
25 Decks, 241 Comments, 23 Reputation

interesting take on it. With your deck it seems that melira pod will just run this deck over. Same with decks like jund or zoo. How will life gain matter against a deck like splinter twins?

Posted 19 March 2014 at 17:53 in reply to #448215 on Hey, Soul Sister


interesting take on it. With your deck it seems that melira pod will just run this deck over. Same with decks like jund or zoo. How will life gain matter against a deck like splinter twins?

Posted 19 March 2014 at 17:46 in reply to #448215 on Hey, Soul Sister


remand is SO good, cause of the draw and delay factor. Even more so with Spellstutter Sprite as a more of a hard counter.

Posted 18 March 2014 at 23:24 in reply to #448205 on Cool Creature Control! Yeah!


I would get more abrupt decays. Also use remand instead of the counters you have:

- 4 tarmogoyf
- 1 Spell Pierce
-1 Spell Snare
+ 2 abrupt decay
+ 4 remands

Posted 18 March 2014 at 21:25 in reply to #448205 on Cool Creature Control! Yeah!


I really like your deck however I think if you take a more aggressive stance with life gain it becomes to overbearing for someone to deal with.

here is my life gain deck:

Posted 18 March 2014 at 17:10 as a comment on Hey, Soul Sister


Tarmogoyf isn't needed in the deck. You will be winning with fliers. I would take him out and put in something that deals better with creature kill or graveyard hate.

Posted 18 March 2014 at 16:14 as a comment on Cool Creature Control! Yeah!


i'd add more land to your deck also, I love Swords to plowshares. GOOD choice.

Posted 13 February 2014 at 22:33 as a comment on Soldier


I think that was a good idea. I picked up 4 brimaz on pre release and release week. I love that guy. you should look at my deck and give me your feedback.

Posted 13 February 2014 at 02:45 in reply to #437476 on Soldier


I'm not trying to be rude but I disagree. I understand what your saying. But the law of averages is on your side. Most of the time he will be a 3/4 3rd turn. You can ALWAYS count on your opponent doing something. you just can't promise what that is but EVERYTHING feeds the goyf.

Posted 13 February 2014 at 02:42 in reply to #437161 on Brimaz, King of Zoo


just saying I love Catapult Squad in a soldier deck. He is super awesome.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 22:37 in reply to #437554 on Soldier


2x Loxodon Gatekeeper
2x Stormfront Riders (still keeping 1 in the main)

Posted 12 February 2014 at 22:35 in reply to #437554 on Soldier


I really like the deck now. But also keep in mind that you can play some of the cards like "honor the pure" and other cards like that to help make your guys HUGH

Posted 12 February 2014 at 22:08 in reply to #437554 on Soldier


The control that chalice would do is SMALL to none. also if you do it for anything other then 1 you will be hurting yourself. If you only have 1 chrome mox the odds of you drawing that first time is not in your favor. You have access to some powerful 1 drops for soldiers.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 21:57 in reply to #437554 on Soldier


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be rude. Just trying to help you make a better deck. I like your idea but I think you have better options that you can use.
also were is brimaz? Doomed traveler? Champion of the Parish? (i know he works off of humans but even getting him to a 3/3 for 1 mana is BOSS cause most of your creatures are humans as well)

Posted 12 February 2014 at 21:51 in reply to #437476 on Soldier


I don't think your running enough to make devotion a powerful blow to someone. I would cut down on the spells and get more perms.

here is my deck:

Posted 12 February 2014 at 20:53 as a comment on Modern Mono-Black


I agree that chalice is GREAT, but if you don't mana ramp a turn 6 chalice for 3 is SO FAR behind when you need that. All your guys were countered or killed by those spells you wanted to stop. Also having even a chalice with 1 or 2 counters on it that wont stop much decks.
The thorn is Great don't get me wrong but if you are running 2 thorns, just make it 4 thalia instead, its a body for the same cost.
the turn 1 solder is a MUST in a tribal deck. You need that guy out and once some of your bigger guys get out they buff that 1 drop to a FATTY.
Speaking from experience being a legacy player. The reason we play one of is the amount of draw and deck search that we have to find that land but fetches are NEVER a 1 of. Its 4-12 fetchs. I play death and taxes (you can look through my decks and you will see) that deck doesn't need fetches cause it wins through other means. I have a bant and mono red legacy and they all run 7+ fetches. But they both serve different purposes.
Ancient tomb is great but you are not using it the right way.
first turn: ancient tomb (taking 2 damage) + chalica for 1.
turn two: plains + thalia or Ballyrush Banneret (having to use the tomb cause you don't have the right mana????)
See my point???

Even if you second turn o-ring is that worth the damage? What about 3rd turn when you've taken 6 damage and haven't gotten board control? someone verdict all your guys and your down creatures and life? Ancient tomb serves no benefit in a deck that can (doesn't mean it will always) be wrecked by 1 well timed board wipe.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 20:44 in reply to #437476 on Soldier


I'm SO confused with all the creatures and the spells.

Why Chalice of the Void?
why Thorn of Amethyst?
Why only one mox? If its to be vintage then you should use mox opal and just play the artifact lands and other artifacts.
Where are the 1 mana solders?
why so many 1 lands? I'd play 4 cavern of souls. I'd remove ancient tombs (doesn't help or fit what your doing). If your going to use fetch lands use more then 1. But i don't think you need it

Posted 12 February 2014 at 19:47 as a comment on Soldier


I really like your deck, I would agree with running timely reinforcements for this deck. With bitterblossom and wild nacatl being unbanned you will so a lot of aggro deck. I think that will be your best bet.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 17:35 as a comment on -Modern- Baneslayer Control


If you think Goyf is to slow for a zoo deck then you must not know modern, goyf or zoo. All zoo decks NEED goyf cause he is more often then not a 4/5. which IDK what world a 4/5 is to slow for a second turn creature, how can you get any more aggro then that? Please explain?????

Posted 12 February 2014 at 03:10 in reply to #437161 on Brimaz, King of Zoo


Modern is way different and there is SO much destruction that it is sickening.

Posted 07 February 2014 at 23:47 in reply to #434941 on Brimaz, King of Zoo


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