does draft for FNM every week, for example. Some places like to add Block Constructed and Extended sometimes and I've seen Sealed once or twice.
Posted 16 March 2011 at 20:32


[QUOTE=Seth]Is it that hard to break? How exaclty do you abuse Modular and Voltaic Key?[/QUOTE]

They usually abuse Modular anyway, because its a fantastic ability, but they abuse voltaic key with master transmuter and tolarian academy.
Posted 16 March 2011 at 20:37


I haven't played with Tolarian Academy since....it got banned in EDH, actually. Card's dumb powerful, especially since it's a land.
Posted 16 March 2011 at 20:40


[QUOTE=NightLoki]I haven't played with Tolarian Academy since....it got banned in EDH, actually. Card's dumb powerful, especially since it's a land.[/QUOTE]

EDH was the only place I played it until the ban, damn bastards!
Posted 16 March 2011 at 20:44


[QUOTE=Seth]EDH was the only place I played it until the ban, damn bastards![/QUOTE]

Totally deserved the ban. Card's just too powerful.
Posted 16 March 2011 at 21:12


[QUOTE=gamefreek602]Vintage is more fun in my opinion anyway, cuz you can use ravnica and old Myrrodin. But my complaints revolve around my friends abusing the heck outta Modular and Voltaic Key they play them so much it reduces the fun level to zero. Almost as bad as a noob playing Slivers...[/QUOTE]

Noobs playing slivers is fun it lets them build a deck which is going to be ok, i'd rather a noob i play use slivers than try and build a deck put loads of single cards in and wonder why the deck doesn't work. Also i dont really mind annoying combo's even in casual play if its something i havent seen for a while or just something fun to play its all good. If combo's bother anyone that much they just put a playset of force of wills in the deck lol
Posted 20 March 2011 at 00:21


This might come as a surprise, but i`m getting tired of playing and playing against decks running Dark Ritual... It`s a too damn good card, it costs almost nothing, cash wise and CC wise too, which lets anyone get a playset and mash them into their decks, it can potentially become a turn 1 end game and worst of all, it fits in any black mana consuming deck. Not just once was i beaten by a tripple Dark ritual, Seething Songed Dragonstrom..
I still love the card, but how overused it is, it`s getting kind of old.
Posted 20 March 2011 at 12:02


I used to love my Druid Overrun deck. Then, a friend of mine played against me with Gilt-leaf Archdruid. Boy, did I hate that card. It should really just say "The douche who played this wins." I have seen plenty of people get around in, but in a casual game, it's can be such a douche move. Right after seeing this card, I bought some for my Druid deck, and immediately played and beat someone with them...and then realized I had become the douche. I hate this card most because it soiled the awesomeness of my Druid deck.
Posted 30 May 2011 at 15:45


I do keep up with Standard. That's all I play, so my card that I hate seems to always change. And right now, believe it or not, isn't even JTMS. Right now, the cards I hate the most are Primeval Titan, or Spellskite. I will concede almost every time those hit the table. The just piss me off so bad. Primeval Titan, even if you have an immediate answer for it, you still fall behind just by letting it hit the table. Spellskite is just f@#%ing annoying.
Posted 03 June 2011 at 20:56
