
9 Decks, 85 Comments, 0 Reputation

Play Grozoth put 2 Terrors, 2 moonlace, and a fireshieker in your hand. Fireshieker to your Grozoth. Terror away the Chameleon Colossus and the Doomgape. grozoth for the win.

Posted 26 August 2008 at 11:59 as a comment on The worst cards imaginable


And as for moonlace, with all the color specific requirements in Shadowmoor it can be huge piss people off card

Posted 26 August 2008 at 11:40 as a comment on The worst cards imaginable


Replace Veil of Secery with Writ of passage use its forecast ability. 28 lands is kind of high for a 2 colour deck lower it to 22. I would lose the sword +5/+5 is nice but you won't be able to use it second ability with all the unblockable. personally with Ninjas i prefer to use Fireshriker, with double stike you get the ninjas ability 2 times.
Check out my ninja deck

Posted 26 August 2008 at 11:37 as a comment on Ninja Powa


And some appear bad simply because people don't understand the benefit to them-chimney imp or more often then not don't know how to abuse them-Grozoth
Look at Scornful Egotist-sooner or later someone will add him to this list a 1/1 no abilities morpher for 8 mana. how can he not be the worst card ever. And here it is over 10 years since he was printed and i can say he is not the worst because of 2 words

Puca's mischief - it's all about how the cards are played

Posted 26 August 2008 at 05:02 as a comment on The worst cards imaginable


There is no such thing as a bad card. Some of these cards need to be combod with other cards to be effective, such as moonlace and tresserhorn skynight. Some were created before the keywords were-Sheltered valley is simply a legendary land giving the mana screwed a chance. Some don't make sense now but did at the time they were printed, Romom serpent and slaughterhouse. Some are beneficial only in certain conditions, soaring hope and zephyer spirit

Posted 26 August 2008 at 04:55 as a comment on The worst cards imaginable


Very nice. Your mana base is fine 23 lands 8 multiple options plus llanowar your set. Look at adding korlash and tendrils of corruption both of which benefit from urborg, Moonglove changling is good to pair with scarblade, kills a creature with its ability and then scarblade removes it from game to kill another.
Check out my mono black assassin deck

Posted 26 August 2008 at 04:24 as a comment on Assassin Rock


Basically, Leech bonder and clockspinning are used to remove any counters off my oppenents creatures. The grafts are used for defense and control through cytoplast, At the end of my oppenents turn play mirrorweave, targeting one of my grafts. All my oppenents creatures die due to 0 toughness and no counters. Mine survive. A 4 mana Plague Wind. Then on my turn, Biorhythm. If carpet of flowers/mind bend come out early I can play this on turn 4. doesn't matter if 1 or 10 Game over I win

Posted 26 August 2008 at 01:24 as a comment on Mirror Graft


The problem with Guildmage is it only affects creatures controlled by the same controller. As for my auras there main focus will be to attach to leech bonder to tap him for his ability.
I purposely left my the description blank cuz i wanted to see if anyone can pull out the combo. If people looking at my whole deck can't see it my oppenents won't be able to.

Posted 26 August 2008 at 01:15 as a comment on Mirror Graft


SInce its your first deck let me explain, a 60 card deck with mulitple copies its alot easier to find the cards you need, though there is a whole format (highlander) based on a 100 deck with 1 copy of each card ("there can only be one"). Each style has it's own advantages and dis-singles allow more flexibility and are great for exploring differant interactions between the mechanics, multiples allow more stability though can put you in a bind if a situation occurs you don't have a card to handle

Posted 26 August 2008 at 01:04 as a comment on Dragon Breath


The steelshapers gift allows you to seach for an equipment. i would add Stonehewer Gieant to do the same thing.
Though I would cut down on some of the equipment to add 3 more loxdon warhammers, also look at some of the equipment beyond Mirroden such as deathrender. Kamigawa has some sick equipment

Posted 26 August 2008 at 00:44 as a comment on Equipment


If this was my deck I would replace telling time with mystic specialtion one more mana gives you buyback so you can constantly stack the deck in my favor, granted you lose the put in hand. I would also add Ophidian Eye to draw the cards I stack to my hand
I would also replace dream fracture with Rune Snag rather then let the draw force them to pay, also i would replace sluice with boomerang or Consign to Dream for field control
If i add more Dominus I would switch that with Vedalkian Masterm

Posted 26 August 2008 at 00:31 as a comment on Flaming Waters


I would agree to add black if he didn't want it to be standard. Ravinca has some great black mill cards besides glimpse, Szadak and Circu come to mind. But in standard most of the better possibilities are blue, Grimoire Thief would be a good addition also add a mothdust changling to tap the thief

Posted 25 August 2008 at 23:58 as a comment on cancer


Forget the Cloak and Dagger go with Whispersilk Cloak who needs trample when your unblockable. Also sideboard the shusher if you need them, Since blue is the only color to worry about countering regularly no point in screwing the land draw, and as for the removal, wither, etc... you only need to hit once maybe twice. Will you win every game, of course not, but a 20 some land and 30 to 40 some creatures/spells deck won't win everytime either its all about the draw and hows the deck built

Posted 25 August 2008 at 06:25 as a comment on The Crusher


Gilder Bairn can increase the time vanishing creatures stay in play plus its standard

Posted 25 August 2008 at 06:06 as a comment on


other then discard how would black help most milling potential is blue.
Look at adding scalpelexis and whispersilk cloak to make sure he hits. Forced Fruition helps with milling. Memory Sluice takes 8 cards a pop with conspire. also add 2 more tramatize.

Posted 25 August 2008 at 05:56 as a comment on cancer


The random lands are fine since they offer differant mana choices though you don't need Mistveil plains since you can't use its ability take them out and add 2 more Fetid Heath let that and Bosk handle your 1 white. I think the vanishing wurms are good since they add early heavy damage especially using the control spells to clear a path. Though I would lower the counts of witherscale, panglacial, and duskdale by 1 each and add 3 Twilight Mire, since it is such a high mana cost deck

Posted 25 August 2008 at 02:33 as a comment on


Yiou mulligan until you have crusher in your starting hand. Add 4 vexing shusher's to prevent the counter. And staying in block add 4 cloak and dagger to give him shroud, problem solved

Posted 25 August 2008 at 02:09 as a comment on The Crusher


Add nuisance engine to create a artifact token to sacifice to soulgorger. Then add dross scorpin to the mix. So at the End of oppenents turn create pest token, during your upkeep sac it to soulgorger (using clockspinning to keep it at 1 age counter), when you sac the pest since it's an artifact you can use dross ability to untap colossus without paying the life. Megrim will also be a good addition with the heavy discard. Look at adding some mana accl. since your heavy hitters are all costly

Posted 25 August 2008 at 02:05 as a comment on Phyrexian Invasion


then how about 2 cards from Onslaught (best set ever) Words of Wilding (life gain through creatures and your warden) and Words of Worship, direct life gain. Not to mention they both pair with the Well, activate either 1 during your draw step then follow it up with the Well

Posted 25 August 2008 at 01:02 as a comment on Life Gain


Roar of Reclamation...nothing like putting all the creatures you sac'ed and lost with back into play with Genisis out and untapped they all double.
Feedback Bolt is a great burn in a deck like this especially after Roar/Genesis combo.
Something to tap Genesis chamber when it is your oppenents turn so they don't get a token.
If you go with Roar switch out Leaden and Copper for Gold, for feedback switch silver for Iron

Posted 24 August 2008 at 22:45 as a comment on Broken Myr


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