
9 Decks, 85 Comments, 0 Reputation

2 words boon reflection

Posted 24 August 2008 at 21:39 as a comment on Life Gain


add both the Lorwyn and Shadowmoor Rhys'. Also IMO i feel that you should take out the leaf guilder and replace them with elvish harbinger. you still get the mana as well as being able to pull out the elf you need at the time

Posted 24 August 2008 at 20:29 as a comment on i heart elf tokens


ur-golems eye-to stay in block
worn powerstone or thran dynamo-depending for legecy
4 of each Urza's lands-for all around mana boost

Posted 24 August 2008 at 20:11 as a comment on Broken Myr


You don't seem to have alot of discard to play cards which cause draw/damage discarding, you also have alot of mana (rits, sol, lands) for a deck where 90% is 3 mana or less. Also 4 sinister strengh for only 4 cards it makes sense to play it on seems high.
My suggestions lose the strengths and replace them with 4 Words of Waste. forms a great cycle with geth's were you can discard an opponents entire hand in 1 turn, making megrim and rack alot more effective. lose cursed for 2 more swamps

Posted 24 August 2008 at 20:01 as a comment on Discard Assasination


no he needs Mirror Gallery

Posted 24 August 2008 at 16:17 as a comment on My Tolarian Academy


Keep the Walkers. It's a 7/7 that leaves you with a 4/4, though i do agree bladewhirl should be put in for early defense and to feed doomgape later. i would put in 3 replacing the pandemoiums. In addition I would lose a doomgape and a mountain(23 is still good plus you have braider) to add 2 more walkers. I would also lose 1 nova and 1 cream of the crop(keep 2 to stack the cards in your favor) to up the frenzy and shimmer (on a side note: a copy of walker will leave a 4/4 token)

Posted 24 August 2008 at 16:14 as a comment on elmentalnes


Trinket mage can also be used to tutor up your artifact lands.

Sorry so long Mirroden is my favorite block. Pleae comment on my decks

Posted 24 August 2008 at 15:43 as a comment on dark steel


switch the other 2 basics to Islands for BroodStar and fabricate. If you switch out the lands you don't need the Garrison (forge will protect) and I assume the only reason Lattice is in there is to change lands and Brood to artifacts to be protected by forge I suggest losing both of these and adding 2 more Forge's and 4 of one of my favorite creature types-Transmogrifying Licid-to change Brood Star. Also suggest adding Whispersilk Cloak to make Worldslayer alot of fun.

Posted 24 August 2008 at 15:40 as a comment on dark steel


Good start. Just a few suggestions. You don't need doubling season only 1 card (reactor) has counters and nothing creates tokens, replace it with Energy Chamber adds a counter to reactor each upkeep and if reactor is not in play can put a +1/+1 counter on an artifact creature. Change out 4 of each land with its artifact equilvent to accelerate affinity, ie replace 4 plains with 4 ancient dens, lose 3 of the left over basic lands to add 3 Fabricate (artifact tutor)

Posted 24 August 2008 at 15:26 as a comment on dark steel


And Guys I think he isn't saying first turn rather in one turn he can destory his oppenents deck, no matter how many cards they have in it, Which can occur in round 4, maybe 3 if things play out well. Actually if he puts in the beacon he could have the mana to play it on round 2, so it can be a round 2 kill if everything plays out

Posted 24 August 2008 at 14:16 as a comment on My Tolarian Academy


Nice deck a creatureless black control is not something you see everyday. My suggestions are sideboard Scrounge, good card but limited add 2 Beacons of Unrest instead. I don;t know if you want to go into enchantments but Megrim can add to the discard you have going. Underworld dreams is always fun to

Posted 24 August 2008 at 13:28 as a comment on Death Control


All your creatures toughness is lower then then power whats the point of 4 Doran's, Go with higher toughness to make him more effective such as Battlewand Oak. Bitterblossom is nice since to adds some more chumps add some Essence Wardens to counter the life loss

Posted 24 August 2008 at 04:45 as a comment on


If I was to add creatures I would add ones that continue the burn theme such as crismin hellkite or the counter aspect like soratami aspect or ertai, wizard adept, or can double the fun djinn illuminatus. And that is "IF" I personally like it though as said above argo and weenies would pose a problem add some pyroclasm and sulfurous blast, enflame works well with these cards as well.

Posted 24 August 2008 at 04:30 as a comment on Mana burn


Run with 24 lands. Pestelence requires alot of many to be effective, 2-3 of which should be urborg, tomb of yawmouth. Replace COP: Black with urza's armour it does the same thing with no cost to activate so all your black mana goes to pestilence. Lose reprisial, plowshares, and 1 of your disenchants to replace with 3 more tutors to find pestilence faster, also lose boon and scream and replace with 2 more drain life and look at adding Auriok Champion so even if you can't get COP or Armour

Posted 23 August 2008 at 22:30 as a comment on Pesh Deck


to much land, 28 for a deck with so much 0 drops. Conspirecy is the only black you have yet the whole deck is already kobolbs other then the 6 lieges. lose the black. Change the Garrison to Gruul turf and lose the white. look at Parallel Evolution and quiet dispair

Posted 23 August 2008 at 04:22 as a comment on Old faces in new decks


the nix legend card is mirror gallery. Lost auramancers can help speed up getting enchantments out, as can Enduring Ideal. Since most of the deck is enchantments Sterling Grove is a cheap version of privlaged, and can help tutor your enchantments.
One problem I encountered with my Honden was once seeing winds was out drawing six cards per turn caused me to discard alot. I added the words cycle from onslaught to deal with this especially Words of War and Words of Worship

Posted 19 August 2008 at 23:26 as a comment on Hondens of Death


I can't believe I forgot royal assassin, yeah that will be a good fit. Thanks

Posted 18 August 2008 at 20:55 as a comment on rebel assassin


I like it. Gain the advantage of wolfs for deathtouch and power bopsts with the immaculte and champions abilities, though with forest walk and the tide mystic, deathtouch becomes unnecassary. Maybe look at removing the packmaster and adding the Perfect for greater power and tokens.
And Josho pinging is one way to abuse deathtouch the other is first strike. Check out my wolf deck

Posted 18 August 2008 at 05:54 as a comment on deathtouch wait wah


since you have 4 spots left open might i suggest 4 blood lust

Posted 18 August 2008 at 05:15 as a comment on Sneak Attack UNBUILT


why is dramatic entrance in here the only green creature costs 2 as opposed to dramatics 5

Posted 17 August 2008 at 20:43 as a comment on Miracle Grow


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