
5 Decks, 3 Comments, 1 Reputation

As much as I would love drakes in the deck, I have 7 cards that would benefit a lot more with having wizards in the deck instead, I might actually try testing it with a drake this week before FNM and see if it gets better results as I have 22 instants that it would love to benefit from.

Posted 15 October 2018 at 18:57 in reply to #618474 on Wizard Counter Burn (Standard)


First of all, thank you for the input!

Yeah, I'm working on a post rotation deck at this time.

I think you're right about being too 3 drop heavy, I guess I'm counting on having a wizard on the field at all times (hopefully), which would bring down the cost of my wizard's retort to 2 and wizard's lightning to 1 not to mention Goblin Electromancer bringing down Ionize and Risk Factor to 2.... perhaps I can work on more lightning strikes and shocks for an early answer (before turn 3)

Also, I think I could try to field 4x Siren Stormcallers to get a consistent 1 drop... but I wouldn't know what to take out.

Posted 03 October 2018 at 22:34 in reply to #618316 on Wizard Counter Burn (Standard)


Great ideas, I hope you don't mind taking some ideas from your side board!

Posted 13 October 2015 at 02:52 in reply to #564790 on For the alliance!
