
29 Decks, 205 Comments, 42 Reputation

I stand corrected. just googled and you are correct. I've not come across any board wipes in my meta other than anger of the gods, slagstorm, things of that nature in a burn deck. I've got board wiped before a few times when I didn't have brave to cast, but it's food for thought. Thanks.

Posted 21 January 2020 at 22:34 in reply to #629394 on Modern White Humans Version 2


unless I'm understanding the concept wrong, but if someone would play a wrath of god. play brave, your creatures gain protection from a color (white) and they aren't wiped.

Posted 21 January 2020 at 22:25 in reply to #629394 on Modern White Humans Version 2


Also Brave the Elements will protect from a board wipe and will also help if you want to swing uncontested against a specific color.

Posted 21 January 2020 at 22:06 in reply to #629394 on Modern White Humans Version 2


I can't justify cavern of souls. I love MTG but I can't drop that much on a playset. if that makes me less competitive so be it. I agree archetype if weak. I watched a Tolarian Community College video that said flying and first strike are the two best mechanics for an agro deck, and since I can't give them all flying easily, first strike was the next best thing. I've tweaked it slightly as to all the suggestions on here. i'll work more on it later

Posted 21 January 2020 at 21:18 in reply to #629394 on Modern White Humans Version 2


Is this for casual play? also cost of arms applies to all creatures on the battlefield including your opponents, I'd run four obelisk, or four door of destinies. And you only have three one drop creatures. With goblins you need to bring down your mama curve way more. Slingshot elder, legion loyalist, goblins grenade, and quest for the goblins lord and all decently cheap options to lower your cmc.

Posted 11 January 2020 at 01:13 as a comment on Goblin Token


I build all my decks to 61 cards. idk why just something I've done for years. i'll clone the deck and build it around red/black instead of R/W. we'll see

Posted 09 January 2020 at 23:44 in reply to #629256 on Glass Cannon


Dreadhorn invasion is too slow, 7 turns after it's played it's a 6/6 zombie with lifelink so at the earliest you get it out turn 2 and turn 8 it's beneficial. Serra Ascendant is really pricey for this deck, but it's cheap(CMC) and works with the theme. Healer Hawk, Vampire of the dire moon, and Drana's Emmisary are all cheap $ cards that can benefit your deck and bring your mana curve down. ill-gotten inheritance is also pretty slow and drana's emissary can replace at least it's base ability. Wall of reverence is always a good combination with a big Pridemate. Lastly, you have 8 land that could possibly all come into play tapped with a minimum of four coming into play tapped no matter what. so worst case scenario you have a 1:3 chance of drawing a tapped land. That will slow your deck down. if I had to pick I'd get rid of the witch's cottage. And again it's more expensive, but cheaper than the "good" dual lands, isolated chapel would be the best of the "mid tier" dual lands.

Posted 09 January 2020 at 16:12 as a comment on Bloodthirsty Ajani


Really looking for ways to improve it. things in not seeing are appreciated

Posted 23 December 2019 at 00:28 as a comment on Modern White Humans Version 2


Urborg almost seems like a waste for just your mountains and your mutavault. Also I run tribal decks more than anything so I always am looking for new ways to make them, but besides being human, there is no tribal synergy between the cars besides the fact that they are humans. It seems like you could better deck synergy by not limiting yourself to just humans, there are no activated abilities that prof with a human card and no benefits to humans anywhere. Just food for thought, with a deck costing $300+ (if you were to make it in real life) I bet there’s better combo’s out there for you

Posted 10 December 2019 at 12:58 as a comment on R/B Humans


This is very similar to my deck I run at Modern Tournaments.


You don't need to splash black. the benefit isn't worth the fact that you run a deck with a ton of 1 CMC and you don't want to take the chance of getting a swamp. I feel it could potentially slow the deck down more than help it. You can take a look and see if there's anything that you like. The only thing I'd really recommend is to maybe sideboard Mentor. Don't get me wrong it's one of my favorite cards and with Thraben Doomsayer and mentor out it can be a fantastic way to burn through a deck. Which we all know is needed in any type of "weenie" deck. BUT if you have more than one Honor of the pure in play Mentor just turns into a beater to swing at them with. I've went back and fourth many many times of having him in mainboard vs. sideboard. I took them out and added Norn's Annex and I'd maybe say my deck runs better. I always take the hit of paying 4 life. If I get it out early enough because it can be recoup'd with soul sisters. and it really slows down decks.

Posted 25 February 2016 at 15:19 as a comment on MODERN HUMAN'S


It's EDH so 1 of each isn't really going to make a huge impact.

Posted 06 February 2016 at 13:35 in reply to #574409 on Budget EDH: Gentleman Karlov


I just wanna give you props on one of my favorite abilities from when I first got into magic. I love Soltari

Posted 20 January 2016 at 23:51 as a comment on the lights' shadow


I would drop 1 lys and maybe 1 magistrate so you can run at least 18 Forest. Even with Llanowar elf and Elvish Archdruid. 16 is a very big gamble as you have a "mid-range" deck. Your mana curve goes up. Other than that this is exactly how you do elves.

Posted 14 January 2016 at 22:14 as a comment on Elvish Assault


I've "perfected" the deck more. Mentor went in the sideboard for another Honor of the Pure and another Gather the townsfolk. It sucks Banisher Priest went away in lieu of Norn's Annex. I feel like it will do me better than Banisher. I have no problem casting it for 3 and taking the hit on life since I will be able to gain it back. My biggest worry is that the only mid game I have is the constant life gain with sisters and tapping the crap out of Thraben, and Return to the Ranks, and Norn's Annex. Is it enough? I don't know. we will have to see.

Posted 14 January 2016 at 21:48 as a comment on The Best Modern White Humans


I agree. Return to the Ranks should help recover from board wipes a little bit. I've also replaced Boros Elite with Doomed Traveler. I was going back and fourth on them but in this deck I feel like I can Mindlesly Swing with him and if they kill him I I have a 1/1 flyer boosted by my blanket spells, that will gain me a small bit of life with Sisters. I also put Mentor in the Sideboard for the time being. I can't decide what to do with him. Even if I keep him in and use him until I draw more than 1 Honor or Spear. Although I did bump it down to two Honor's and added another Banisher Priest.

Posted 10 January 2016 at 15:19 in reply to #572233 on The Best Modern White Humans


They are very effective. I just forgot about them.

Posted 10 January 2016 at 11:58 in reply to #572122 on Modern Budget Goblins


I could add him instead of Mogg war Marshsal. as a matter of fact why not!

Posted 09 January 2016 at 15:37 in reply to #572122 on Modern Budget Goblins


I would recommend launch the fleet for soul Sisters/Cousins. Not even for the tokens but with something like launch the fleet it will proc each sister for each creature coming into play and it will proc Ajani for each sister and each creature. so if you have 3 sisters/cousins out and launch for 4 tokens you will get 12 +1/+1 counters on your Ajani. I like to use this in conjunction with Wall of Reverence. it's a wicked combo I pull off frequently. Also Suture Priest in the sideboard can benefit you if you play a token/weenie deck.

Posted 05 January 2016 at 12:44 as a comment on Soul Cousins


I don't feel prowess is the best ability for this deck. To my knowledge, and someone can correct me if I'm wrong, prowess is only going to trigger when the player cast a non-creature spell aka you tapping mana to put a card into play. it will not proc for activated abilities, equipment being equipped, or when an enchantment's ability is activated. so while yes you do have 20 cards to work with between enchantments and artifacts, I just want to make sure you knew that. Also I'm curious as to why Felidar is in your sideboard with no lifegain in this deck.

Posted 05 January 2016 at 11:38 as a comment on RW Equipment?


My opinion, Get rid of Restoration Angel and Angelic Overseer. They are Expensive CMC wise and you want to keep your mana cost as long as possible running humans/Angels. You can Add Boros Elite Instead of Slayer of the wicked because unless you are playing an Zombie, Werewold, Vampire deck he's just a 4 CMC 3/2. If you are set on keeping him sideboard him. Accorder Paladin is just a great card for a 2 drop. If you are mono white you have to run a full set of Brave the Elements. Mentor of the Meek and Ranger of Eos can also benefit you a lot if you lower your CMC. Thraben Doomsayer is a card I run on my Humans deck. Paragon of the new dawn could replace Angel of Jubilation But I'm not trying to tell you to get rid of all your angels. Or Honor of the Pure if you can spare the creature.

Posted 04 January 2016 at 15:05 as a comment on ISD Duels: White


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