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New to Magic Need Help

Hi ive goten into magic maybe about a month ago and ive realy gotten into it. ive made 3 of my own decks so far, but i still run across things that i dont understand well actually a lot of it. can u please look over my 3 decks and tell me what u think and give me some feed back. thanks much appreciated



Posted 31 March 2011 at 01:45


just looking at the first one i see some problems. not only in your overall deck building strategy, but in the deck itself...

First of all, a deck wants focus. Work on a very specific theme before you move onto more complicated decks. Look at a goblin decks for instance:
that is very focused. lots of creatures, a few artifacts to buff them up, and lightning bolts (they're just too good not to add) so you've got lots of attacking, a few buffs, and a few tricks up your sleeve. (it's always good to have a few tricks. xD)

you'res lacks that sort of focus. it has a little ramp, a little stompy, a little life gain, a little buffing, a few small answers, a few small tricks (that you only have one of?), and a few cards that are just a bit awkward.

A deck needs to be predictable for you to be able to play it well. Which means that almost your entire deck should consist of 4-of's. Having one of any card in your deck is just awkward and you can't rely on it.

for instance, say you want to have regeneration, so you're creatures can survive against burn, removal, and can defend better. so you add in asceticism. 2 of... 2 / 66 = 33. which means that you're honestly likely to never see it in a game. so whats the point?

also for a deck being predictable, you also need to have 60 or 61 cards. never more. 66 is just odd. xD why wouldn't you pick the cards you like the very best, and get 4 of them, then narrow it down to a 60 card deck? that way you can get better cards more often? it just works better, trust me. :P (though having 2-of legendarys or planeswalkers, of even 2 of [when you can search them] isn't bad. you just don't have the search to have that many one of two-of's)

so, narrow it down and then lets take a look at what the point of your deck is. it seems so skattered right now. (Think of a deck having lots of 3-of's or 4-of's as a clean, organized desk. Then you can imagine you working on the floor of a 2 year old's bathroom that was never potty trained. It's hard to work there, and it your work ends up being shitty.)

right. narrow it down. then we'll talk about your card choice, the idea of a mana curve, and how many tricks or answers you'll want for what the opponent plays. :)
Posted 02 April 2011 at 19:38


Thanks for the feedback ill do that and repost the deck
Posted 04 April 2011 at 17:01


ive been playing for about 6 months but the guy who introduced me hasnt been playing for years so i think most of the stuff i know is outdated. ive built a few decks and decided i want a good angel deck with green and blue

if anyone would take a look and give me some pointers. ive tried to minimize getting mana locked as much as possible but i really dont have that many good mana boosters/ thus why i added green

Posted 06 April 2011 at 19:45
