Discussion Forum

Deck Challenge: Nuisance Engine

So this challenge is a bit different than most. What I want you to do in this challenge is make a deck (or as many decks as you can) using Nuisance Engine Creatively - more creative the better!

There are literally more than 100 uses for this card so lets see what you guys can come up with :)

Here's a deck of mine using this card to give you guys an idea of what this challenge is about:

P.S: This is my most favorite card in all of MTG ^.^
Posted 06 December 2011 at 21:15


One of my favorite uses for nuisance engine is with Arcum Dagsson. Basically lets you pull out tons of artifacts from your library for :mana2: .
I've also used them a lot in Jund devour decks. Don't have one put up on here, but if I do, I'll add it later.
Posted 08 December 2011 at 03:23



This meets the challenge.
Posted 28 December 2011 at 18:32
