
162 Decks, 622 Comments, 96 Reputation

Oh my bad, I meant 15 copies of 4.

Righteous Authority?

Posted 14 July 2013 at 21:23 in reply to #377708 on Can't Touch This (M14)(Stndrt)


Oh great. I just noticed there's that good damn Gaddock Tegg in this deck, and 4 of them. ugh.....

Posted 14 July 2013 at 20:52 as a comment on Selesnya Aggro


As for draw power, I really couldn't find anything that could help my draw. I really want to keep this deck out of Innistrad block because that's going to outdate. so Think Twice shouldn't be an option, and even if it was, i'm not sure how 2 cards in a couple of turns could work out. I have been thinking of Azorius Charm because they can let me draw AND they're temporarly creature removal, but I have Simic colors out of my land around 96% of the time, and I could use manaweft, but that would mean less creatures to block with around aggro decks still being out there. BTW, are aggro decks going to die when Theros comes out? It seems possible.

Plasm Capture gives me mana and can counter. I can see why you want 1 or 2 in this deck, but really, 4 works. I have enough simic land that lets me play plasm capture on turn 3 (because of manaweft) and that is a pretty nice move early game. I'll have to think about it.

Besides Plasm Capture, what are your control ideas for this deck exactly? Supreme Verdict can destroy creatures but it'll destroy mine. Dissipate / Cancel? I feel it's too basic and maybe there's a better option. Indestructibility? Doesn't seem right.

So Axebane Guardian is apperently some sort of deck i' seeing often. Recently, I've seen a deck called "Death by Defenders" and now I see you talking about this. Is this something new and improved?

Well I do thank you for the amazing comment! :D

Posted 14 July 2013 at 20:48 in reply to #377713 on Chaos Slivers


I laugh at the fact that you put in 20 copies of 4 in this deck :P

Good deck! Maybe you'd want more defense in this deck because aggro decks can just kill you in turn 4 so maybe a boardwipe?

Posted 14 July 2013 at 15:44 as a comment on Can't Touch This (M14)(Stndrt)


I think maybe take out 1 or 2 terminates because i think you already have enough removal.

Posted 14 July 2013 at 15:19 in reply to #377615 on Iller Sliver Killer


Maybe instead of Striking Sliver, use Bonescythe Sliver. Get Sacred Foundry's if possible.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 04:17 as a comment on Iller Sliver Killer



Posted 12 July 2013 at 03:27 in reply to #373395 on Nicol Bolas


Yeah, I can see some change. Sorry I haven't commented in a while, I was busy.

Posted 10 July 2013 at 04:56 in reply to #373395 on Nicol Bolas


I don't know to be honest, but whoever it is, you sir are doing absolutely stupid in your life.

Posted 07 July 2013 at 05:19 in reply to #374842 on Thats right i went there!


OK, people if you can read this (and do it as QUICKLY AS YOU CAN), he's just trying to censor any comment that goes here. Don't comment!

Posted 07 July 2013 at 01:25 as a comment on Thats right i went there!


Good luck affording that.

Posted 06 July 2013 at 17:57 as a comment on Thats right i went there!


you're welcome!

Posted 05 July 2013 at 00:22 in reply to #373603 on Jund Standard v3


Oh, well I didn't see the Pontiff of Blight in here. Maybe you can throw in a bunch of 1/1 rampers and then go into that and then extort. You could just get more of him and then go for the extort.

Posted 05 July 2013 at 00:21 in reply to #373632 on Orzhov:Extort


alright, cool!

Posted 03 July 2013 at 22:53 in reply to #373880 on Mob Mentality


Well I can only suggest to you run Rest in Peaces in the sideboard, or if you don't run white, Tormod's Crypt.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 22:38 in reply to #373834 on The Return of White Midrange!!


is this deck even finished? You only have 1 land and it's only 72 cards.

Although as an EDH so far, it looks good. I've ran Krenko EDH before, it's fun!

Maybe try Skirk Prospector as it can get a bunch of mana in with your infinite loads of Goblins.

Also, Moonveil Dragon also is a good choice because it can firebreath all your goblins so that they'll most likely become 7/1's.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 22:37 as a comment on Mob Mentality


It actually has been a competitive standard deck. They make it a 4-color reanimator and use Kessig Malcontents instead of Doomed Traveler and the loop is then used to burn people endlessly. My friend, Thalthos, has made a deck like this and trust me, it's a pain in the ass, as it can combo on turn 4 at the least. I never found a way to beat him other than Rest in Peaces. It's a hard deck to beat and he even tried it at a local tournament of 12 people, he went 1st. It's such a cheap deck too.

Anyway, if I get another Sorin, then I'll put it in here.

My previous words must have convinced you to build a 4-color reaniator with this loop in it, hasn't it?

Posted 03 July 2013 at 22:32 in reply to #373834 on The Return of White Midrange!!


oh god, all good choices!

Posted 03 July 2013 at 20:25 in reply to #373813 on Naya Zoo


Oh, never thought of Intagible.

Glory's Rise is just a simple card that brings back all the humans late-game and acts as a flying 4/6 wall.

Also, if I ever decide to put the loop in here (Glory's Rise brings back Fiend Hunter, Cartel Aristocrat, and Doomed Traveler, Fiend Hunter exiles Glory's Rise, Aristocrat sacs Doomed Traveler, Aristocrat sacs Fiend Hunter, returns Angel of Glory's Rise, rince and repeat), then that is a viable option.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 20:24 in reply to #373834 on The Return of White Midrange!!


I'd really rather call this a Midrange rather than an aggro deck, and if that's going to be the case, then more Dreads and sideboard the Surgical Extractions.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 20:20 as a comment on MBC Aggro Modern


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