
137 Decks, 371 Comments, 38 Reputation

That you did. You could add in two and then just not make the deck a budget deck. :D

Posted 03 September 2013 at 04:44 in reply to #393963 on Angel Mono White


Actually, Paradox Haze does stack, and I could see you using Fungal Behemoth now. I misread, I apologize. You could maybe add some elves for a small amount of mana ramp and low drops? Fogs could maybe help as well. Just things to stall until you're ready to lay out those bad ass hydras.

Posted 03 September 2013 at 04:41 in reply to #393955 on Primordial Haze


Arcane Melee could be easily taken out since most of your instants are like 1 drops anyway or require coloured mana to play. I would also take out Djinn Illuminatus since it's such a high drop for such a small ability. Instead of that Djinn, I would add more guttersnipes. I would also throw in a few unsummons or counter spells.
Anyway, your deck, do as you please.

Posted 03 September 2013 at 04:33 as a comment on Casual Izzet


I would sideboard disenchant and add more hearthfire hobgoblin and maybe a few fencing aces? This deck looks like it's really fun to play. Have you used it in real life?

Posted 03 September 2013 at 04:24 as a comment on Boros Double Damage


Might I recommend a few things to try and buy the deck more time?
Serra Avenger is a really good angel, and it's only a two drop. I saw that you want to keep it budget, so I've attempted to keep the prices low for the cards I found. Angel of Flight Alabaster is also a decent 5 drop angel that lets you get your angelic pages back.
If you wanted to make this a pure angel deck, I would go with that miracle card that lets you put out x 4/4 angel tokens. It's a fun card to have in an angel deck.

Posted 03 September 2013 at 04:03 as a comment on Angel Mono White


This is a fun idea. I like how you use upkeeps to your advantage. I would recommend less Followed Footsteps and more Paradox Hazes. I'm not sure if you're playing a passive multiplayer game or aggressive single player, but this deck appears to be really slow. The fastest thing you'll be able to get out is a three drop. Maybe add a hint of control to the deck, like a few unsummons or some ethereal hazes to buy yourself time until you can actually put out creatures or enchantments. Maybe a few Fog Banks or low drop walls that would stop enemies for a bit?

Posted 03 September 2013 at 03:52 as a comment on Mirror-Sigil Haze


I recently made a deck like this irl for a friend of mine. The upkeep thing is great, and I highly recommend keeping it, but some of the fat of this deck could be trimmed out. For instance, Chlorophant and Fungal Behemoth could be easily taken out. I would also take out Primeval Bounty and Quiet Disrepair. Put more Paradox Hazes in and remove Progenitor Mimic. The only reason I'm saying that is because it's a six drop and you have so few low drops in the deck.
If you were to take out Mycoloth since he doesn't really do much for you, except poop out tokens and maybe Master of the Wild Hunt, since he does the same thing. Umm... I don't really know what else to do with, maybe find low drop cards that let you put +1/+1 counters on things.
Although, it is your deck. Do as you please.

Posted 03 September 2013 at 03:48 as a comment on Primordial Haze


I'm not a huge fan of red allies. Also, to add another colour into the deck for one card is a little ridiculous. Are there any other really good red allies that would convince more more? Or something that'll make it easier for me to choose whether to add it in or not?

Posted 03 September 2013 at 03:40 in reply to #393835 on Bant Alliances


Why are you running Ranger's Path and not more Rampant Growth/Farseek?
Also, Llanowar Elf, or Elvish Mystic would help more than Arbor Elf. I would also not run more than like two Worldfires. They're costly and it's a gamble I preferably don't want to take after I cast it the first time.
I would also run a few burn spells like Galvanic Blast or Shock or Lightning Bolt. All 1 drops, so it shouldn't be too hard to pull off after Worldfire completely changes the game from a complicated battle into a rush to see who can do what first.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 23:59 as a comment on Sadfire


Door of Destinies would literally turn this deck into the ultimate Bear booster deck!
You're bears would go from like 2/2's to 14/14's in no time. Just trust me on this.
I have it in a snake deck I got, and it turned my 1/1's into 10/10's in like three turns. It was ridiculous. Friends quit.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 23:51 as a comment on Bearpacalypse


If you're worrying about drawing Battle of Wits, why not add some Howling Mines? or Font of Mythos? Those cards in combination of Consecrated Sphinx are ridiculous.
Also, as an alternative win scenario, why not Psycosis Crawlers and Lab Maniacs?

Posted 02 September 2013 at 23:48 as a comment on I'm So Sorry


My only suggestion for this deck would be Deathcult Rogue and Invisible Stalker. I believe their fairly cheap, so you should still be able to keep your budget tag for the deck. Other than that, I can't think of any other changes I'd make.
Excellent work, excellent deck.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 23:40 as a comment on [Budget] Rogues ($10)


If you have any suggestions or complaints about the deck, please let me know. I'm always willing to hear from my peers, especially when it comes to my decks.
Thank you!

Posted 02 September 2013 at 23:30 as a comment on Bant Alliances


You've made a deck that I now wish to make. Thank you for making me spend even more money on MTG.
But seriously, this is a really broken deck, and I hate myself for loving as much as I do. excellent work.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 20:50 as a comment on Erayo, The Silencer


Do you know how evil this deck is? Jesus. How annoying it would be to fight this and not be able to get my things back.
As for suggestions, how about a Tormod's Crypt? I believe it's a 0 drop and you can tap it any point to exile someone's entire library. Also, Appetite for Brains would be a really annoying card for this deck. 1 drop exile a card with mana cost of 4 or greater. The last suggestion I have is Dissappate. 3 drop counter card. Exile the spell if it's countered. I enjoy it.
Anyway, your deck. Do what you please.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 20:39 as a comment on Lack of Library


Oh, I looked over the deck and read the description for the deck before commenting.
You do realize that Dismiss into Dream is a 7 drop right? You only have 1 Sol Ring and 1 Mana Crypt in the deck, so mana ramp isn't exactly going to happen frequently with this deck. Also, did you consider if they make all of their things hexproof? Your whole plan is done if they do that. A Drogskol Captain and a Spirit deck would ruin the entire strategy you're working with. In fact, anything that has to do with giving creatures hexproof would ruin your entire scheme here. If you had more protection, and fewer high drop creatures to defend yourself with, I would say you'd have more of a chance, but you're lowest creature drop is a 3 and that's if you pull it. Why not replace some of the higher drops with lower drop target spells and remove like two of your Dismiss into Dream then I could see the deck maybe winning a few times, but as it is right now, no. I can't see this deck winning any fights.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 20:26 in reply to #393451 on Bet you hate illusion's now :(


I have Mortify in the deck, but I had to remove a few to fit in Sanguine Bond and I took out Death Grasp in place of Debt to the Deathless. With Sanguine Bond in the deck, I could literally one shot an opponent if I have to mana to take down their life total.
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know!

Posted 02 September 2013 at 20:19 in reply to #392657 on Vampiric Redemption


I saw your point, and I actually would have to go out and buy doubling season, so price is actually a factor. Umm...
I removed Doubling Season and added in another Door and Energy Chamber. The faster I can build up counters on things with Door and Orochi Hatchery the better. Sosuke's Summons isn't actually a huge factor in the deck. It's merely for spawning snake tokens every now and again. I would like the deck to work off snake tokens, instead of the actual snakes themselves. I have those snakes in there for a boost to the snake tokens and to mana ramp the deck.

Posted 02 September 2013 at 20:13 in reply to #393288 on Why Not Snakes?


Doubling season is meant for the artifacts with counters and the spawning of tokens.
What would you recommend instead?

Posted 31 August 2013 at 19:11 in reply to #393288 on Why Not Snakes?


I'm always looking for new ways to improve my decks. If you have any suggestions or ideas for the deck, let me know! Thank you.

Posted 31 August 2013 at 10:03 as a comment on Why Not Snakes?


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